Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" Special☆K
May 23, 2016
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Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 8:52am
Special K - v 0.7.66 [GUI] - (4/27/17)
0.7.5: Fixes Command Console in Skyrim Special Edition and Introduces UI Init Delay
  • Skyrim Special Edition creates a Raw Input keyboard device with flags set to block legacy Win32 API input processing, I have opted to remove that flag so that I can handle keyboard input the normal way. This should not cause any negative effects aside from Alt + F4 no longer being blocked by the game.
  • Added an init delay (1 frame) to CEGUI in order to prevent creating resources on fake render contexts (i.e. ones created by the Steam overlay)

0.7.4: Removed RTSS Support Forever
  • OSD is now rendered using CEGUI, which means the CEGUI subdirectory is necessary to see the OSD for any localized Special K install (e.g. dxgi.dll, d3d9.dll, OpenGL32.dll in game's directory)
  • OSD settings are now global, and stored in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\osd.ini
  • OSD font scaling is now a floating-point (x.y) number, and represents (100% x Scale)
  • OSD position (x/y) is specified in pixels from the top-left corner (positive values), or from the bottom-right (negative values)
  • OSD color takes an RGB triplet: (-1,-1,-1) = Yellow (Special Case)
  • Moved the GPU temperature preference (Celsius / Fahrenheit) out of SpecialK.ini and into Global\osd.ini
  • Moved the Steam Achievements ini file to Global\achievements.ini

General Odds and Ends

    OSD Readings

Toggle Framerate Counter
Ctrl + Shift + F
Toggle Clock / Version
Ctrl + Shift + T
Toggle GPU Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + G
Toggle CPU Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + C
Toggle Memory Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + M
Toggle I/O Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + I
Toggle Disk Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + D
Toggle Page File Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + P
Toggle D3D11 Shader Analytics
Ctrl + Shift + R
    OSD Appearance

Ctrl + Shift + +/-
Show / Hide
Ctrl + Shift + O

Color and Scale Config
Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Global\osd.ini

        Command Console
        Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Command Console documentation:
%UserProfile%\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\ReadMe\cvars.txt
Last edited by Kaldaien; Apr 27, 2017 @ 10:26am
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Showing 1-15 of 909 comments
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 8:54am 
Special K v 0.7.0 Released

This version supports auto-update, but you will have to install it manually because there is no branch support in the last 0.6.x release.

To opt-in to auto-updates for 0.7.x, install this version into My Mods\SpecialK and then edit Version/installed.ini and change Branch=Latest to Branch=Testing.

I added an option to contain the mouse cursor within the game window, which is useful for some games like Skyrim where the mouse cursor may otherwise move onto a different monitor from time to time.

Grab 0.7.0 here.[]
HolyDeath3000 Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:10am 
Sweet :)
HolyDeath3000 Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:12am 
Okay for some odd reason I got a random error with Skyrim SE on bootup. Which it was working fine earlier. Didn't even update yet to latest 0.7.0 version.

SpecialK Log
11/17/2016 12:08:05.474: SpecialK.log created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:05.474: >> (SkyrimSE.exe) [SpecialK64.dll] << 11/17/2016 12:08:05.474: Loading user preferences from SpecialK.ini... done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:05.476: Working Directory: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition 11/17/2016 12:08:05.476: System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32 11/17/2016 12:08:05.476: Loading default dxgi.dll: (dxgi.dll) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:05.478: [] Using Hardware (SSE 4.2) CRC32C Algorithm 11/17/2016 12:08:05.492: [] Enabling CEGUI: (C:\Users\markm.IANIMEDEATH\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\CEGUI\bin\x64\CEGUIBase-0.dll) 11/17/2016 12:08:05.772: [] Initializing NVIDIA API (NvAPI): Success 11/17/2016 12:08:05.844: [] >> NVIDIA Driver Version: 375.86 11/17/2016 12:08:05.844: [] * Number of Installed NVIDIA GPUs: 2 (0 are in SLI mode) 11/17/2016 12:08:05.844: [Hybrid GPU] NvOptimusEnablement..................: UNDEFINED 11/17/2016 12:08:05.844: [Hybrid GPU] AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance.: UNDEFINED 11/17/2016 12:08:05.855: [API Detect] <!> [] <!> 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [DLL Loader] ( SpecialK64.dll ) loaded ' d3d12.dll' <LoadLibraryW> 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [] Importing CreateDXGIFactory{1|2} 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [] ================================ 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [] CreateDXGIFactory: 810B0B00h { Hooked } 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [] CreateDXGIFactory1: 810B0AC0h { Hooked } 11/17/2016 12:08:05.909: [] CreateDXGIFactory2: 810B0A80h { Hooked } 11/17/2016 12:08:05.918: [] Installing DXGI Hooks 11/17/2016 12:08:05.931: [DLL Loader] ( d3d11.dll ) loaded ' C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll' <LoadLibraryW> 11/17/2016 12:08:05.987: [DLL Loader] ( nvwgf2umx.dll ) loaded ' C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap64.dll' <LoadLibraryExW> 11/17/2016 12:08:06.169: [] === Initialization Finished! === 11/17/2016 12:08:06.169: [] Spawning Process Monitor... tid=0x1738 11/17/2016 12:08:06.779: [] Hooking D3D11 11/17/2016 12:08:06.797: [] [!] IDXGIFactory4::EnumAdapters1 (B00F1500h, 0, 2B2FF7D8h) -- [dxgi.dll, tid=0x11dc] 11/17/2016 12:08:06.797: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < EnumAdapters1_Original (This,Adapter,ppAdapter) > 11/17/2016 12:08:06.797: [] @ Returned Adapter 0: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970' (LUID: 00000000:00009FA7) <Hardware> 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] [!] IDXGIFactory4::EnumAdapters1 (B00F0D80h, 0, 2B2FF870h) -- [SpecialK64.dll, tid=0x11dc] 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < EnumAdapters1_Original (This,Adapter,ppAdapter) > 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] @ Returned Adapter 0: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970' (LUID: 00000000:00009FA7) <Hardware> 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] [!] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain (void) -- [d3d11.dll, tid=0x11dc] 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] <~> Preferred Feature Level(s): <1> - 11.1 11/17/2016 12:08:06.798: [] $ Spawning Memory Budget Change Thread..: tid=0x065c 11/17/2016 12:08:06.886: [] % Setting up Budget Change Notification.: eid=0x704, cookie=1 11/17/2016 12:08:06.886: [] GPU Scheduling...: Pre-Emptive (DMA Buffer) 11/17/2016 12:08:06.886: [] Local Memory.....: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 1826 MiB - Budget: 0 / 3450 MiB) 11/17/2016 12:08:06.887: [] Non-Local Memory.: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 1931 MiB - Budget: 0 / 3659 MiB) 11/17/2016 12:08:06.898: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain_Import (pAdapter, DriverType, Software, Flags, pFeatureLevels, FeatureLevels, SDKVersion, swap_chain_desc, ppSwapChain, ppDevice, &ret_level, ppImmediateContext) > 11/17/2016 12:08:06.898: [] >> Device = 0xAFACF180h (Feature Level: 11.1) 11/17/2016 12:08:06.908: [] Hooking D3D12 11/17/2016 12:08:20.919: [DLL Loader] ( ADVAPI32.dll ) loaded ' C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfproc.dll' <LoadLibraryExW> 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] [!] CreateDXGIFactory1 (IDXGIFactory, 2A108B20h) -- [SpecialK64.dll, tid=0x2324] 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < CreateDXGIFactory1_Import (riid, ppFactory) > 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] [!] IDXGIFactory4::EnumAdapters1 (B01E4810h, 0, 2A108A88h) -- [dxgi.dll, tid=0x2324] 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < EnumAdapters1_Original (This,Adapter,ppAdapter) > 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] @ Returned Adapter 0: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970' (LUID: 00000000:00009FA7) <Hardware> 11/17/2016 12:08:23.852: [] [!] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain (void) -- [SkyrimSE.exe, tid=0x2324] 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] <~> Preferred Feature Level(s): <0> - N/A 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] GPU Scheduling...: Pre-Emptive (DMA Buffer) 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] Local Memory.....: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 1826 MiB - Budget: 0 / 3450 MiB) 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] Non-Local Memory.: Node0 (Reserve: 0 / 1931 MiB - Budget: 0 / 3659 MiB) 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] SwapChain: (1920x823@ 0.0 Hz - Scaling: Unspecified) - [2 Buffers] :: Flags=0x0002, SwapEffect: Discard 11/17/2016 12:08:23.853: [] >> Scaling Override (Requested: DXGI_MODE_SCALING_UNSPECIFIED, Using: DXGI_MODE_SCALING_CENTERED) 11/17/2016 12:08:23.871: [] [!] IDXGIFactory4::CreateSwapChain (A7F0DED0h, 2A1089D0h, 5918CF80h) -- [d3d11.dll, tid=0x2324] 11/17/2016 12:08:23.871: [] SwapChain: (1920x823 @ 0.0 Hz - Scaling: Centered) - {Windowed} [2 Buffers] :: Flags=0x0002, SwapEffect: Discard 11/17/2016 12:08:23.871: [] >> Using Flip Presentation Model [Waitable: Yes - 15 ms] 11/17/2016 12:08:23.952: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < CreateSwapChain_Original (This, pDevice, pDesc, ppSwapChain) > 11/17/2016 12:08:23.980: [] Setting Swapchain Frame Latency: 2 11/17/2016 12:08:23.980: [] Setting Device Frame Latency: 2 11/17/2016 12:08:23.980: [] [@] Return: S_OK - < D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain_Import (pAdapter, DriverType, Software, Flags, pFeatureLevels, FeatureLevels, SDKVersion, swap_chain_desc, ppSwapChain, ppDevice, &ret_level, ppImmediateContext) > 11/17/2016 12:08:24.410: [DLL Loader] ( SkyrimSE.exe ) loaded ' XAudio2_7.dll' <LoadLibraryA> 11/17/2016 12:08:24.564: [DLL Loader] ( XAudio2_7.dll ) loaded ' avrt.dll' <LoadLibraryA> 11/17/2016 12:08:32.346: [] Closing RivaTuner Statistics Server connection... done! 11/17/2016 12:08:32.360: [] Shutting down Memory Budget Change Thread... done! 11/17/2016 12:08:32.360: [] Shutting down Process Monitor... done! 11/17/2016 12:08:32.478: [] Saving user preferences to SpecialK.ini... done! 11/17/2016 12:08:32.504: [] Custom dxgi.dll Detached (pid=0x2254)

