Guide: How to install PlayStation 3 custom firmware, run homebrew

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Jan 2011 12:37 User comments (19)

In this guide we will teach you how to install custom firmware (v3.55) on your Sony PlayStation 3 console. By installing custom firmware, you can then install homebrew, Linux and enable a number of other features like emulators.

In this guide we will use kmeaw CFW, which has little to no reports of bricks. The same method works for other custom firmware as well, like Geohots, as he was the first to release such a firmware.

Disclaimer: AfterDawn does not take responsibility if you do brick your console or void the warranty. As always, please be careful! This guide is educational and AfterDawn does not condone piracy.

If you are interested in installing custom firmware on your PS3 please read on...

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19 user comments

127.1.2011 00:50

As someone will undoubtedly point out, today Sony updated to 3.56.

The keys, .pup, .pkg and everything is already being worked on. If you don't mind not being able to play multiplayer for a few days, wait it out.

227.1.2011 01:31

That is really interesting...or it might have been early last week.

The keys are already broken for 3.56

327.1.2011 05:12

lol the cat and mouse series begins again

427.1.2011 08:50

Yep and the keys have been posted for those that want to manually hack the 3.56 for themselves. So should be a matter of a few days to get pass this one.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Jan 2011 @ 9:02

527.1.2011 13:37

you can still play online with 3.55,just change the DNS settings in your ps3
DNS trick confirmed working � for the time being. Set your DNS to under Settings -> Network Settings -> Internet Connection Settings.

627.1.2011 14:42

Doing the DNS trick is the fastest way to get your console banned from the PSN permanently. You should stay on OFW if you want to play online, so live up online gaming while you can. :p I hope I don't get banned for experimenting with a CFW and playing with the FTP server. :/

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Jan 2011 @ 2:43

727.1.2011 15:17

Yea although I haven't seen proof of confirmed banned consoles. A couple of people on PS3hax have reported being banned as soon as they played BlackOps through the DNS back door.

827.1.2011 17:45

Is it a good idea to have this here?

Seeing as Sony have gotten their TRO against geohot.

They might sue websites promoting PS3 CFW.

927.1.2011 23:37

We can't give up free speech, especially for the fear that someone might come and try to take it away. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

1028.1.2011 23:00

Just play on Xbox live much better hahahaha :P 360 is better :P

1129.1.2011 01:58

Originally posted by KillerBug:
We can't give up free speech, especially for the fear that someone might come and try to take it away. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
This isn't about free speech, it's about weather Sony decide to sue Afterdawn site owners for showing how to install CFW on a PS3, that could allow piracy to be done on a PS3.

After all the CFW would be using a copyrighted Sony key that Sony haven't consented for the use of it by people outside Sony.

Disclaimer: AfterDawn does not take responsibility if you do brick your console or void the warranty. As always, please be careful! This guide is educational and AfterDawn does not condone piracy.

Wouldn't apply in a court as no one has agreed to it nor signed to agree to it.

Also Afterdawn would have the responsibility not to post up stuff that have people break copyright laws.

It just like people could sue this wankoko guy for bricking their PS3 with dodgy firmware he released, these disclaimer means nothing as people will still sue to get money out of people.

1229.1.2011 02:28

i am sure their policy can be changed without notice :P

But there has been lots of information posted here and really end of the day it would be a small fish compared going after the people who made the code in the first place.

This site is a educational information site and i am sure the admin would agree.

132.2.2011 14:02
Unverified new user

What about CINAVIA? Does the new firmware include the infection or was it removed?

142.2.2011 14:06

Is this modified 3.55 firmware CINAVIA free? I really hope it is since my main reason to have a PS3 is to watch Blu-Ray movies and I make back ups of some of them to avoid scratching my originals.

1517.2.2011 12:10
joe joe
Unverified new user

dont be a kiss ass im sure u using a jailbreak dongle ... so get outa ere ...

164.3.2011 03:56
Unverified new user

It is very much about free speech AND, more pertiniently, the right to use a product we PAID for the wa WE want.

Just because fascist Sorny don't like the idea of people utilizing the devices they pay for to their full potential doesn't mean any laws are being infracted upon. There are myriad ways CFW can be used other than to pirate games.

It's INNOCENT until proven guilty, not visa-versa,; and is Sorny have an issue with that they either sue everyone they suspect of piracy -or- move their oppoeration to China and only sell their shit to those with Sino citizenship!

1715.3.2011 22:13

Originally posted by Zealousi:
Just play on Xbox live much better hahahaha :P 360 is better :P
why say that? no one here cares...

1813.5.2011 15:16
Unverified new user

Originally posted by Ps3rdReich:
It is very much about free speech AND, more pertiniently, the right to use a product we PAID for the wa WE want.

Just because fascist Sorny don't like the idea of people utilizing the devices they pay for to their full potential doesn't mean any laws are being infracted upon. There are myriad ways CFW can be used other than to pirate games.

It's INNOCENT until proven guilty, not visa-versa,; and is Sorny have an issue with that they either sue everyone they suspect of piracy -or- move their oppoeration to China and only sell their shit to those with Sino citizenship!
Shut up. It's not about free-speach at all. Perhaps if you read the EULA/TOS and system software license agreements for the PS3 platform, PSN services and anything related you would know these things...
I, for one, agree with Sony that people like you should get sued for cracking the firmware. You're not the ones who built it and you're under licensing laws to obide by these. Yes, the hardware itself is yours but nobody is permitted to make any changes to it...

People like yourself annoy me.

1931.5.2011 03:33

Originally posted by GarryKE:
Originally posted by Ps3rdReich:
It is very much about free speech AND, more pertiniently, the right to use a product we PAID for the wa WE want.

Just because fascist Sorny dont like the idea of people utilizing the devices they pay for to their full potential doesnt mean any laws are being infracted upon. There are myriad ways CFW can be used other than to pirate games.

Its INNOCENT until proven guilty, not visa-versa,; and is Sorny have an issue with that they either sue everyone they suspect of piracy -or- move their oppoeration to China and only sell their shit to those with Sino citizenship!
Shut up. Its not about free-speach at all. Perhaps if you read the EULA/TOS and system software license agreements for the PS3 platform, PSN services and anything related you would know these things...
I, for one, agree with Sony that people like you should get sued for cracking the firmware. Youre not the ones who built it and youre under licensing laws to obide by these. Yes, the hardware itself is yours but nobody is permitted to make any changes to it...

People like yourself annoy me.

Your a f~~king idiot GayKE... why dont you shut up and get the hell out of here, cause not a soul here, or anywhere for that matter, gives a a flying f~ck about you, or what you have to say.
I love Sony platform, and we paid for them! We own them! Not Sony, dumb~ss! We are using CFW that is based on outdated OFW! You agree with Sony so much, go to China and kiss some chinky a~s there, then... ~sshole.
Leave us "Power Users" to use our bought and paid for devices as we see fit!

People like yourself p~ss me off!

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