Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Expert AI 5.0
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kondi  [developer] Oct 18, 2016 @ 12:59am
Bug reports
If you encounter an issue in the game, I'd love to fix it, provided you follow this checklist:

1. Do you have the required DLCs? MTG, NSB, BBA are absolutely necessary for this mod.

2. Are you running any other non-cosmetic mods? Such mods can easily break the AI unless their scope is limited to some minor tweak. I probably won't address these issues.

3. Is the mod installed correctly? Sometimes a mod fails to install correctly through Steam. Check that everything in-game looks normal; that there are no missing icons and tech trees and national focus trees look normal. Try unsubbing, restarting Steam, resubbing, some combination of those. Verify HOI4 installation. Try reinstalling the Paradox game launcher from Windows programs if necessary.

4. What game settings are you using? If you are not using historical AI mode AND the default AI plan settings, you need to mention it. Also, if you don't use the default EAI configuration settings, it needs to be mentioned. If you did something unusual in the campaign that is not quite what happened historically, mention that as well so that I can quickly track down the issue. I only test this mod in AI vs AI scenarios on default historical settings and unless you say otherwise, I'll assume that is what you use as well, and if you leave out the relevant details, it's likely I won't find the issue and I'll assume something is wrong on your end.

5. Explain exactly what you are referring to: what is the date, situation, the exact name of the decision, national focus, the reason you think it is a problem etc. There are a million different details in the game and if I can't understand what you mean without spending half an hour guessing and searching for it in the game, I probably won't bother.

6. Sometimes it is best to upload a save file or take screenshots for more difficult issues.

7. Consider whether your issue is relevant to this mod at all. This mod generally does not fix vanilla game related bugs and does not address game balance issues. Read all of the front page so that you understand the purpose of this mod and what might be relevant.
Last edited by Kondi; Oct 27, 2023 @ 2:31am
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Showing 1-15 of 634 comments
Dr. Himars Oct 24, 2016 @ 6:53pm 
I started the game in 1936 as Germany, activated spectate mode. All countries have lost 1 research slot in first days. Then I tried again without mod, and all was ok. Sry for bad english. Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vn4suHouNw&feature=youtu.be
Last edited by Dr. Himars; Oct 24, 2016 @ 8:25pm
Kondi  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 12:42am 
Originally posted by Gebhard von Blucher:
I started the game in 1936 as Germany, activated spectate mode. All countries have lost 1 research slot in first days. Then I tried again without mod, and all was ok. Sry for bad english. Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vn4suHouNw&feature=youtu.be

It is intentional, that slot for the AI is reserved for researching land doctrine and it gets it back once it's finished with it.
Dr. Himars Nov 2, 2016 @ 8:39pm 
It's not a big problem, but. AI doesn't want to research some technologies, even if it has 5 free slots. Maybe you should add a liiittle bit of priority for those technologies?

Some screenshots:
https://pp.vk.me/c626623/v626623009/30a01/g_3SsQl2cwA.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c626623/v626623009/30a0a/EcWKYI1G2FY.jpg
Last edited by Dr. Himars; Nov 2, 2016 @ 8:41pm
Kondi  [developer] Nov 3, 2016 @ 11:15am 
Originally posted by Gebhard von Blucher:
It's not a big problem, but. AI doesn't want to research some technologies, even if it has 5 free slots. Maybe you should add a liiittle bit of priority for those technologies?

Some screenshots:
https://pp.vk.me/c626623/v626623009/30a01/g_3SsQl2cwA.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c626623/v626623009/30a0a/EcWKYI1G2FY.jpg

The AI has an unfortunate tendency to reseach bad techs over good techs no matter how low priority they are unless they are completely disabled. I can enable them but I'll have to script each of them one by one for the AI so that it must have A B C D techs before thinking about researching this tech.

There was another bug that I hope I have fixed where the AI has good techs available (not too far ahead in time) but won't start researching them. Now that I think about it I should allow the AI to research certain late game techs earlier because it has probably researched everything worth researching already.
jeg623 Nov 20, 2016 @ 2:59am 
Your mod caused the moddified tech tree to revert back to the vinalla one. Tested with German Empire. When mod is enabled, it causes the modded focus tree to revert back the the vinalla unmodded one.
jeg623 Nov 20, 2016 @ 3:00am 
by tech tree I mean national focus.
Kondi  [developer] Nov 20, 2016 @ 3:05am 
Originally posted by solarguy25:
by tech tree I mean national focus.