Crash Log
11/17/2016 12:08:26.928: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:26.928: [! Except !] << EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION >> 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] # File.....: 'C:/Users/MARKM~1.IAN/DOCUME~1/MYMODS~1/SpecialK/SpecialK64.dll' 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] * RIP Addr.: SpecialK64.dll+000000000006ED12h 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [StackFrame] <-> Rip=0222a985ed12h, Rsp=00a52c5ffad0h, Rbp=00a52c5ffc29h 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [StackFrame] >-< Rsi=0222b00efd30h, Rdi=0222ab6d0510h 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] rax: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] rbx: 0x000001ce584c 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] rcx: 0x00000e3d04f2 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] rdx: 0x00000e3c04f1 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] r8: 0x00006f8ad090 r9: 0x0222ab6a3820 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] r10: 0x00a52c5ffad0 r11: 0x00a52c5ffa10 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] r12: 0x0222ab6d04d0 r13: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] r14: 0x000000000000 r15: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: [] EFlags: 0x00010206 11/17/2016 12:08:26.929: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:26.953: [--(Name)--] [!] { SpecialK64.dll} SKX_SetPluginName 11/17/2016 12:08:26.959: [--(Name)--] [!] { SpecialK64.dll} SKX_SetPluginName 11/17/2016 12:08:29.211: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [! Except !] << EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION >> 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] # File.....: 'C:/Users/MARKM~1.IAN/DOCUME~1/MYMODS~1/SpecialK/SpecialK64.dll' 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] * RIP Addr.: SpecialK64.dll+000000000006ED12h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [StackFrame] <-> Rip=0222a985ed12h, Rsp=00a52c5ffad0h, Rbp=00a52c5ffc29h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [StackFrame] >-< Rsi=0222b00efd30h, Rdi=0222ab6d0510h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] rax: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] rbx: 0x000001ce584c 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] rcx: 0x00000e3d04f2 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] rdx: 0x00000e3c04f1 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] r8: 0x00006f8ad090 r9: 0x0222ab6a3820 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] r10: 0x00a52c5ffad0 r11: 0x00a52c5ffa10 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] r12: 0x0222ab6d04d0 r13: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] r14: 0x000000000000 r15: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: [] EFlags: 0x00010206 11/17/2016 12:08:29.220: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.227: [--(Name)--] [!] { SpecialK64.dll} SKX_SetPluginName 11/17/2016 12:08:29.755: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [! Except !] << EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION >> 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] # File.....: 'C:/Users/MARKM~1.IAN/DOCUME~1/MYMODS~1/SpecialK/SpecialK64.dll' 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] * RIP Addr.: SpecialK64.dll+000000000006ED12h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [StackFrame] <-> Rip=0222a985ed12h, Rsp=00a52c5ffad0h, Rbp=00a52c5ffc29h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [StackFrame] >-< Rsi=0222b00efd30h, Rdi=0222ab6d0510h 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] rax: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] rbx: 0x000001ce584c 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] rcx: 0x00000e3d04f2 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] rdx: 0x00000e3c04f1 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] r8: 0x00006f8ad090 r9: 0x0222ab6a3820 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] r10: 0x00a52c5ffad0 r11: 0x00a52c5ffa10 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] r12: 0x0222ab6d04d0 r13: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] r14: 0x000000000000 r15: 0x000000000000 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: [] EFlags: 0x00010206 11/17/2016 12:08:29.761: ----------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/2016 12:08:29.770: [--(Name)--] [!] { SpecialK64.dll} SKX_SetPluginName 11/17/2016 12:08:30.289: -----------------------------------------------------------

