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Posted: Jul 19, 2019 @ 11:10pm
Updated: Dec 29, 2021 @ 10:26pm


+ Great story line and characters
+ Superb voice acting and character's dialogues
+ Theme songs/Soundtracks Hans Zimmer + Lorne Balfe. And compare with other games in this franchise, this game probably got the best soundtracks
+ Campaign's loading scenes
+ Wonderful atmosphere and environment, especially D.C. settings
+ Spec Ops, Museum, and Multiplayer mode

- Friendly AIs act weirdly and unreliable in overall, they often run straight into bullets and get themselves killed (especially TF141, they died too easy)
- Enemy AIs will likely to shoot at the player first, even if friendly AIs were staying closer to them
- No lean left/right
- If you stay on the half-broken plane (to snipe the enemies) in a middle of Snatch&Grab Spec Ops mission for every 1-2 min, Juggernaut will spawn behind you.
- This is where the franchise began to lose its own identity: more action, Hollywood, and less war being (Act Man is right about this, you can check his video in Youtube)
- So many illogical and unrealistic things appear in the game that following Michael Bay traditions
Here are some of examples for those who interested:

1) Illogical/unrealistic stuff
- In reality, just attacked civilian in the airport might not enough to convince the world to believe it was all planned by the US government. Such a bold motive with no strategic value would have ended up rising a suspicious toward the Russian Government also.
It would be more believable if Makarov's men also attack on Russian Government's places, other military related locations, and assassinate their political rivals (airport is just a diversion).
- Why FSB operatives don't check up or follow the Makarov's ambulance? (They might have known about the set up as well or just the devs makes them arrived in the scene too quick)
- How could no one able to detects hundreds of large cargo planes flying over European territories into the US? It'll make more sense if devs mentioned that Russian could be able to hack their security systems also.
- By such a distance, how did Russians able to support their logistics for invasion force? This seems like a single trip since there isn't enough fuel to return to Russia.
- In reality, it was unlikely that only Russia alone could be able to (nearly) win the war against USA. It'd make more sense if China and their allies countries assist the attack also.
- How could the nuclear blast wave be able to destroy the space station and satellite in space? With no atmosphere, the wave should be ineffective.
Still, EMP and radiation wave with no atmosphere to interrupt their path should be enough to kill those poor people in the station.
- From the Cliff hanger mission, why 2 elite special forces didn't even try to hide or cover up the dead bodies at all? This is possibly the reason of how they blown their cover.
- In Takedown mission, Rojas assistant was firing his Desert Eagle about 13 rounds, from the entire 7 rounds clip.
- FSB and Spetsnaz with American MH-6 Little Bird.
- To shoot Shepherd's Helo down, Price should use M203 instead.
- Russian VDV alone can't secure the entire Northeast US, Russian Army should appear in DC settings also.
- Devs should have mentioned that a swift Russian invasion is suspected to be prepared long before No Russian incident.

2) Fast paced video game come along with fast paced story line:
If they carefully arranged the timeline (extended the story and time gap) the whole game can be separated into 2 parts, for the sake of logic and realistic:
Part 1 -> S.S.D.D ~ No Russian, and more additional missions
1.1 For PFC.Allen - add more missions to gain more trust for Makarov and his mates
1.2 (optional) Some missions for Roach or Ghost
1.3 Ramirez - few missions in Afghanistan, before the Rangers were transferred back to the US after the No Russian incident
1.4 Other Makarov goons - Attack other locations during the No Russian incident
Part 2 -> Brazil (Takedown) ~ Ending, extra missions can be included

3) AIs models and appearances
- Seems like German Shepherd is the only kind of dog that existed in the COD games
- Lack of variations for the enemy models (faces and uniforms), especially:

The Favela gangsters
- More variations on the uniforms and faces, and about a half of them shouldn't have a well-dressing and military hardware

Russians and other factions
- Change Russian VDV camo, proper uniforms for winter Spetsnaz, and new model of the VDV sniper
- Variation on faces models (unmasked, and including the partially visible ones)

4) The worst of all, choice of the WEAPONS for the Campaign
In the game, you'll see the enemies are largely equipped with inappropriate firearms, the finest example is:
Russian VDVs equipped with a huge amount of NATO firearms (P90, UMP45, FAL), Israeli (TAR-21), American (Vector, Striker), also Walmart's AK47 and outdated RPD.
Similar thing happen with the FSB, airport security, and winter Spetsnaz as well. While the Makarov's Mercs (not the airport attackers) is exceptional, but it would make more sense if most of them equipped with Russian weapons.

Well seriously, they made the entire Russia ruled by the ULTRAnationalist, but using a large amount of foreign weapons doesn't sounds like they are Ultranationalist at all...
Also, although Russian officials and military indeed have some foreigners weapons in their arsenal in real life. But they are using them in a FEW amount and it's mainly for personal protection and testing.
If you still don't see this is a problem, just imagine if one day, some Russian video game devs portrayed the US soldiers to use the customized version of M16A1 as a standard rifle, and others were equipping with firearms manufactured by South American countries, along with 2-3 Russian CQB weapons.

The solution is quite simple - made the Russians equipped with proper Russian weapons like: AK74M, PKP Pecheneg, MP-443, AKS74U, RPK74M, PP-19, Saiga-12, VSS Vintorez, Dragunov SVU, OTs-14, 9A-91/SR-3 Vikhr and etc.

As for Favela gangsters and OpFors, many of them can be seen running along with high-graded firearms that should be uncommonly seen in the real life Arabian war zone and Rio's favela.
OpFor men should be equipped with old firearms, such as: old AK variants (like AKM, AMD-65 and AKMS/AKMSU), G3A3, PKM, Skorpion, etc. mix with new ones.
While a half of Favela gangsters should be equipped with old firearms: like the old AK variants, Uzi, old shotguns (870, ranger), old AR-15, some old rifles/carbine, Madsen LMG, etc.
Mixing with a normal black synthetic FN FAL, MD97L, some new Western and Russian weapons.
Also, some of the gangster should be equipped with a single pistol (M9/PT92, Desert Eagle, 1911, etc.), and revolver only.

For US Army Rangers, Glock 19 should replace the Desert Eagle. Mk11/Mk12 and Mk46/Mk48 should be included for this faction.

Plus, every AIRSOFT weapons models in this game should be replaced by the realistic ones.

In conclusion: 7.5/10

This game is certainly a memorable piece of work and so much fun to play with. But it's also filled with many of unrealistic issues and Hollywood flaws.
And to make it even worse, the fact that developers still keep on this unnecessary tradition is the main reason why later COD games are getting worse, and now the credibility of the franchise is currently going downhill (BO1 & 2 somehow acceptable in term of story line and such).

To put it simple, despite it was the highest era of the whole franchise, it was also the beginning of the downfall.

PS. Thanks to my Russian Modder friend (who has a vast knowledge about firearms) and one Facebook user who I was dealing with for various information
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