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  1. Hello folks! I have been hard at work on this, and things are starting to look usable. Here is a (probably incomplete) changelog: The CI works! It is still a bit raw and I deactivated it to save space on Jenkins, but I am now working on improving it. It is the last big chunk of work I have to perform, and then we will be ready to migrate. The nightly build now exists! Get it via SVN at https://svn.itms.ovh/nightly-build/trunk. It is generated from a month ago but I'll update it through Jenkins in the upcoming days. All the documentation was updated and improved during the JDLL event in May where I presented the project and received some feedback. I also improved the Privacy Policy based on feedback. Please head over to the wiki especially BuildAndDeploymentEnvironment. I need help! The glorious FAQ has been defaced by the conversion to Gitea, which uses Github-flavored Markdown. Is anyone interested in working on manually restoring the appearance of the FAQ, adapting it to its new home on Gitea? Please let me know if you wish to help. Basically it would be necessary to 1) cleanup the structure of the page, fix the tables, the raw HTML and hard links and 2) improve the appearance just like it was done on Trac, but using Markdown features instead of Trac features. The git repository now has a script for getting translations straight from the nightly build (the same will be done for Vulkan shaders) Links to changesets in the format [25001] on Trac are correctly converted to 04ec75ed7e on Gitea (and I fixed the commit text in that specific revision) Important Trac keywords (regression, pathfinding, design, ...) now have a Gitea label, but I can't easily automatically convert keywords to labels, so I will add the labels manually after the migration. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
    7 points
  2. Here, here! Yes, hosts have every right to refuse to play with any player, for whatever reason. However, they don't have a right to defame a player and tell others to not join that player based on lies. It seems that ProGUI provides an empirical advantage. It's not unfair because it's freely available. However, currently, people don't have a clear indication of whether another player is using it. I like the Zero-K philosophy of allowing software development for automation of certain aspects of the game. But, some people have a strong opinion against using ProGUI or joining games where others are using it. I think that hosts, and ideally other players, should have a right to know when a modification that provides an advantage is being used by another player. That way a host can make an informed decision about whether the player is in compliance with the rules they have set for the game they're hosting. It's especially relevant in competitive games like rated matches, tournaments, and apparently the average game involving some of the more, shall we say, high strung players. So, I would support adding a feature where the mods that a player has enabled that offer a potential objective advantage in the game, are disclosed to the host. It would also be nice to have a feature where a host can deny users to connect when they have certain mods enabled. This feature would be easily bypassed by anyone who decides to actually cheat by modifying the source code of the game or renaming their mod. The only counter is to make 0ad closed source and use an anti-cheat system like Easy Anti-Cheat. That won't be happening, so ultimately we rely on the honor system. Yet, a mod that offers an advantage is potentially detectable by watching replays. So, if a player cheats a rule about which mods are allowed by a hoster in a match and uses a disallowed mod anyway then evidence of it will be evidence of actually cheating. As far as timing for implementing such a feature, that depends on who supports its development. Calling all junior C++ and JavaScript developers: talk to me about software development plans.
    5 points
  3. Hey 0.A.D Community ! The Robots Uprising Mod is now available on 0.A.D here : https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/robots-uprising Let us know if you like it by the comments below the page of the mod or dm me !
    5 points
  4. Thanks @Vantha and @guerringuerrin, the changelog page looks great! version 9 is out right now!
    5 points
  5. I think there are some RTS games that do auto production, like Cossacks i believe ? Nevertheless AoE doesnt do it and is one of the the most popular RTS games. Still clear communication is sufficient. A witch hunt directed against pro gui users cant be the way forward.
