Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#6155 new defect

Window problem on Gnome

Reported by: yelihor871 Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Non-game systems Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


These are some problems I have had when not full-screen mode on the Gnome desktop environment.

One: Wierd bug in the home screen when going to windowed mode (via shift+enter) which sometimes draws another screen like so: You cant see the cursor in the screenshot but the cursor is hovering over the "Single Player" button on the outer screen while the smaller screen shows the hover effect.

Two: The window cannot be resized When I try to resize the window does something wired. The window moves away from the cursor and the window expands in other directions. This would be definitely nice to have as this is a problem that should be addressed.

Three: This one is a problem where when resizing a window, a box behind the original window shows and its a place where the screen is not redrawn. I could not take a screen shot of this because the screen refreshes right before the tool takes a screenshot.

Four: The last is with multiple monitors and in the non-primary monitor, I cannot have the window take up the full monitor because it automatically switches to full screen. This should not be in any priority but is just a note.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Silier, 3 years ago


can you please tell us your os information?

also what graphic card do you have?

comment:2 by Freagarach, 3 years ago

I can reproduce 2 locally on a Ubuntu 20.04:gnome laptop.

comment:3 by yelihor871, 3 years ago

I am using Manjaro stable OS. My graphics is AMD Radeon Vega 11 integrated however, I don't think that the problem relates to the graphics card because the same issues are on another machine with intent and dedicated graphics. Here is the specifics:

Processor: AMD® Ryzen 5 3400g with radeon vega graphics × 8

Graphics: AMD® Radeon(tm) vega 11 graphics

OS: Manjaro Linux; Build ID: rolling


Windowing: X11

I hope that is enough information. Let me know if you need anything else.

Last edited 3 years ago by yelihor871 (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Stan, 3 years ago

Looks a lot like which is because of a SDL2 bug

comment:5 by wraitii, 3 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 25Alpha 26

comment:6 by Freagarach, 2 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 26Backlog
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