Metro: Last Light Redux

Metro: Last Light Redux

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Jig McGalliger Jan 4, 2017 @ 3:27am
Interpreting xbox_net_data for the diary pages, moral system, and achievements
I've been tinkering around with the xbox_net_data settings in the appdata config file to actually determine how they might interact with achievements/diary pages. I started a cloud based save of LL on a newly formatted computer and I think I have some details nailed down. I'm sure if I used a ram skimmer or cheat engine I might be able to explore more efficiently but here is what I think thus far.

My game started right near the spiders and I ran past everything, picked up some diary pages and saw I missed many pages in the previous chapters (but not all). Once finishing the theatre I closed the game and changed every = value to 1 in the appdata config file and started it back up and then I suddenly had all the diary pages I'd missed halfway through the game save I was using. I presume I will have each of the diary pages moving forward, haven't tested yet. Though I tried chaning entries 3-46 back to 0 and the game auto flipped them back to 1. I could try making it read-only but I can't confirm that this works yet.

What I also noticed was that the game had changed my config file from all =1's to some values being higher; meaning the game save knows a 1 or 0 doesn't belong there, and it overwrote it. I suspect these ones might have to be related to the moral system. These start at entry 47 which is not long after the number of diary entries (43 diary pages I think).

There is some hexadecimal looking entries that = a numeric value, but entry 49 is the 50th entry, so the scale isn't entirely insane to start. I would have to play through more of the game to see what values change to what, they could be entirely linear with the campaign for diary pages and moral points.

If I don't get lazy I will do more thorough work to demistify how the net_data entries relate to the the game's overall tracking of your progression of choices. Here is my LL entries after I changed all values to 1 and the game auto corrected some. I suggest putting this into a better text exidtor for analysis.

xbox_net_data (3=1,4=1,5=1,6=1,7=1,8=1,9=1,a=1,b=1,c=1,d=1,e=1,f=1,10=1,11=1,12=1,13=1,14=1,15=1,16=1,1f=1,20=1,21=1,22=1,23=1,24=1,25=1,26=1,27=1,28=1,31=1,32=1,33=1,34=1,35=1,36=1,37=1,38=1,39=1,3b=1,3c=1,3d=1,3e=1,40=1,42=1,44=1,46=1,47=7,48=11,49=19,4a=1,4b=1,4c=3881,4d=3881,4e=3881,4f=3884,50=3881,51=1,52=10,53=16,54=1,55=1,56=8,57=12,58=16,59=7,5a=1,5b=5,5c=12,5d=16,5e=1,5f=1,60=d,61=10,62=18,63=1,64=1,65=1,66=1,67=1,68=1,69=1,6a=1,6b=1,6c=1,6d=1,6e=1,6f=1,70=1,71=1,72=1,73=1,74=1,75=1,76=1,77=1,78=1,79=1,7a=1,7b=1,7c=1,7d=1,7e=1,7f=1,80=1,81=1,82=1,83=1,84=1,85=1,86=1,87=1,88=1,89=1,8a=1,8b=1,8c=1,8d=1,8e=1,8f=1,90=1,91=1,92=1,93=1,94=1,95=1,96=1,97=1,98=1,99=1,9a=1,9b=1,9c=1,9d=1,9e=1,9f=1,a0=1,a1=1,a2=1,a3=1,a4=1,a5=1,a6=1,a7=1,a8=1,a9=1,aa=1,ab=1,ac=1,ad=1,ae=1,af=1,b0=1,b1=1,b2=3881,b3=3881,b4=3881,b5=3884,b6=3881,b7=1,b9=1,ba=1,bb=1,d7=1,d8=1,db=1,ea=1,eb=1,ec=1,f3=1,f7=1,f8=1,f9=1,fa=1,fb=1,fc=1,fd=1,fe=1,ff=1,100=1,101=1,102=1,103=1,104=1,105=1,106=1,107=1,108=1,109=1,10a=1,10b=1,10c=1,10d=1,10e=1,10f=1,110=1,111=1,112=1,113=1,114=1,115=1,116=1,117=1,118=1,119=1,11a=1,11b=1,11c=1,11d=1,11e=1,11f=1,120=1,121=1,122=1,123=2a,124=1,125=1,126=1,127=1,128=1,12b=1,12c=1,12d=1,12e=1,12f=1,130=1,131=1,132=1,133=1,134=1,135=1,136=1,137=1,138=1,139=1,13a=1,13b=1,13c=1,13d=1,13e=1,13f=1,140=1,141=1,142=1,143=1,144=1,145=1,146=1,147=1,148=1,149=1,14a=1,14b=1,14c=1,14d=1,14e=1,14f=1,150=1,151=1,152=1,153=1,154=1,155=1,156=1,157=1,158=1,159=1,15a=1,15b=1,15c=1,15d=1,15e=1,15f=1,160=1,161=1,162=1,163=1,164=1,165=1,166=1,167=1,168=1,169=1,16a=1,16b=1,16c=1,16d=1,16e=1,16f=1,170=1,171=1,172=1,173=1,174=1,175=1,176=1,177=1,178=1,179=1,17a=1,17b=1,17c=1,17d=1,17e=1,17f=1,180=1,181=1,182=1,183=1,184=1,185=1,186=16,187=e,188=12,189=5,18a=1,18b=1,18c=1,18d=3,18e=4a,18f=12,190=22,191=3,192=1,193=1,194=7)
xbox_state_data (43,48,52)()