    4 points
  6. Big news regarding the encyclopedia page! New features: - the ability to put images in the article header. I decided to place the images to the top right and the title to the top left. This saves a lot of space compared to other possibilities and it looks good with images of most aspect ratios. But I will talk more in depth about the implementation in a future post. - the ability to add subtitles. They are fully optional, but really enhance the header's visual appeal (in my opinion). - a button below the title that opens up the the template viewer showing the unit's in-game stats. Its portrait is embedded into the button, so players can visually recognise the unit from in-game as well. - buttons to directly switch to the next or previous article in the same subcategory (to the suggestion of @nifa) They currently do not include any text as I think the arrow sprites are enough of a hint as to what the buttons do. Here is a quick showcase: screen-recording-0ads-encyclopedia.mp4 Other improvements: - fixed GUI scaling on lower screen resolutions (down to 1024x768). This turned out as quite a hassle, but it had to be done eventually. I haven't tested it on large screens (yet), mainly because they usually don't cause problems. If you notice any problem with the GUI scaling, let me know. As always I packed it into a mod, please try it out, any feedback is welcome! encyclopedia.zip (unfortunately I have not yet managed to resolve the issue with the crashes, I recommend trying to open it multiple times and supressing the error, if you notice any patterns or have any idea on how to resolve it, please let me know)
    4 points
  7. Buenos días o tardes; -Me tuve que inspirar más en las descripciones que en las escasas reconstrucciones @wowgetoffyourcellphone; Más BOCETOS; Tupí; Sao culture (Chad); diculpen las molestias*
    4 points
  8. Good news! I have finished encyclopedia GUI page! Functionality has barely changed, but I designed the UI and layout of the page. This included creating various fonts, ornaments, and a lettering as well as multiple new looks for scrollbars, dropdowns, buttons, and much more. Here is a short showcase: screen-recording.mp4 I updated the GitHub repo if anyone's interested in the code and also created a mod for everyone to try out and use, please let me know what you think. Nothing is carved in stone; I'm open to feedback or suggestions. 0 A.D.'s Encyclopedia.zip
    4 points
  9. Sorry for the confusion yesterday, I just found my answer in the code, everything's clear now . @ShadowOfHassen I can take care of making the encyclopedia translatable.
    3 points
  10. Thanks. Yeah, adding hotkeys for certain actions is definitely something I should (and will) be looking into in the future.
    3 points
  11. Sorry, I didn't realize there was a page 2 with a keep on topic In fact, there is a THREAD made by Mentula where he made some of the most objective measurements possible regarding certain advantages of the mod in terms of boom speed. And this is without considering other aspects like the military and bla bla bla I just don't want to make it long because it has already been discussed extensively in many threads. But I would like to point out that I find it regrettable that when this discussion arises, instead of having a respectful debate specifically focused on the issue at hand, direct attacks on the other person are used as a resource to discredit their argument. This type of resource is a classic known at least since Ancient Greece as an ad hominem fallacy, and I am sure that many of those present here, all intelligent and adult people, are perfectly aware of this. In summary, what importance does the skill level of a player have in determining whether their argument is valid or not? In a 1v1 against all or most of those present here, I would surely lose, regardless of whether they are using the mod or not. Moreover, I would probably still lose even if I were using the mod and they were not!!! Does that make proGUI (for instance) more or less of a cheat? Of course not, and it is truly simple to realize that the interlocutors' skill at playing does not determine the validity of their arguments at all. In any competitive environment, the sense of fairness is necessary. Even though there are only the same five of us here, it is evident that a competitive environment has been created. Even though we are not millions, it is not broadcast on social media, and there are no prizes, the environment is created, and therefore, the need for fairness will arise. Honestly, my greatest wish is that we can resolve certain differences that seem irreconcilable and not continue to fuel toxicity, at least among those of us who I believe have the ability to realize how harmful this is for the community and have not developed such deep obsessions as to consider there is no way back, as for example, our friend here the main character of this thread Geriatrix/1min/-DonkeyKong/Cedric_O/Physic/Shift_Sierra?. Nubs greetings to all
    3 points
  12. I like arrows now. The functionality seems to be correct. I think they could need the slightest buff to restore the a26 balance, which I think was the slightest bit better. Haven't heard any complaints about arrows but I obviously don't speak for everyone (and this is obviously a departure from before when complaints were heard). Off topic, but the complaints with current community mod seem to be navy being underpowered and bolts being OP, both of which I agree with.
    3 points
  13. Please be assured that geriatrix is not Phyzic lul
    3 points
  14. ProGui was never intended to give an advantage to people using it, the main reason for using ProGui is that it makes the game more enjoyable by providing less demanding ways to control production, which is the least fun part of the game to many people. then it came the anti-ProGui sentiment and players accusing others of using ProGui to take an edge over the rest of them. it built so much distrust... even after the whole smurf drama, things managed to get worse.
    3 points
  15. Somewhere I heard this advice and it has served me well: if a unit is initially OP, reduce one of its combat stats by half. If the unit is UP, double one of its combat stats. Keep doing this until the relationship flips, thereby bounding the balanced range for the statistic. Then start splitting differences until you converge on a balanced value. The real big brain moment is realizing that this is is not just a good algorithm for converging on acceptable parameter ranges. It's actually easier to create stable Nash equilibria using strong dominance relationships, such as you get by sticking to powers of two stat-adjustments. The resulting strong counters will be much more stable against perturbations than a delicately fine-tuned dominance web. I know 0 AD aspires to be a "soft counter" based experience, but I really think you guys will paradoxically make a lot more headway if you learn to be less cautious with your stat adjustments. When every piece of your balance web is fine tuned, adjusting any part is almost inevitably going to break other parts, creating obscure new problems as fast as you solve them. You end up needing to add compensatory adjustments across every node of the web, which in turn all cause their own adjustments that must be correctly compensated... it's an endless quagmire: TL:DR - Try doubling the DPS of all boats. See how much that helps the UP-ness of naval units vs land ones. Then you will probably need to buff the HP of ram ships, since melee units benefit less from DPS changes than ranged ones. But after that you might be in the ball-park of the situation you want.
