How to convert a PAL video file into an NTSC DVD-R

This quick guide will show you how to convert your PAL avi into NTSC DVD-Rs or vice versa using the excellent program ConvertXtoDVD.

ConvertXtoDVD is the older brother to the old freeware, VSO DivxtoDVD and the new software has the ability to convert many video file types including MKV, AVI, Xvid, DivX, MOV, and WMV into DVD-R to be burned to a blank DVD. This guide will teach you how to convert your PAL or NTSC video file into a DVD-R of the standard you need to play on your TV.


For this guide you will need your video file you want converted, some basic knowledge of what NTSC and PAL are, and some familiarity with ConvertXtoDVD and the free codec information program GSpot.

ConvertXtoDVD- You can get the program needed for this guide here. Note: There is a free trial, but your results will be watermarked and the encoding process is slower.

PAL- Read up on the PAL standard here

NTSC- Read up on the NTSC standard here

World Television Standards- Read through this thorough list to see what is the standard for your respective country.

GSpot- This excellent freeware will give you information on your video file, letting you know whether your file is in PAL or NTSC.

Of course you will also need your video file that you want converted. I find it easiest to move the file to the desktop so it is more easily accessible to begin the guide.

This guide was also written on the basis that the user at least has basic familiarity with the ConvertXtoDVD but if you do not, no fear, Staff member Dela has written an excellent all-around guide to using the program found here which will help you to get a feel of the program.

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction and Requirements
  2. 2. Getting Started and Using GSpot
  3. 3. Conversion
  4. 4. Finishing Up
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz