Data Management
Accelerate performance, simplify management, optimize protection.

Keep data available, accessible and secure

Traditional storage infrastructures are too rigid, slow, and complex to support dynamic workloads and evolving data sets across the enterprise.

Lenovo modern data management infrastructure delivers solutions that can scale, accelerate, and protect data with new simplified designs. And affordable consumption models that reduce risk and cost.

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data management

Lenovo TruScale Data Management solutions

Data is everywhere �� at the edge, in the datacenter, and across hybrid, multi-cloud environments. And wherever data is managed, the storage infrastructure must be flexible enough to elastically scale across clouds, quickly deploy new services and efficiently process increasing amounts of data.

Data is easiest to manage with tailored enterprise-grade storage. Lenovo products adapt to growing virtual environments, fit into existing budgets, and ensure data is secure and ready whenever it’s needed.

Lenovo delivers industry-leading, scalable end-to-end storage and data management solutions that help:

  • Accelerate application performance to deliver faster results
  • Simplify data management across cloud environments and workloads
  • Optimize data protection and management to reduce costs and increase ROI

Storage-as-a-Service: Control costs and drive digital innovation

Lenovo TruScale Storage-as-a-Service offers a fast, flexible and highly cost-efficient way to take advantage of modern storage infrastructure management.

Only pay for what you use

Storage-as-a-Service eliminates overprovisioning – the costly ‘just in case’ storage. The pay-as-you-go model makes it easy to grow capacity; consumption is constantly monitored, with additional storage supplied to meet changing needs.

Avoid nasty surprises

With storage capacity licensed from a third party, public cloud can be a convenient way to boost flexibility. However, it can be difficult to forecast or budget accurately. The as-a-Service approach to cloud storage eliminates any uncertainty over billing, providing complete visibility of the storage capacity consumed and its costs.

Flexibility built in

Adjusting storage capacity to meet changing workflow requirements is difficult with traditional approaches to storage. The as-a-Service approach is scalable up or down, with no need to increase minimum commitment as usage changes. Grow capacity quickly, while still retaining control over usage and budget.

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Taking control of storage and data management

Data volumes are growing exponentially, but organizations are hampered by siloed legacy systems and inflexible platforms. Learn how to solve the storage and recovery challenges.

TruScale Infinite Storage:

Storage that grows as fast as your data

  • Pay-as-you-go solution
  • Deployed at your datacenter or co-location facility
  • Inbuilt technology refresh
  • Lifecycle management by Lenovo experts
TruScale Backup with Veeam:

Agile, scalable data protection for all workloads

  • Reduce recovery time
  • Enjoy a cloud-like experience – on-premises
  • Simplify IT complexity
  • Maintain data sovereignty

Want to talk?

Get in touch with our specialists to learn more about Lenovo TruScale for Data Management.