Opened 2 weeks ago

Closed 2 weeks ago

#6933 closed defect (duplicate)

GameSettings infinite loop in multiplayer, now in singleplayer as well

Reported by: Murphy Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:

Description (last modified by Itms)

What do you make of this? my games fail to load and all of this flashes on the screen for a while as a window in the middle lies and says that its loading a map. All it does is stay there on the screen forever while nothing happens. It used to happen in just multiplayer. But now its in singleplayer too.

ERROR: JavaScript error: gamesettings/GameSettings.js line 97 Infinite loop initializing attributes detected, components: ["biome", "campaignData", "ceasefire", "cheats", "circularMap", "daytime", "disableSpies", "disableTreasures", "gameSpeed", "landscape", "lastManStanding", "lockedTeams", "map", "mapExploration", "mapName", "mapPreview", "mapSize", "matchID", "nomad", "playerAI", "playerCiv", "playerColor", "playerCount", "playerName", "playerTeam", "population", "rating", "regicideGarrison", "relic", "seaLevelRise", "seeds", "startingCamera", "startingResources", "teamPlacement", "triggerDifficulty", "triggerScripts", "victoryConditions", "wonder"] fromInitAttributes@gamesettings/GameSettings.js:97:9 parseSettings@gui/gamesetup/Controllers/GameSettingsController.js:191:18 onLoad@gui/gamesetup/Controllers/GameSettingsController.js:89:10 SetupWindow@gui/gamesetup/SetupWindow.js:61:11 init@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:47:18 onPress@gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js:99:13 performButtonAction@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:77:9 pressButton@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:63:10

ERROR: GUI page 'page_gamesetup.xml': Failed to call init() function

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Itms, 2 weeks ago

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
Summary: Its messed upGameSettings infinite loop in multiplayer, now in singleplayer as well

Hello, this is a duplicate of bug #6629, which is already fixed in the development version and in the upcoming release.

In the meantime, you can fix the issue by disabling the persistent match settings. You can find the steps of this workaround on this forum post:

Thanks for your report, sorry for the inconvenience.

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