Across the Obelisk (Digital) - Klucz aktywacyjny

Gra do pobrania na PC, wiek graczy od 12 lat, Steam, edycja Standardowa, gra Multiplayer. Wersja językowa: Angielska. Gatunek: RPG
Darmowa wysyłka
Wysyłka w 1 dzień

Across the Obelisk (Digital) - Opis i dane produktu

Across the Obelisk is a coop RPG deckbuilding roguelite. Play solo or with your friends, choose your heroes, unlock items and cards, craft your deck and face powerful enemies in deep tactical combat. Would you dare to go across the obelisk?

Cooperative Multiplayer

You can play solo or with up to three other players. Each one of you will control a hero in combat but all of you will have to work together and decide what's best for the group... will you help the farmers against a group of small fiery demons or will you search among the ashes for nice loot?

Assemble a party of Heroes

Choose among 16 unlockable characters and form your party. Each one of them have his own cards, items, mechanics, stats and strengths... it's not the same to play with a fire wizard than a shadow mage, would you play with two healers or rather play with a damage oriented group?

Dynamic Deck Building Roguelite

More than 500 upgradeable cards and 200 items to choose, will let you customize your heroes with different builds: poisons, bleeds, defensive skills... there are a lot of combinations that you can apply to each hero. Each game will be different. Take a path, fight your way through it, complete quests and the world will evolve in front of you. Lots of hidden places and mysteries to be solved await you in Across the Obelisk.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Deckbuilding Roguelite RPG
  • Play solo or co-op with up to three friends
  • Sixteen unlockable characters to create your party
  • +500 cards and items to choose, craft and upgrade
  • Procedural generated system intended to be highly replayable
  • Events and quests where your decisions affect how the story unfolds
  • Face powerful bosses in tactical combat

Podstawowe informacje

Marka Steam
Gatunek ? RPG
Edycja ? Standardowa


Platforma dystrybucji ? Steam


Wersja językowa ? Angielska
Wiek graczy (PEGI) ? od 12 lat
Tryb gry ? Multiplayer
Wersja gry Cyfrowa

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Across the Obelisk (Digital) - Opinie

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Across the Obelisk (Digital) - Pytania i odpowiedzi

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Across the Obelisk (Digital) - Pozostałe oferty

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