Far Cry

Far Cry

Problem with bindings
Sorry for my bad english.
I bought farcry on holiday sale and game is running fine except for the bindings of my keyboard. It looks like I cant set few buttons to normal like "A" - "Move left". It always binds different key. And even when trying to set "Defaults", it sets to a wrong key. In my situation - to "1". I tryed deleting game.cfg and then running the game. Bindings came to normal, but my mouse doesnt work in game... And when I try setting "defaults" then... keys goes to un-normal bindings again. Im running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
Intel pentium G860 3.00GHz
4GB of Ram
Nvidia geforce 210gt
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capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:19 
Close the game, delete game.cfg file from game folder and restart it. If you will not be able to turn around with mouse, then set TURNLR to "maxisx" and TURNUD to "maxisy" in this file. If this will not help, then google it. This is common issue.
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:28 
Well... my mouse now works, but bindings are back to wrong positions and I cant change them.

Thanks anyway...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ridy; 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:28
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:51 
Hey, note that you also have default_game.cfg or whatever_game.cfg file in one of the Profiles subfolders (player is by default). You probably need to delete it. Then delete game.cfg. Then run the game and check bindings. If they are okay, then edit default_game.cfg and game.cfg to fix the mouse.

BTW, I've solved the save problem a week ago. Somehow. Good luck.
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:54 
And don't check bindings in settings, they could look wrong. Better start actual gameplay and check them.
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:02 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sapog:
And don't check bindings in settings, they could look wrong. Better start actual gameplay and check them.
I did as you said... still doesnt work. Ubisoft should fix this... It seems like my settings mess up after I close the game and restart it. And the weirdest thing is... all bindings are correct inside game.cfg and profile's game.cfg except for mouse movement. I dont really understand whats going on here...
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:09 
As I said, if you somehow have correct KEYBOARD bindings in gameplay, then edit both default_game.cfg and game.cfg with TURNLR set to "maxisx" and TURNUD set to "maxisy". NOTE! There are a number of occurencies in each file.
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:13 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sapog:
As I said, if you somehow have correct KEYBOARD bindings in gameplay, then edit both default_game.cfg and game.cfg with TURNLR set to "maxisx" and TURNUD set to "maxisy". NOTE! There are a number of occurencies in each file.
I do this and my mouse comes back to life in game, but my other settings mess up. But if I delete these game.cfg files, my keyboard bindings come backs to normal, but mouse dies... and if then I restart game without any changes to new game.cfg files... my keyboard settings mess up again, only this time together with mouse. I just cant get both mouse and keyboard work normally together at the same time.
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:19 
This is probably first and last time when I buy Ubisoft's game...
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:26 
Magic. One more thing to try. Edit Profiles\defaults\english\game.cfg file with MOUSE fix (maxisx, maxisy). I don't really know if "english" will be used on you system (but on russian english is used). Then delete game.cfg and default_game.cfg.

I have no more ideas. Google, if this will not help... or try to find out which cfg is actually used by game (e.g. with ProcessExplorer from Microsoft).
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:28 
This game was released in 2004! Some games that old doesn't even launch on Win7. :)
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 15:40 
All of them are the same. All of them has correct settings except for mouse... I really dont understand how they messes up in game. Only mouse is fixable... :/
who want to try multiplayer ?
capkoh 30. Dez. 2012 um 16:00 
Ridy, now I remember. Deleting game.cfg and default_game.cfg always gives me working KEYBOARD bindings. So, I've just edited cfg with MOUSE fix. What locale do you have on Windows? I've just found that keyboard bindings in game.cfg must correspond to chars in YOUR locale, not in english (no matter what is displayed in setting in game). I have russian locale and russian chars in game.cfg.

... or if you have mouse working, then you can re-assign all keyboard bindings in settings in game.

... or, well, try to remove ALL (*.cfg) files from game folder. :)
Ridy 30. Dez. 2012 um 16:10 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sapog:
Ridy, now I remember. Deleting game.cfg and default_game.cfg always gives me working KEYBOARD bindings. So, I've just edited cfg with MOUSE fix. What locale do you have on Windows? I've just found that keyboard bindings in game.cfg must correspond to chars in YOUR locale, not in english (no matter what is displayed in setting in game). I have russian locale and russian chars in game.cfg.

... or if you have mouse working, then you can re-assign all keyboard bindings in settings in game.

... or, well, try to remove ALL (*.cfg) files from game folder. :)
I understand it now. Lithuanian locale here. Trying to fix it right now...

Ups... I was wrong. Its English locale here. And changing chars didnt helped :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ridy; 30. Dez. 2012 um 16:20
anyone know if this works via controller input?
I know, I know, its a PC game, use PC controls.....but I really do just like using a controller for these types of games.
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Geschrieben am: 30. Dez. 2012 um 14:08
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