Konsola Nintendo Super Entertainment System (Classic Edition)

Z wysyłką od 1113,00 zł
Wysyłka w 1 dzień

Nintendo Super Entertainment System (Classic Edition) - Opis i dane produktu

Miniature Super Nintendo Entertainment System replica with 21 pre-installed Super NES games Nintendo Universal Super NES Classic Edition comes preloaded with 21 of the best games of all time, such as Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Zelda, and the very first edition of Star Fox 2. From the player's first ride on Yoshi to the final furious escape from the planet Zebes, this Super Nintendo Entertainment System is pure 16-bit retro gaming perfection. It is a new miniaturized system that fits in the palm of your hand. Just plug the system in and enjoy endless play. With the look and feel of the original 90s console, you can relive the golden age of 16-bit gaming like never before on this Nintendo Classic Edition. Choose games from the menu, create save points and explore many more options. A brand new feature lets the player rewind a minute or more based on the game's last suspend point. Each game can store up to four suspended points. The system comes with an HDMI cable, a USB charging cable, two Super NES Classic Controllers and 21 classic Super Nintendo games pre-installed and ready to play. The Nintendo Universal Super NES Classic Edition is also compatible with the Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro accessories, giving owners of existing hardware more control options.

Podstawowe informacje

Marka Nintendo

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