    3 points
  16. We should definitely play some water maps so we are forced to make ships to help inform the ship on ship balance. It probably won't be fun, but it would be good navy is balanced upon a27 release.
    3 points
  17. 1. Foley/sound effects for ranged ships can be done if someone creates very simple idle animation for each one that we can use for the attack animation. For units, it is required to have an animation to trigger a sound. 2. Ramming ships need a ramming animation. The Xiongnu battering ram serves as a good example of what could be done. 3. I do indeed would like to see Arrow Ships fire volleys of arrows instead of one at a time. I think there may be a patch somewhere for that. And then be awesome for the arrow ship tech to add arrows to this volley instead of reducing attack time. 4. Balance etc. This was a first draft of the ship stats. Put into the community mod for yall to suggest good stat values. I guess a few rounds of idle complaints are necessary before the real work is done. For instance, I would suggest (among other things!!2) tightening up the accuracy of warships so they are stronger against land units and fishing boats. 5. Let's hold off on making the tech tree as bland and generic as the land tech tree please. 6. Things added despite flaws so that ppl may be inspired to fix them.
    3 points
  18. So we played a gulf of bothnia game and here are my impressions. I don't think I would make boats to take water control anymore. Boats used to be effective for fighting land troops. (They were WAY too effective.) Now they must be extremely weary of land troops because they will get sunk very easily by ranged infantry. Boats firepower vs each other is also felt lackluster. They take a long time to kill each other. If you are trying to transport soldiers, I wouldn't be too worried about making a bunch of boats, just make a few and they'll probably survive to the other side unless hit by a fire boat. So then what do you do with boats? Fish, Protect own fishermen, harrass other's fishermen Transport soldiers What do you not do? Make combat boats for naval battles Support land troops from the sea I have no idea if this is more realistic so I won't comment about it. But if this is the way it is to be, the fact warships still take 3-4 pop space means you better not make too many.
    3 points
  19. this is what I quickly threw together for a scythian 'trade settlement.' The idea is it is like a market you can put in neutral territory like a roman army camp, and train mercenaries from. I thought it could nicely represent some of the sedentary subgroups of scythians.
    3 points
  20. We, the undersigned players and members of the 0 A.D. community, hereby declare a boycott against Sanafur, based on his tyrannical actions within the game. Sanafur has abused his position by unjustly banning innocent players from games he hosts, depriving 0 A.D. players of their rights and freedoms, and fostering an atmosphere of fear and oppression within the gaming community. Sanafur's actions have undermined the principles of fair play and inclusivity that are integral to the enjoyment of 0 A.D. His arbitrary exercise of power has created a toxic environment where players are unjustly punished and discouraged from participating freely. Therefore, we refuse to participate in any games hosted by Sanafur or support any events or initiatives where he is involved until such time as he demonstrates a commitment to fair and equitable treatment of all players. We call upon other members of the 0 A.D. community to join us in this boycott and to stand against tyranny and injustice in our gaming experiences. Signed, Duck__ & others victims
    3 points
  21. Textures still under development. It will be another shade of red. Everything here is in development, respectful opinions are welcome, but not all will be accepted.
    3 points
  22. They were passed on to me, I am organizing them and I will make them available on Github, as Blender files for anyone who wants to edit and use the files at will. I'm using code to export the files. I would like to automate UV map generation and prop creation.
    3 points
  23. Hi @Duileoga, These look really good! @wowgetoffyourcellphone and I are interested in developing these nomad civs for vanilla 0ad. For the xiongnu, I really like 3 of your buildings for the role of "royal yurt". Also, the barracks, stable, and market would do great. I see you have a lot of permanent buildings too. I have tech for the xiongnu called "han diplomacy", and its basically meant to unlock some of the influence from the Han dynasty. So for the dock, it would be really cool to start with a simple yurt-based boat yard (basically what you have here, but with a small boat frame or skeleton on the ground near the yurt), and then upgrade to the dock here with the tech.
