Per Gal


Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313
Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ

If You Are Not Buying from Me,
We Are Both Losing Money

Delivering Discount Heating Oil in Sussex County, NJ

Keep your family warm when the cold air blows with services from Bacardi Oil Service. Our company provides you with discount heating oil in Sussex County, NJ. In fact, you can count on us to have the best prices of any of our competitors. We understand this is a necessity for the health and well-being of your family. With this in mind, we keep our prices low, so it’s easy and affordable to fill your tank.

Bringing Warmth to Your Door 

In addition to offering the lowest prices around, we are known for our fast and reliable heating oil delivery. Our company has a fleet of trucks on the road year-round, so you can rely on us for speedy delivery when that tank is getting low on fuel.

It can be challenging to gauge the amount of oil your household uses over the winter. This depends on many factors, such as low temperatures, windy conditions, and the amount of time your family spends in the house. Because of this, we always are ready to roll with fuel to fill your tanks.

To save you money on oil delivery, we give our clients volume discounts. This helps make it affordable to enjoy the chill of winter from inside your warm and cozy home. Reach out to us today to fill your tank. 

Some areas we serve: Franklin – Hamburg Stockholm – VernonAugusta – Montague – Lafayette – Sparta – StillwaterBranchville – Glenwood – Highland LakesOgdensburg – Sussex – Wantage – Andover – Hopatcong – Newton – Stanhope


Buy Up to 1,000 Gallons Today

And You Can Take It Over the Winter Months of November - April!

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