I could have started this 6 years ago.
Last edited by Jig McGalliger; Mar 4, 2018 @ 8:01am
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
Jig McGalliger Oct 22, 2017 @ 11:51am 

I have found that these are related to long karma tracking.
Snipe_Dogg375 Mar 14, 2018 @ 12:38pm 
Thanks for this Jig. I had to fully restore my laptop yesterday and backed up my saves but not the config file in the appdata folder. Im about 3/4 through the game and was pissed off when loading in to the correct spot and grabbing the next diary entry to find all the others missing! Especially after I replayed 2-3 of the missions to retrieve them! Doing the above has reopened all my previous diary entrys but unsure which values actually did it? I did the first 46 first and this did nothing?? Then did them all and it worked - I've not progressed futher yet to see if i still have to obtain the others and I'm unsure if my moral choices have changed but thanks for the help man.
Last edited by Snipe_Dogg375; Mar 14, 2018 @ 12:39pm
Sierra_Two Oct 3, 2020 @ 10:51am 
Can confirm copying the above in the CFG file located in "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033\[weird folder name with letters and numbers]" works for Metro 2033 Redux, thank you!
_H3X1C Nov 29, 2020 @ 6:39am 
Thank you! I just reinstalled my Windows, booted up Metro loaded my save and found all diary entries gone! Restored the app data folder from my old drive and they are back :)
_H3X1C Nov 29, 2020 @ 6:42am 
To continue your research, here is the net data and state data for Metro 2033 Redux with all diary entries found.
xbox_net_data (3=0,4=0,5=0,6=0,7=0,8=0,9=0,a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,10=0,11=0,12=0,13=0,14=0,15=0,16=0,1f=1,20=1,21=1,22=1,23=1,24=0,25=0,26=0,27=0,28=0,31=0,32=0,33=0,34=0,35=0,36=0,37=0,38=0,39=0,3b=0,3c=0,3d=0,3e=0,40=0,42=0,44=0,46=0,47=7,48=11,49=19,4a=1,4b=1,4c=3881,4d=3881,4e=3881,4f=3884,50=3881,51=1,52=10,53=16,54=1,55=1,56=8,57=12,58=16,59=7,5a=1,5b=5,5c=12,5d=16,5e=1,5f=1,60=d,61=10,62=18,63=1,64=1,65=0,66=0,67=0,68=0,69=0,6a=0,6b=0,6c=0,6d=0,6e=0,6f=0,70=0,71=0,72=0,73=0,74=0,75=0,76=0,77=0,78=0,79=0,7a=0,7b=0,7c=0,7d=0,7e=0,7f=0,80=0,81=0,82=0,83=0,84=0,85=0,86=0,87=0,88=0,89=0,8a=0,8b=0,8c=0,8d=0,8e=0,8f=0,90=0,91=0,92=0,93=0,94=0,95=0,96=0,97=0,98=0,99=0,9a=0,9b=0,9c=0,9d=0,9e=0,9f=0,a0=0,a1=0,a2=0,a3=0,a4=0,a5=0,a6=0,a7=0,a8=0,a9=0,aa=0,ab=0,ac=0,ad=0,ae=0,af=0,b0=0,b1=0,b2=3881,b3=3881,b4=3881,b5=3884,b6=3881,b7=0,b9=0,ba=0,bb=0,d7=0,d8=0,db=0,ea=0,eb=0,ec=0,f3=0,f7=0,f8=0,f9=0,fa=0,fb=0,fc=0,fd=0,fe=0,ff=0,100=0,101=0,102=0,103=0,104=0,105=0,106=0,107=0,108=0,109=0,10a=0,10b=0,10c=0,10d=0,10e=0,10f=0,110=0,111=0,112=0,113=0,114=0,115=0,116=0,117=0,118=0,119=0,11a=0,11b=0,11c=0,11d=0,11e=0,11f=0,120=0,121=0,122=0,123=f,124=0,125=33,126=4,127=0,128=0,12b=0,12c=1,12d=0,12e=0,12f=0,130=0,131=1,132=1,133=1,134=1,135=1,136=1,137=1,138=1,139=1,13a=1,13b=1,13c=1,13d=1,13e=1,13f=1,140=1,141=1,142=1,143=1,144=1,145=1,146=1,147=1,148=1,149=1,14a=1,14b=1,14c=1,14d=1,14e=1,14f=1,150=1,151=1,152=1,153=1,154=1,155=1,156=1,157=1,158=1,159=1,15a=1,15b=1,15c=1,15d=1,15e=1,15f=1,160=1,161=1,162=1,163=1,164=2ab4f,165=b,166=4,167=8,168=0,169=98,16a=13,16b=1,16c=18,16d=154,16e=2,16f=0,170=e,171=b6,172=2,173=ce,174=0,175=16,176=e,177=6,178=2f,179=1f,17a=3,17b=18,17c=8,17d=0,17e=4e,17f=95,180=69,181=2a,182=2,183=1,184=5,185=2,186=0,187=0,188=0,189=0,18a=0,18b=0,18c=0,18d=0,18e=0,18f=0,190=0,191=0,192=0,193=0,194=0) xbox_state_data (2,3,4,c,d,11,17,19,1e,20,23,25,28,29,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,31)()