    3 points
  24. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/149 I decided we've had to much exciting encyclopedia news so here's another PR of boring edits, this time for the mixins we made for articles.
    3 points
  25. That's not going to happen, the amount of time I have to actively write things myself might wax or wane, but I'm going to try to stick around at least for editing purposes. Beside's we've basically opened the whole dimension of long form texts into the game, and like I said before, I don't want to leave the devs with another thing they have to worry about (if they don't want to)
    2 points
  26. Thank you for your interest! I sent you a PM with login information and some pointers. Please go through the wiki and tickets, test and update stuff as you wish and let me know if you run into an issue.
    2 points
  27. Be honest. You posted your mod. I immediately said I considered it cheating. Many others said they agreed. Several people said they did not want to play with anyone who used the mod or any other mod like it. Your response, more or less, was "I don't care, I will continue to use it against the wishes of those that expressed dislike for it." You are the one that disrupted the status quo. A feature very similar to your mod's autotrain was considered for the vanilla version of the game and as rejected. If you want to use your mod in SP games, great. But if you want to play with anyone else, you that no one has to accept you or your mod.
    2 points
  28. he has lot of tricks he developed, that he won't share if it is high value, you have to spec his gameplay to steal his tricks, he could be the best TG player, maybe even better than @ValihrAnt
    2 points
  29. Poor women they don't have any fault for someone else's toxicity =) btw, I played some TGs with weirdJokes just 15 days ago. He beat all of our asses as usual.
    2 points
  30. he hates me, he banned me, think I report everything in chat to Norse Harold and get his accounts banned, he think I am working for Norse Harold, In fact Geriatrix's behavior is annoying, blindly accusing people of things they don't do
    2 points
  31. Frankly, also being a non-competitive player, I am somehow puzzled about the many issues that 1on1/multiplayer games seems to have due to people using different mods. If your opponent has mod that gives him a competitive edge, so what. The game is less fun, maybe, but should also be much less fun for that guy (no real contest). After all, this is not a real competition that actually matters, isn't it? We are enjoying a beatiful game for leisure. (This is also why I am personally agains any trophy money) Let us keep this game fun. There is a world out there that is deadly serious already. If you want serious competion, go out and do it in the real world. My two cents.
    2 points
  32. Well, it's not too different from the current system, is it? What is it in particular that's bothering you? Yes, I know! That has been on my radar for quite some time. It is way better structured and more visually appealing than what we currently have. And I plan to implement it sooner or later.
    2 points
  33. Well, Im neither a pro at this game, nor have I been around for long, but I still want to add my thoughts. 1. Is proGUI a "cheat"? According to wikipedia: "Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually in order to make the game easier." Now, I never played with proGUI, so all information I have is from @Atrik in this thread, but to summarize what he said the mod does: It gives players the ability to produce units from buildings without having to select those buildings. It gives players the ability to designate a desired ratio of certain units, which is automatically sustained (by re-training only unit types, of which the player lost some or only training them in said ratio while booming). The player can choose a certain amount of resources to be kept, which wont be used by the automatic queuing system. Did I get that right? If I did, that is certainly an advantage beyond "vanilla 0ad". Because any tool, how insignificant it may be, that only one player has, is an advantage. Now, I believe "vanilla 0ad" should be considered the "normal gameplay", which makes proGUI a cheat. 2. Does it matter? Well, there is a forum post about it, so it seems to matter to some people. I personally don't believe it matters, as the advantage is not big enough to be insurmountable through skill, and the advantage lessens the better you get at the game. 3. What could/should be done? Any tournament or competitive game should clearly state before, which mods (if any) are allowed and which aren't. Of course. But the same goes for 1v1s or teamgames. If you don't want to play with someone who uses proGUI, don't. Nobody forces you. But the same way, nobody can force another player to disable proGUI. The only real problem I can think of is, if somebody is being dishonest about whether or not they're using the mod? Is there a way to check for the host of a game, whether the players are using the mod? 4. Anecdotal thoughts. I don't use any mods that alter my gameplay (with the sole exception of the "delete no warning"-option from autoCiv), no Quickstart, no building hotkeys, no guis, I don't even use the default 0ad autoqueue (normally... Corrals are impossible to use without). Because I actually like to look for the idle barracks. It's part of the game for me. But since it's still very much possible to defeat an opponent who uses all of those things, I really don't care how other players play this game to have the most fun.