Last edited by HolyDeath3000; Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:13am
HolyDeath3000 Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:14am 
Okay that was weird. I just booted the game up again and now it loaded without a crash... o.O

Nothing was changed at all.
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:20am 
It's a stack overflow caused by who knows what. SKX_SetPluginName is never called by Special K itself, that is only used by my separate plug-in DLLs. If it happens again, please include logs/preloads.log on and I may have a better idea what is doing that.
HolyDeath3000 Nov 17, 2016 @ 9:44am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
It's a stack overflow caused by who knows what. SKX_SetPluginName is never called by Special K itself, that is only used by my separate plug-in DLLs. If it happens again, please include logs/preloads.log on and I may have a better idea what is doing that.
Okay will do and thanks for the explaination.
Ezodagrom Nov 17, 2016 @ 11:38am 
Updated to the 0.7 branch, Akiba's Trip now works fine (after setting AutoPumpCallbacks=false), though borderless windowed mode has the same issue as Grandia 2, Magic Duels and Saints Row 3, it becomes a tiny window.
Using the Akiba Interceptor mod (posted in the game's guides section of the community hub) for borderless mode instead.
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 11:45am 
Is this with Center=true or Center=false under the Window.System settings? If it's with Center=true, the software might be reading the resolution of the wrong monitor.
Ezodagrom Nov 17, 2016 @ 11:48am 
Originally posted by Kaldaien:
Is this with Center=true or Center=false under the Window.System settings? If it's with Center=true, the software might be reading the resolution of the wrong monitor.
Tried with both, Center=true is a tiny window in the middle of the screen, Center=false is a tiny window in the top left of the screen.
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 11:53am 
Then I'm guessing you have DPI scaling problems. That's the only thing that would cause the window dimensions to change. Can you set Disable DPI Scaling in the application compatibility settings and let me know if anything changes?
Ezodagrom Nov 17, 2016 @ 11:54am 
Already tried that as well and still had the same issue.
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
Okay, that's weird then. The only other thing I can think of has to do with resizing the window after the border decorations are removed. Can you paste SpecialK.log to for one of these games? It should list the computed window dimensions.

I tried Akiba's Trip just now and didn't have any problems with the borderless feature. Centered and non-centered works as expected. The game only goes up to 1920x1080 so I can't test a situation where the display resolution is > desktop res.

    11/17/2016 14:54:51.591: [Border Mgr] WINDOW => {Left: 960, Top: 506} - (WxH: 1920x1080) 11/17/2016 14:54:51.592: [Border Mgr] WINDOW => {Left: 960, Top: 506} - (WxH: 1920x1080)
Last edited by Kaldaien; Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:08pm
Ezodagrom Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:22pm 
Akiba's Trip log, removed the mod, verified cache to be sure, disabled DPI scaling in the compatibility tab, set borderless, center and renderinbackground to true.

Picture of how it looks like:

And another game with the same issue, Saints Row 3, also with DPI scaling disabled, borderless, center, renderinbackground.
Last edited by Ezodagrom; Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:22pm
Ezodagrom Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:35pm 
Hmm, thinking about it, a few weeks ago I had to get a new graphics card due to my previous one having issues, when I got the new card my PC was pretty slow.
While I usually avoid using tools like this, I ended using display driver uninstaller, wouldn't be surprised if that messed something on my system. ._.
Last edited by Ezodagrom; Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:36pm
Kaldaien Nov 17, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
What is your desktop resolution set to?
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