These mods are not compatible unfortunately.
Zamalek Dec 5, 2016 @ 4:38pm 
Maybe not a "problem" per se, but I noticed that Nationalist Spain doesn't get the Expert AI modifier to occupation resistance (Republican Spain does though). Possibly because Nat. Spain doesn't exist at the start of the game?
Kondi  [developer] Dec 8, 2016 @ 6:14am 
Originally posted by yossarian:
Maybe not a "problem" per se, but I noticed that Nationalist Spain doesn't get the Expert AI modifier to occupation resistance (Republican Spain does though). Possibly because Nat. Spain doesn't exist at the start of the game?
TikijoeTots Dec 9, 2016 @ 7:21pm 
Everyone declares war on me 39' , Playing as the Germans.
Hey Chondrite, just wanted to say hi again. You responded to my feed back and said that I might have conflicting mods because everyone declared war on me. These are the mods I had enabled:

Historical flags (Graphics)
German music mod (Music)
clearer unit selction mod (Graphics)
Expert ai. 2.0
hoi 4 ui overhaul (Graphics)
Historical loading screens (Graphics)
more division icons (Graphics)
non reflective water (Graphics)
Stratigic view adjustments. (Graphics)

They are just graphic/music mods.

I don't think any of them would have caused the issue. I've played with your mod a few weeks ago as well and I really enjoyed it. I've been involved with making mods before and I know how difficult it can be. I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work, but I also wanted to report any thing out of the normal so you can progress. I would be happy to send you my save file if you need it.

My original post: TikijoeTots Dec 8 @ 7:18pm
Just played as Germany, historical. Just wanted to give some feed back, the AI went crazy when I invaded poland in late 39' The US, GB, France, Switzerland, Luxenburg, Belgem, Netherlands and pretty much everone else not in a faction in Europe delcared war on me. I'm up for a challenge but I was hoping for a more historical challenge.
Kondi  [developer] Dec 11, 2016 @ 3:00am 
Originally posted by TikijoeTots:
Hey Chondrite, just wanted to say hi again. You responded to my feed back and said that I might have conflicting mods because everyone declared war on me. These are the mods I had enabled:

Historical flags (Graphics)
German music mod (Music)
clearer unit selction mod (Graphics)
Expert ai. 2.0
hoi 4 ui overhaul (Graphics)
Historical loading screens (Graphics)
more division icons (Graphics)
non reflective water (Graphics)
Stratigic view adjustments. (Graphics)

They are just graphic/music mods.

I don't think any of them would have caused the issue. I've played with your mod a few weeks ago as well and I really enjoyed it. I've been involved with making mods before and I know how difficult it can be. I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work, but I also wanted to report any thing out of the normal so you can progress. I would be happy to send you my save file if you need it.

My original post: TikijoeTots Dec 8 @ 7:18pm
Just played as Germany, historical. Just wanted to give some feed back, the AI went crazy when I invaded poland in late 39' The US, GB, France, Switzerland, Luxenburg, Belgem, Netherlands and pretty much everone else not in a faction in Europe delcared war on me. I'm up for a challenge but I was hoping for a more historical challenge.

Sorry, didn't see this thread. I'm wondering if the world tension hit 100% in your game before you declared war on Poland? It seems to cause the game to go nuts in both vanilla and this mod, though tension rises higher in this mod because Japan takes out China quite fast usually.

Still, USA and Switzerland declaring war on you... I have never seen anything like that. I tried testing with raising WT to 100% before the war and it caused some other issues but nothing like this. Was there anything unusual you did in this playthrough?
TikijoeTots Dec 11, 2016 @ 6:43am 
That's exactly what happend, If if remember correctly world tension shot up rather fast. I b-lined it toward my extra research slot and also did the moltove ribbion pact pretty early. I think it shot up pretty fast because Russia delacared war on Finland and won in 38' . At the same time Japan had easily walked over China and started chipping away at India. This too happend pretty early. All in all it was a very strange game.

Yesterday, I started over and played a new game. It's going a lot better and I'm enjoying myself. I'm in 42' now and everything is going arcording to history :) I'm starting to think that it might haved been either a wierd fluke or that an update was released for your mod while I was in an important stage of my last game and things just went heywire.

Whatever it was, things seem to be back to normal. I love the mod! Keep up the good work. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.
zoen1144 Dec 16, 2016 @ 6:50pm 
its normal that germany dont attack? when i put this mod on it make division and get his focus but it do nothing else.
Kondi  [developer] Dec 17, 2016 @ 7:46am 
Originally posted by zoen1144:
its normal that germany dont attack? when i put this mod on it make division and get his focus but it do nothing else.
If it got the focus for a war, it should declare a war. Maybe there's a mod conflict or something as I haven't seen that happening.
Kondi  [developer] Dec 19, 2016 @ 3:30am 
Originally posted by zoen1144:
its normal that germany dont attack? when i put this mod on it make division and get his focus but it do nothing else.
I just saw this in my test game, pretty sure it's caused by Germany randomly not building enough units due to something in the new patch. I'll try to fix it today.
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