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Tourniquet Recorded Live

by Tourniquet

Phantom Limb 06:27
The case of George Dedlow Double amputee, one of 500,000 Civil War casualties Suffered a phenomenon so bizarre Even the doctors looked on from afar How can you feel a leg that isn't even there? From cold to burning heat To pain beyond compare Clinically know as phantom limb So hard to treat, prognosis dim Brachial plexus avulsion They told you cycles were dangerous Nerves ripped from the spinal cord You certainly need the Lord But just like the feeling in your arm that is gone You've severed communication with Him all along Even though you know it's totally wrong Spiritual death kicks off it's swan song Don't throw away the years He gives you By hardening your heart within you And if you cut off both your own legs And you have sworn just to ignore Him The phantom limb will start to haunt you He wants to bring you back, revive you
You think it's alright to destroy God's creation They don't have a voice so who cares how we're treating them here If you read his word you should know that he blessed them I know your defense is to say "God said dominate them" Do you think dominate means to kill just for sport? Wear the fur from their backs, train them for circus acts? Take our pets to be gased once their "cute" age has passed? Don't you see in their eyes how they trust us? But man in his sin turns that trust into horrible pain When God says to man give account of you life's work We must be prepared to reply "Your creation I loved" Locked behind steel cage Forced to take drugs we've made Cut them up just to show What we already know Brilliant scientific enterprise The altruistic benefit of humanity justifies A white lab coat represents the icon Eradicate disease, the pedestal it stands on lies shattered on the floor Just another day, the dead half a million lay Your taxes will foot the bill, supply animals to kill Before they die... Who will hear them cry?
In Studio 00:17
Instrumental by Ted Kirkpatrick
Silly childhood game - Uncle Wiggly I cower in abject horror Approaching space number 109 Home of the gaunt and haggard shell of the Skeezix The emaciated figure Harboring the greed of a thousand Invading, thriving, ascaris whittles away The self confidence of young minds Casting doubt that they will Ever reach the finish to see for themselves The sagacious Uncle Wiggly His mission now is complete The arboreal king of misery and woe Skeezix reposes high on a knotty forest crag And the child still tries his best to Stay into the game But with insufficent, no volition Plotted course of demolition Goes through all the motions Musing caveat emptor and A predetermined failure He draws a card and all his fears come true Advance to 109 That's what you have to do When Mr. Skeezix becomes Mr. Jones Or you, or me Just think of what that does to wreck A child of two or three They know and feel much more than We will give them credit for And all they want in life from you Is love and nothing more When painful eyes begin to cringe When you walk through the door Remember children are a gift of love Sent from the Lord
In Studio 00:22
The Tempter 06:10
I am the Tempter Ruler of Hell Bringer of evil Beware Watch for temptation for it is there Takes his time but loves to dare All the people they are losing their minds He don't care, he takes all kinds Says, "Love, won't you take a bite?" God appears and says, "This ain't right" We are damned for what evil has done You know now the tempter has you won I am the One The Almighty I'll give you all the good things in life Take Me It is said God tempteth no man Keep in mind you know he can Listen to one now this we must For we are all conceived in lust The Tempter he taketh your life We know now who will reign God says it bringeth forth sin Take my word it brings on death This time you have won But what about the next? You know I'll get you AHHHHHHH!!!! When you are losing your mortal soul It's too late to cry to the Lord Hear me now all you sinners
The Messiah 04:51
Take him down, take him down Move him gently, hold his head Wipe his face, clean the blood off Lay him here, wrap him in this cloth Lift him up, lift him up Move him easy, careful now He's the Messiah Tears are filling eyes of sorrow Hands are touching, no one's speaking His eyes are empty, skin's so white His body's cold, it has no life (chorus) He's the Messiah He's the Messiah Go! Into the world and tell All of creation He lives He lives in the hearts of men He said, "Go! Into the world and tell All of creation He lives He lives in the hearts of men" (chorus) Dry your eyes, hold each other Lift your eyes, you are brothers He's the Messiah Don't be afraid, He has risen, He's not here Why are you trembling with fear? Just as He told you, just as He said They could not stop Him, He is not dead! (chorus) He's Alive!


released July 1, 1993


all rights reserved


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