Abandon avatar and respawn

When you start a new round, you may find your initial spot is not as great as you expected. Or maybe you made a mistake when selecting the tribe or the quarter of the map. You want to restart the game.

You can abandon that avatar and create a new one in another place easily, automatically, within the same lobby account, using the respawn avatar feature.

This feature is not available yet

Abandon avatar and respawn is a planned feature. It will not be initially available together with the lobby, but will be released at later time. Below you can read the details of how it will work. Make sure to check our blog and changelogs to get the information when this is released.


Changelogs and game updates



You can only abandon avatar during its beginners protection period.

The feature is disabled after the gameworld registration is closed (when it’s no longer possible to create new avatars on the gameworld).


Respawning avatar

Click the cog icon in the top corner to open options. Select “avatar” tab and follow the instructions in the “respawn avatar” section. Note that you need to write word respawn in the input field.


Next, you can select map quarter, tribe, and avatar name. You can use the same avatar name as in the avatar you are abandoning.


Immediately afterwards, you will get a new avatar, with a completely new village in a new spot on the map. Your progress from the old avatar is not transferred, you start fresh from the beginning.



Your purchased unspent Gold is automatically transferred to your new avatar. This works in the same way as regular transfer of Gold using Gold Transfer Links. That means that the remaining time of activated Travian Plus and resource bonuses is converted back to Gold and transferred too, if it was purchased Gold.

Gold Transfer


Abandoned avatar

If your old avatar was less than an hour old, it is immediately deleted.

If the avatar is older, it is removed from your lobby account and cannot be accessed anymore, but it stays in the game. It may be deleted automatically at a later time. If you decide to use the same name for your new avatar, its avatar name is automatically changed.

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