Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Expert AI 5.0
86K-a “Bardiche” 9 hours ago 
challenging ai is pretty smart
☭⍣MaXxᦓ∀Ɲᦓ⍣☭ Jul 25 @ 6:38pm 
Please update to version 6.0 this is an incredible project that is needed
Kurriochi Jul 24 @ 5:51am 
Hey, Japan keeps getting naval invaded by the US (both AI controlled) while having little to no defense on the home islands. Could the AI be more encouraged to have home defenses? It's a bit boring to see Japan capitulate by not protecting their islands while they're doing extremely well everywhere else.
民主自由 Jul 23 @ 10:50am 
also if i remember correctly, this is not compatible with anything that adds or edits tech right?
plox update
FifthHydra Jul 18 @ 5:27pm 
AI is still dumb
BlockMaster Jul 13 @ 3:23pm 
Bro I can't use this without my game crashing on loading screen :(
The only real people downloading this mod are people who don't play hoi4 for fun.
picklebottem Jul 11 @ 12:03am 
yo im gonna make a one piece mod my discord is tiem_1 add me if you know how to do modding stuff and if you have ideas for focuses and events
FantasticKru Jul 10 @ 3:59am 
is the historical option still better than vanilla?
Akula Jul 9 @ 4:50pm 
Nasa2021, 40w isnt meta division width
PANZER_LEHR_DIV Jul 9 @ 10:52am 
Работает на 1.14.7 ?
Nasa2021 Jul 5 @ 4:03pm 
ai seem to be using horrific templates even when they are on competetive and supposed to be using 40w
nightfoot92 Jul 2 @ 5:05am 
ok, maybe its me because I went poking around in some of the files, but for some reason, in 1.14.7 it wont load at all. As in, it says its loading, the files arent missing, yet its not loading at all. It would be odd if it was just me, as I literally didnt edit anything in the files, just looked at em, but maybe you should check it out.
ChrisKons Jul 1 @ 10:05pm 
Is there any chance you could make the mod compatible with the Soviet 2D art DLC ? It would greatly help with the immersion of the game.
nightfoot92 Jul 1 @ 3:01pm 
and if you arent going to to add these to the mod, can you tell me where to find them in the file? cant find the specific script for the expert ai historical mode.
nightfoot92 Jul 1 @ 3:00pm 
and since Im on this bender, maybe you could also add heavy tanks to germany, as they are really the only nation to make them in any quantity in ww2, not counting the soviets who had smaller amounts, the germans having like just a handful of heavy tanks would really help with the historical immersion.
nightfoot92 Jul 1 @ 2:56pm 
query, can you add the ability for japan to make battleships that arent the 4 super heavy battleships please? It seems to me that when I play historical, that its not very historical to have japan only making aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers, without a small amount of normal battleship production. The only reason I noticed this is because I actually build dockyards ahead of time in major nations except the one I play because the damn AI doesnt. And maybe have germany start making carriers as well if they are into 44-46 and still have a certain amount of dockyards on historical AI.
thunderbudi13 Jul 1 @ 2:34pm 
update for 1.14.7
Killecs Jul 1 @ 6:18am 
I'm just looking for a mod that stops AI from cheating, there are none.
William Jun 25 @ 8:47am 
Doesn't seem to be compatible with the Soviet 2D art pack.
Fretted Jun 24 @ 11:01am 
Does this mod work with Magna Europa?
LeGm Jun 23 @ 10:21pm 
ChubbyRain Jun 22 @ 10:15am 
Does ExpertAI work with Road to 56?
LowTrustFactorGamer56 Jun 22 @ 8:52am 
Can you extract this single function and release a individual mod (diplomatic action where to launch naval invasion) from expert ai 5.0, it would be really useful
ClaudeJ Jun 20 @ 5:55am 
Hey there, to understand the AI behavior better, I'm using hands_off launch options.
Is it anyway to preconfigure the value of a few EAI variables ?
Such as EAI_GER_dont_invade_NOR eg.
🔰 Sacred Blue Jun 18 @ 12:32am 
can we have the option for an agressive japan as well. like annexing all of china for itself or give it all to manchukuo?
Gay Pigeon Jun 17 @ 3:30am 
this makes my game crash lol
Ascari Jun 17 @ 12:17am 
This mod is great, playing as Germany, going up against the Soviets in 1941. Soviets have full buff in custom difficulty settings and Expert A.I. setting on challenging and dynamics bonus on insane. 21K tanks in good tank divisions and 4 million men in the field. Insane :)
Violet Warrior Jun 11 @ 7:52am 
Hello! This mod will make foreign advisors unconditionally usable within the 8-year war mod, can this be modified?
SыR KosichkA Jun 10 @ 1:15pm 
боже какой кал . в катке италия идет по хисту ,а альянс союзники настроил себе суммарно 300+ дивизий и 6000+ самолетов
Alireza hunter Jun 8 @ 2:49am 
great mod but the speed slowdown of the game is just insane, its heavier than millenum dawn mod
still worth it, makes hoi4 playable as the ai does not use iq 65 templates and industrial plans
Scotvince Jun 3 @ 1:27pm 
@Kondi Ok :steamhappy:, maybe I stress for nothing. And you Ko-fi link on Aesthetic Cinematic Gameplay's page is also for you?
Scotvince Jun 3 @ 1:13pm 
@Kondi And you Ko-fi link on Aesthetic Cinematic Gameplay's page is also for you?
Kondi  [author] Jun 3 @ 9:53am 
@Scotvince Seems fine to me, and it's fairly popular.
Scotvince Jun 2 @ 1:29pm 
@Kondi. Is the system of "buy me a coffee" is sure ? Do you get all the tips that people send (and how can you be sure)? I read a lot of bad reviews about it.
plo pIo May 31 @ 10:57am 
i had to reactivate the launcher... then it worked again for some reason.
plo pIo May 29 @ 1:55pm 
Do i need all DLCs for the mod to work? It doesnt show the difficulty configurations at the start of the game like it used to.
Wolfszen May 28 @ 2:09pm 
is there any way to work with extended tech tree mods?
Hadi May 26 @ 5:22am 
@jurrasiczilla whats good gang
matthew.a.murray May 25 @ 9:41am 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a crappy copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section . He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen: sorry man i am not taking the risk
ARay May 24 @ 6:07am 
As Germany I definitely had a lot more challenge defeating the Benelux and France, but against the Soviets in 1941 I was still able to just battle plan them to death.
jurrasiczilla May 19 @ 2:20pm 
other than that, good mod
jurrasiczilla May 19 @ 2:20pm 
japan sucks at taking china
Opex. May 19 @ 1:15pm 
The templates used by the AI are only barely better than vanilla templates (challenging, impossible). Not sure if this is a bug or intentionally, because I thought they were supposed to go all in on meta templates
Adds May 16 @ 8:05am 
Quick suggestion. Why is the US spamming dockyards when it has the same -50% construction speed as mils/civs with isolation? The AI should ideally be spamming infrastructure, as it's the only thing that undisturbed isolation doesn't penalize
Shotty Man May 15 @ 8:08pm 
Probably has to do with me not having some of the DLCs, but the AI is pretty incompetent. It'll manage its industry and military production well, but it barely uses its air force, mismanages its navy, and for no reason will limit the size of its own army to its own detriment (leaving coasts/ports ungarrisoned, getting outnumbered despite having more industry and manpower than the enemy, having gaps in its front line, etc). If not for the optimized division templates and better management of its industry, it would be easier than vanilla.
Birkin May 9 @ 4:29pm 
does this work with generic tree rework?
Ilhamy101 May 8 @ 11:31am 
Is it compatible with spot on optimization?