Samurai Jack Battle Through Time (Digital) - Klucz aktywacyjny

Gra do pobrania na PC, Steam, edycja Standardowa, gra Singleplayer. Wersja językowa: Angielska
Darmowa wysyłka
Wysyłka w 1 dzień

Samurai Jack Battle Through Time (Digital) - Opis i dane produktu

Become Samurai Jack, the greatest warrior across time. Journey through time to finally stop Aku’s evil reign in this new adventure told by the creators of Samurai Jack. Voiced by the original voice-actors, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is an action platform game that spans across time and space, where your actions will determine a new legend!

An Untold Adventure

Team up with trusted allies from the show to face off against familiar enemies. Visit classic worlds and moments from your favorite episodes. Travel to a dark future to free mankind. Dive into the past to face off against diabolical monsters. Seek your fate as you travel across space and time.

Create Your Own Legend

Equip and master over a dozen different weapons in combat. Increase your power even more by training and unlocking new skills to support your playstyle.

Podstawowe informacje

Marka Steam
Edycja ? Standardowa


Platforma CD-Key
Platforma dystrybucji ? Steam


Wersja językowa ? Angielska
Tryb gry ? Singleplayer
Wersja gry Cyfrowa

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Samurai Jack Battle Through Time (Digital) - Opinie

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Samurai Jack Battle Through Time (Digital) - Pytania i odpowiedzi

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