A sculpture in the snow   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
:valentinos:If you want to know something just ask:valentinos:
just your fav ripper also my discord is just sirfemboy
also here's my twitch

Proud clown pounder btw:steamhearteyes:

"It's funny as half of this generation couldn't even speak to me on a level remotely close to the last generation's normal level of intelligence, I have to use stupid buzzwords to get any sort of point across.
This has been a reoccurring occurrence during my existence, as I LITERALLY possess intelligence at 143 IQ, so it's expected that I will be forced to simplify concepts and underlying abstract thought for other individuals to comprehend, but this is coalescing into an exhausting reality as it's extremely... beneath the intellectual conversations, or even, unintellectual conversations I have.
These occurrences just showcase how mentally incapacitated the current generation is - these individuals are unable to even solve basic problems."
Currently In-Game
sup I am SirFemBoy

wanna know something about me? then read allat

I like to cook
I play chess
I have sharp teeth
I wear punk or baggy clothes
I like the snow
I can use unity
I like the cold
I workout
I like hanging with my friends
I used to make vrchat content
I have about 32 scars
I am always tired
one of my hobbies is wood carving
I am pretty hated surprisingly
a few people might actually enjoy my company
I have vitiligo
I am probably doing something stupid most of the time
I like to help others with stuff
most of my "hear me outs" are robot, clowns, cyborgs, or all of the above
my favorite chemical is Moronic Acid
you can't read me
any gifts, awards or just love in general is greatly appreciated
personally ass > boobs but it really depends on the rack
I am a permanent pyro main
I am close to the top of the food chain

It would be nice if some people started up a conversation with me before sending me threats
Mmm quotes

"I... don't think that I can continue. Continue? To have done the things I have done in the name of progress and healing. It was madness. I can see that now. Madness. Madness? There is no hope. Leave now, leave while you still have hope..." -The Master

"We shouldn't fear change itself, but only who we might change into," -Misty

"We're thieves, in a world that don't want us no more," -Arthur Morgan

“That's Right! By Becoming A Vampire, I Obtained Eternal Life. That Was My Goal. It Was My Revenge Against God!” -Dracula

“The best way I can protect you is to teach you how to protect yourself” -Anakin Skywalker

"everyday, some days are harder than others I know it may be hard for you to accept or even to understand, I believe though I am a sinner I have been saved" -Joshua Graham

"He burned down half the city just prove he was right and burned the other half just for fun," -Johnny Silverhand

"I just want the world to know I was here. That I mattered." -V

"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate." -Donald Trump

"I think so very highly of you, I didn't realize you think so low of me" -Stolas

"sometimes I wonder how half the people in this server would function in the wild youd be fine since youre a vine swinger" -sirfemboy
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oh yeah
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Review Showcase
351 Hours played
I do personally have a little fun playing this game in my freetime BUT the community is the reason this game will never peak 50k players as the blatant cult-like style the players take is really annoying and frustrating to deal with as if you don't go things the way that half the people like to do it you've earned a one way ticket to being reported for a false reason and I personally highly doubt that the moderators read every report so when a ticket pops up for "game throwing" when all you did was play the game while not following the community rule that people use you will often times be banned for a unjust reason when all you were doing is playing the game in a mildly fun way, secondly this game has no reason to limit f2p players the annual player income is already low but with the fact you need to spend 5 dollars in game is just another stake that has been driven through the heart of this game plus the first game felt like it had more depth in it and more group love while this one mostly feels like a rushed successor to TOS 1 but that's all without mentioning the rumors that the devs updated tos 1 to have spyware to get people into this version of the game in one giant money grab although I am not too sure on whether or not that was trust worthy info but I have seen first hand how if you don't play this game exactly like other players you will 90% of the time be voted or lynched for no real reason and as soon as the game says you were being truthful the players will start kicking and screaming "report this guy" or something along the lines of just calling you a idiot for not doing exactly as they say and for someone who doesn't have alot of patience I can't recommend this game however I manage to be able to stand it because I do other things then this all day so I really don't care about being voted

as for their discord I won't personally recommend joining it as most of the moderators are disabled sped class graduates who can barely function in a social environment without being a annoyance or just a general hard to be around person and most if not all the members are just the cookie cutter liberal queer who likes to take everything as a insult or rude taste

but don't get me wrong I love the game and playing it is fun but the main problem is the people who represent it and as far as I really care I will play the game as a fun hobby but if it is going to continue to gain popularity I would say they have to get rid of their moderators and public figures
Screenshot Showcase
my bad man
Review Showcase
1,412 Hours played
terrible people who play this game not to mention that fact that the devs and the moderation board are some of if not the most braindead people you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting or dealing with you can say or do the smallest thing and you will get banned but the white knight cucks who moderate the game won't ban the egirls who groom or harass people and someone can have p0rn in their banner but as long as they resemble a female the mods won't ban them because then how would they get their 1 milometer defeater hard my problem isn't with the people who play the game its with the sad attention deprived people who "secure and protect" the game and if you wish you keep at least 50% of your braincells

