Twitch sub count April, 2018

Twitch sub count statistics and analytics for April, 2018. Twitch sub count number is the actual subscriber count for the most popular twitch channels. A twitch sub is a paid membership to a twitch channel. Twitch channel subscription is different from youtube subscription as it is not free and every sub actually pays twitch a monthly membership fee.

What are Twitch subs ?

Twitch subs are used mostly to support the twitch channels by the twitch viewers and channel fans. The monthly twitch subscription is paid to twitch and twitch shares some of the money with the channels. There are different levels of twitch subs each with different monthly payments. Tier 1 twitch sub is the lowest and most common channel subscription to support a channel. Tier 1 sub costs 4.99$ a month. There are also tier 2 and tier 3 twitch channel subs that cost 9.99$ and 24.99$ respectively. Every twitch channel has a different contract with Twitch determining how much of the sub money they take. Some twitch channels take 50% of twitch sub money and some bigger streamers take 70% of the twitch subscription money. Twitch subs come with several benefits for the subscriber. Having special badges, emotes and not being affected by ads and slow/restricted chat are some of the benefits of being a twitch sub.

How Twitch subs work ?

There are several different ways to sub for a twitch channel. Twitch had the regular twitch sub option since the beginning when day9tv brought it to the twitch. Several years ago Twitch created multiple levels of and created the twitch sub tiers. After the accusation of Twitch by Amazon, prime subs became a thing with amazon prime members having a free sub to any twitch channel every month. Twitch also created the gifted subs system to increase channel subscription numbers and a way to support the streamers. Twitch gifted subs also have a tier system just like the regular subs. Twitch also has a special channel badges for the twitch channel subs the longer they have subbed to a channel.

Who are the top Twitch sub count list?

Top twitch sub count is shown on this page for April, 2018. Clicking any of the streamer sub count below will show you the detailed sub count for each day. There are 2 different sub count tracking on our website. First one, is full sub count tracking with all the subscribers and their sub date and messages tracked and shown. These are our paid premium membership tracked streamers. There is also a lite subs which are the top 30,000 streamers that is tracked month to month based on their popularity with only the sub count summary. In short, Twitchstats tracks about more than 30,000 twitch channel’s subscriber numbers at all times.