If I remember I will do the same for Metro Last Light.
Last edited by _H3X1C; Nov 29, 2020 @ 6:43am
paul_trunks Dec 27, 2020 @ 3:44am 
Thx a lot, works on Metro LL (standard, no Redux version)
TwBloodStar Apr 2, 2021 @ 9:57am 
For Metro Last Light Redux:

Diary Pages:(0=false(not collected),1=true(collected))

xbox_net_data (...f7=1,f8=1,f9=1,fa=1,fb=1,fc=1,fd=1,fe=1,ff=1,100=1,101=1,102=1,103=1,104=1,105=1,106=1,107=1,108=1,109=1,10a=1,10b=1,10c=1,10d=1,10e=1,10f=1,110=1,111=1,112=1,113=1,114=1,115=1,116=1,117=1,118=1,119=1,11a=1,11b=1,11c=1,11d=1,11e=1,11f=1,120=1,121=1,...)

Notice that the Steam achievement for diary pages(Published) does not track above lines, but instead track only final part of the xbox_net_data.
(194=0~43(the number of diary pages you have collected))

xbox_net_data (...194=43)
kalo Sep 6, 2021 @ 3:09pm 
Hey there, I changed my xbox_net_data to the abovementioned settings because two diary pages are not showing up in the game. I got the missing pages but the Steam achievment isn´t tracking. Do I have to do anything else in-game (e.g. finish the last mission) to receive the achievement?
TwBloodStar Sep 7, 2021 @ 7:00am 
Originally posted by kalo:
Hey there, I changed my xbox_net_data to the abovementioned settings because two diary pages are not showing up in the game. I got the missing pages but the Steam achievment isn´t tracking. Do I have to do anything else in-game (e.g. finish the last mission) to receive the achievement?

I'm not sure. Maybe you could try changing xbox_net_data (...194=43) to (...194=42), then change one of the diary back to 0, and then get that page in the mission.
kalo Sep 9, 2021 @ 3:33am 
Originally posted by TwBloodStar:
Originally posted by kalo:
Hey there, I changed my xbox_net_data to the abovementioned settings because two diary pages are not showing up in the game. I got the missing pages but the Steam achievment isn´t tracking. Do I have to do anything else in-game (e.g. finish the last mission) to receive the achievement?

I'm not sure. Maybe you could try changing xbox_net_data (...194=43) to (...194=42), then change one of the diary back to 0, and then get that page in the mission.

It worked! Achievement poped up a couple of minutes later in another mission...
Thanks a lot!!
ʚ arisu ɞ Jul 23, 2022 @ 6:06am 
Originally posted by kalo:
Originally posted by TwBloodStar:

I'm not sure. Maybe you could try changing xbox_net_data (...194=43) to (...194=42), then change one of the diaries back to 0, and then get that page in the mission.

