Count a particular day in each calendar month

Brass Contributor



I have over 35 employees and each one has a week day off on a particular day, like, some on Monday, Thursday, Saturday etc.


While preparing wages, is their a way how we can use formula to count number of "Weekdays" in each calendar month. So that we can directly deduct the number of days and arrive at actual days to work.


Because in some months "Monday" comes five times and in some months it is four times. For example, "Saturday" is appearing 5 times in month of February and it appeared 4 times in January.


And further, is their any formula to identify by putting grades, "A" is for Wednesday Day Off and "B" for Saturday day off.


Please see, if some can help me in the above issue.

4 Replies


It all depends on how the data is structured.

How to count the number of concrete weekdays between two days is explained here Count day of week between dates . If the month is defined by one date, let say in A1,  start date will be EDATE(A1,-1)+1

end date EDATE(A1,0)

AS for the grades - how Excel knows where to take data for such formula? Other words, perhaps it could be helper table with such mapping, and formula returns grade based on this table.



The number of defined names I used probably indicates that I didn't know where I was going with this.

The original is a single dynamic array though I have attempted to convert to CSE.


@Peter Bartholomew 

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your assistance.


Ronald Pinto

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your response.


Ronald Pinto