now with all that I've been told and what I have heard that vrchat is even worse than before and I'd like to add the fact that whenever you play this game the absolute worst traits of your personality and who you are come out not to mention the problem of the players time and time again vrchats community has proven to be downright predatory at it's best people just show a complete disregard for not having terrible behavior on top of that most public instances with have outright insidious people in them who will wear nsfw of lewd avatars knowing there are kids in the lobby and they commonly use "I can wear what I want" "It's not a kids game" when the TOS clearly states it is a 13+ plus game and that nsfw avatars or behavior will not be tolerated which will always bring you back to the argument that the vrchat mods are some of if not the most lazy and dysfunctional team you will ever meet. they show absolutely no care towards keeping vrchat a safe platform to be on I've seen more doxxers and predators on this game then on the entire spectrum of xbox or psn and the worst part is that most doxxers are the only ones trying to get the predators off the game and I'll say it once more for a "social game" this is and always has been a terrible place to be 90% of the time vrchat has some real money that is capable of being made but the mods only ever care when something hurts them not the game as avatar creators who make child friendly content will mostly be banned for something way lighter then half of what the other creators do and my thought will always connect this game with groomers, crashers, and the sickness that makes the world as bad as it is

Theres not much more I can say besides I hope that this game stops getting new players vrchat continues to get more and more unplayable every day as they keep trying to get rid of the avatar and world creators that make the game good vrchat and it's staff team have more than proven to me that they do not care about the game and only care about their own selfish desires and wants as I have stated before that you can go your entire time on vrchat following or even enforcing the TOS and you will still get banned for "harassment" or "hateful content" even though most people who have had their accounts locked, suspended or banned by those excuses didn't do anything actually wrong vrchat has a cancer that is the staff team and that cancer will only continue to grow until a game that is capable to overtaking vrchat finally comes out or vrchat starts to wisen up and in the worst case vrchat will eventually disregard it's own TOS in the wrong way to lead to them getting another lawsuit placed against them for the sake of this game I truly hope they decide to start trying to keep the people who actually care around my advice is that they completely replace the current staff team with a group of outside help that will see TOS violations as what they are and not as a maybe or a meh to getting banned as long as it's a egirl or a furry cause unless they do the staff team they have right now will always be making biased decisions on who deserves to get banned or suspended

I feel like this game is purely based on what you can give to other people and not who you are as a person this game degrades you and makes you feel like a drone and it just brings out the worst in who you are I'm not perfect but behaviors I never thought I'd have and things I'd never say anywhere else somehow slip out of my mouth and people more or less encourage being the worst version of yourself and if I had to sum up vrchat in a nutshell It makes me feel lost. Like who I am as a person is only bound to the words or pictures in my bio and banner the updates never get any better either and the community that is vrchat makes me feel like someone who will never change and will always be in a repeating cycle of the same choices and mistakes I mean it when I say this game will make you feel lost if you take it too serious and the other side of the spectrum isn't any better if you don't care about anything you say or do than you'll end up in the same or a worse scenario and it just feels like there is no right decision cause everything is wrong on vrchat, like the people, places, avatars and the things that are considered "normal" and I doubt it will ever get better

and if you really believe this dev team cares about the people who play you're caught in a narrative that just isn't true because as much as they like to say they care about intellectual property they sure are quick to wipe someones account completely blank at the most slight report from anyone close to a dev or mod as they prefer to take personal opinion over actual definitive proof not that it would even matter as the TOS is full of unreal rules and loopholes that allow people who know any of the actual people behind the game can exploit and abuse to do essentially anything they want without having the same standard apply to them and I honestly hope this game has a large dataleak as they prefer to create a new crypto currency over fixing or making their game better as shown in the profile options they give to people who willing to fork over 10 dollars just to have a banner or profile picture which at first was a "beta test feature" which they have continued to say for the past 5 years and it still has not become a feature for people who don't have the money and it's clear to anyone with a brain that the vrchat team simply sees people as numbers or a paycheck
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last played on Jul 22
351 hrs on record
last played on Jul 22
verchonsky Jul 19 @ 9:46pm 
♥♥♥♥ you
Mark Jul 17 @ 6:29pm 
this man is a manly man
SirFemBoy♂ Jul 11 @ 9:07pm 
♥♥♥♥ you
verchonsky Jul 11 @ 8:49pm 
Magyar Jézus Jul 11 @ 6:15pm 
I want this man.
SirFemBoy♂ Jul 10 @ 2:49pm 