Code splitting with React.lazy and Suspense

You never need to ship more code than necessary to your users, so split your bundles to make sure this never happens!

Houssein Djirdeh
Houssein Djirdeh
Jeff Posnick
Jeff Posnick

The React.lazy method makes it easy to code-split a React application on a component level using dynamic imports.

import React, { lazy } from 'react';

const AvatarComponent = lazy(() => import('./AvatarComponent'));

const DetailsComponent = () => (
    <AvatarComponent />

Why is this useful?

A large React application will usually consist of many components, utility methods, and third-party libraries. If an effort isn't made to try to load different parts of an application only when they're needed, a single, large bundle of JavaScript will be shipped to your users as soon as they load the first page. This can affect page performance significantly.

The React.lazy function provides a built-in way to separate components in an application into separate chunks of JavaScript with very little legwork. You can then take care of loading states when you couple it with the Suspense component.


The problem with shipping a large JavaScript payload to users is the length of time it would take for the page to finish loading, especially on weaker devices and network connections. This is why code splitting and lazy loading is extremely useful.

However, there will always be a slight delay that users have to experience when a code-split component is being fetched over the network, so it's important to display a useful loading state. Using React.lazy with the Suspense component helps solve this problem.

import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';

const AvatarComponent = lazy(() => import('./AvatarComponent'));

const renderLoader = () => <p>Loading</p>;

const DetailsComponent = () => (
  <Suspense fallback={renderLoader()}>
    <AvatarComponent />

Suspense accepts a fallback component which allows you to display any React component as a loading state. The following example shows how this works. The avatar is only rendered when the button is clicked, where a request is then made to retrieve the code necessary for the suspended AvatarComponent. In the meantime, the fallback loading component is shown.

In here, the code that makes up AvatarComponent is small which is why the loading spinner only shows for a short amount of time. Larger components can take much longer to load, especially on weak network connections.

To better demonstrate how this works:

  • To preview the site, press View App. Then press Fullscreen fullscreen.
  • Press `Control+Shift+J` (or `Command+Option+J` on Mac) to open DevTools.
  • Click the Network tab.
  • Click the Throttling dropdown, which is set to No throttling by default. Select Fast 3G.
  • Click the Click Me button in the app.

The loading indicator will show for longer now. Notice how all the code that makes up the AvatarComponent is fetched as a separate chunk.

DevTools network panel showing one chunk.js file being downloaded

Suspending multiple components

Another feature of Suspense is that it allows you to suspend multiple components from loading, even if they are all lazy loaded.

For example:

import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';

const AvatarComponent = lazy(() => import('./AvatarComponent'));
const InfoComponent = lazy(() => import('./InfoComponent'));
const MoreInfoComponent = lazy(() => import('./MoreInfoComponent'));

const renderLoader = () => <p>Loading</p>;

const DetailsComponent = () => (
  <Suspense fallback={renderLoader()}>
    <AvatarComponent />
    <InfoComponent />
    <MoreInfoComponent />

This is an extremely useful way to delay rendering of multiple components while only showing a single loading state. Once all the components have finished fetching, the user gets to see them all displayed at the same time.

You can see this with the following embed:

Without this, it's easy to run into the problem of staggered loading, or different parts of a UI loading one after the other with each having their own loading indicator. This can make the user experience feel more jarring.

Handle loading failures

Suspense allows you to display a temporary loading state while network requests are made under the hood. But what if those network requests fail for some reason? You might be offline, or perhaps your web app is attempting to lazy-load a versioned URL that is out of date, and no longer available following a server redeployment.

React has a standard pattern for gracefully handling these types of loading failures: using an error boundary. As described in the documentation, any React component can serve as an error boundary if it implements either (or both) of the lifecycle methods static getDerivedStateFromError() or componentDidCatch().

To detect and handle lazy loading failures, you can wrap your Suspense component with a parent components that serves as an error boundary. Inside the error boundary's render() method, you can render the children as-is if there's no error, or render a custom error message if something goes wrong:

import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';

const AvatarComponent = lazy(() => import('./AvatarComponent'));
const InfoComponent = lazy(() => import('./InfoComponent'));
const MoreInfoComponent = lazy(() => import('./MoreInfoComponent'));

const renderLoader = () => <p>Loading</p>;

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {hasError: false};

  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return {hasError: true};

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <p>Loading failed! Please reload.</p>;

    return this.props.children;

const DetailsComponent = () => (
    <Suspense fallback={renderLoader()}>
      <AvatarComponent />
      <InfoComponent />
      <MoreInfoComponent />


If you are unsure where to begin applying code splitting to your React application, follow these steps:

  1. Begin at the route level. Routes are the simplest way to identify points of your application that can be split. The React docs show how Suspense can be used along with react-router.
  2. Identify any large components on a page on your site that only render on certain user interactions (like clicking a button). Splitting these components will minimize your JavaScript payloads.
  3. Consider splitting anything else that is offscreen and not critical for the user.