It worked! Achievement popped up a couple of minutes later in another mission...
Thanks a lot!!
Hello! I might be a bit late, Could you help me? I lost my game save for some reason and it reset all my progress in the game, I was short of getting just a few diary pages but then I would need to re-play all the game to get them. I do still have the chapter select unlocked but no diary entries sadly...

I tried changing all the =0 values to =1 then leaving only the first diary page =0 and picking it up to try and trick the steam achievements into thinking it is the last, but it never pops.

I'm on Metro 2033 Redux. Any help is appreciated! :NB_RANGER_NOTE:
TwBloodStar Jul 23, 2022 @ 6:24am 
Originally posted by arisu:
Originally posted by kalo:

It worked! Achievement popped up a couple of minutes later in another mission...
Thanks a lot!!
Hello! I might be a bit late, Could you help me? I lost my game save for some reason and it reset all my progress in the game, I was short of getting just a few diary pages but then I would need to re-play all the game to get them. I do still have the chapter select unlocked but no diary entries sadly...

I tried changing all the =0 values to =1 then leaving only the first diary page =0 and picking it up to try and trick the steam achievements into thinking it is the last, but it never pops.

I'm on Metro 2033 Redux. Any help is appreciated! :NB_RANGER_NOTE:

Have you tried changing xbox_net_data (...194=43) to (...194=42), then change one of the diary back to 0, and then get that page in the mission?
That's what works for me.(I tried it for the last mission)
ʚ arisu ɞ Jul 23, 2022 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by TwBloodStar:
Originally posted by arisu:
Hello! I might be a bit late, Could you help me? I lost my game save for some reason and it reset all my progress in the game, I was short of getting just a few diary pages but then I would need to re-play all the game to get them. I do still have the chapter select unlocked but no diary entries sadly...

I tried changing all the =0 values to =1 then leaving only the first diary page =0 and picking it up to try and trick the steam achievements into thinking it is the last, but it never pops.

I'm on Metro 2033 Redux. Any help is appreciated! :NB_RANGER_NOTE:

Have you tried changing xbox_net_data (...194=43) to (...194=42), then change one of the diary back to 0, and then get that page in the mission?
That's what works for me.(I tried it for the last mission)

Thanks for replying to me!!
I tried doing this, but it didn't work. I tried it in 3 different missions,
The last counter (194=??) is always 0 and it does not add up or change even if i picked anything. so if i made it 42 and then picked something up it is supposed to be 43 right? but it just doesn't add up for some reason.
_H3X1C Jul 23, 2022 @ 11:25am 
Getting notified on this made me curious. I took a deeper dive into my Metro 2033 data. Here's my finding:

The data looks like this:
xbox_net_data (3=0,4=0,5=0,6=0,....
So it houses sets of pairs, with e.g. 4=0 being one pair.
Following that example
'4' is the index / identifier (So game knows what it represents e.g. jump counter)
'0' is the value of the identifier.

The value is in hexadecimal form.

My findings on dairy data:
- In NetData indexes 131-163 contain the collected status of the 51 Diary pages (in order). The values meaning: 1 = collected, 0 = not collected.

- The file user.cfg is written as soon as the player picks up a diary entry, quiting without saving does not impact diary collection progress. Pages will remained picked up on reloading.

- Editing the file while the game is running is a no go, I believe the values are in memory while the game is running and the game only re-write the file from memory to disk. So any changes you make just get overwritten.
I suspect the game only actually reads in the file on game boot.

- In NetData, index 125 hold the value of total collected Diary pages.
The value itself is in hexadecimal form. This is a 'dumb' counter, the game only +1 to the count when you pickup a diary entry. So it can become out of sync if you manually edit the above data without updating this number.

So in Metro 2033, there's 51 total diary entries.
51 in hexadecimal is 33
Last edited by _H3X1C; Jul 23, 2022 @ 2:22pm
_H3X1C Jul 23, 2022 @ 11:45am 
Metro Last Light:


Diary page data points:
f7 - 121
Example - 11/43 collected:

Total diary page count:

Example 11 collected pages:

why b? The hexadecimal representation of 11 is b

There 43 total pages, therefore the correct value to have here if you want to have all pages collected is 2b as the hexadecimal representation of 43 is 2b. Then you would also make sure all 43 pages are set to 1 so they show up as collected in your Diary menu.
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