    2 points
  34. I suggest we add the page to the game now (after fixing the bug), but only with selected articles for testing. The review process will take a lot of time anyway and in parallel we can already "customize" the rest of the articles (adding images, subtitles, links to other articles, etc.). And as soon as the page framework is merged we can add the bulk of articles to the game too. I don't think incompletion is be something to worry about in this case, since the page framework is indeed complete and we can simply remove the button from the main menu as long as it doesn't contain all the articles to prevent players from finding a (seemingly) incomplete and empty page in a full release. And the existence of temporarily unused files in 0ad's code wouldn't be anything new either. Howevere, I will talk to some developers and adapt to what they deem best. I made the mod for the latest version, but it should be working with A26 (except the unit portraits) as well. Have you verified the mod is installed properly? Does anyone else face the same issue? You can try opening the javascript console with the assigned hotkey (per default '^' and F9) and entering the following command: Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_encyclopedia.xml");
    2 points
  35. Arrow ships are worthless against fishing ships too. Fire ships do literally zero damage against fishing boats. You're better off ignoring enemy war ships and building more fishing boats because it takes multiple minutes for an entire arrow boat to kill one fishing ship despite the arrow ship being more expensive in resources, build time, and ship cost. The tech tree is also unnecessarily extensive and complicated. A lot of this should just be consolidated into like two techs (if naval ever actually becomes a real aspect of the game it can be built out again but right now there are so many techs that each do such limited things that no tech would ever be worth getting). The scout ship seems to have no purpose. Overall, there is no reason to ever build a war ship to fight. Navy needs a bit of work
    2 points
  36. The game uses integers for its calculations, because floating point are note reliable on different machines, so we need to have the exact same values on each machines else the game will go out of sync pretty quickly. So I suppose what you are seeing are decimal values represented as int. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1971 You can find most gameplay interesting patches by querying for @Freagarach on Phabricator https://code.wildfiregames.com/search/query/zNwhd_3YKp.n/#R
    2 points
  37. It already often occurs that when pressing formations, some units target totally random entities (including buildings, and not even the one that are closest). I can't figure out why that is but it's a annoying bug because half your units will run to go capture a house instead of attacking units (in their really attack range). I fear that adding arbitrary functions as you suggest won't make unit behavior more intuitive. What's needed to mitigate overkills ect might just be a feature. With more experience into the game now I believe a good feature would be the ability to spread damage accross a selection of enemy units with box selection. Description: 1: Select units to order (your archers for example) 2: Use the feature's hotkey or button 3: Box select over enemy units => Your selected archers will target units in the box. Example, if you have 60 archers and hovered 30 enemy units with the box selection then 2 archers will attack each enemy. This feature would, in my opinion, give a counter-action possible to unit dances, simplify sniping and in general make micro probably more interesting.
    2 points
  38. Buenos días o tardes; -Me inspiré en "Luut Hot" (ciudad del dragón) capital Xiongnu. Luego os paso las referencias* Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  39. You can also download it through the mod downloader for A26
    2 points
  40. I have a special material for Blender that takes 0 A.D. textures into account I can upload it somewhere if you want.
    2 points
  41. PR for Athenian Units https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/151
    2 points
  42. @guerringuerrin Ok. As explained here, the icon tag has a property called 'displace' that allows moving the icon on the x and y axis by a certain number of pixels. Now, the target icons measure 32x32 pixels while the font is only 16 pixels high. A downwards offset by half the difference (in this case 8 pixels) perfectly centers the icon on the text => displace="0 8". (The text might appear a bit smaller than 16 pixels because it mostly contains lowercase letters, so I suspect an offset of 9 pixels might look slightly better, but you'll have to be the judge for that) I suggested according changes to the latest merge request.
    2 points
  43. Sure, I can help with that. Where is the code? I don't see a merge request for it.
    2 points
  44. I like a lot of the new buildings, but I like the old Forge better and I think the UV mapping of the Scythians is a little aesthetically busy. I'm also thinking the Wonder could follow the references better. But overall, the output is great. I really need to get you a reference for the Sword of Ares Shrine. I might sketch it for you! I like how you made the Scythian yurts pointy to differentiate from the Xiong.
    2 points
  45. We don't do so. Shaders are compiled each time they're loaded (or used in a pipeline state). Some (but not all) drivers might cache results on a disk. I have plans for that. We need a library which can be used on all platforms (shaderc is a possible candidate). Though we can't rely on it and we still need to build SPIR-V for releases. Because there might be platforms without such libraries in regular repos.
    2 points
  46. maybe I'll yolo and add the badosu maps lol.
    2 points
  47. https://www.instagram.com/0ad_memes_eae/ Be sure to follow for the most nub 0 AD memes !
    2 points
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