Far Cry

Far Cry

This game is Hard ASF
Like, first part in the camp section where they want you to steal a ride. I get my ass handed to me like no other. I was staying back and here came the chopper and did me in. This is all on Easy also, lol.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Sar May 7 @ 1:12pm 
It kinda is. You will get better, it will "click" eventually. Engage from long range, hide in bushes, watch out for flankers. The enemies will search the place where they last saw or heard you. You can actually just grab the car and rush towards the carrier, but you can also stick to cleaning the base and learn the basics.

You can pretty easily dispose of helicopters by shooting their gunners. They aren't protected, but have decent HP pool. As soon as you kill the gunner, helicopter stops being a threat. It's an optional fight in this level (as long as you can prevent mercs from raising the alarm, anyway), but later you'll have to fight some helicopters.
Midn1ght May 13 @ 2:17am 
Some of the levels in the second half are ludicrous, I agree.
skidmark May 17 @ 11:23am 
This game is all about stealth.
Sar May 17 @ 12:31pm 
FC1 stealth isn’t like later entries at all. You aren’t really meant to chain backstabs and epic takedowns. You’re meant to reposition constantly and choose new angles of attack.
I'm currently stuck on the boat objective on the carrier. I did the section flawlessly the first time only to get booted off the boat because the stupid bridge broke. Unable to get back I reloaded the stupid checkpoint and now I get inta killed as soon as I get to the top of the ladder. >:/
Sar May 19 @ 4:38am 
You can trigger helicopter spawn and go down and kill it from the lower decks with plenty of cover.

Also, if you fall down, you can still find some solid ground from which you can shoot the chains supporting the boat and complete the level.
Originally posted by Sar:
You can trigger helicopter spawn and go down and kill it from the lower decks with plenty of cover.

Also, if you fall down, you can still find some solid ground from which you can shoot the chains supporting the boat and complete the level.

That last bit would have been nice to know beforehand. >_<
Heat May 23 @ 2:02pm 
Welcome to old school gaming. :)
Jordan May 30 @ 2:34pm 
its easy at first but then the trogens and sheilded guards get introduced
Midn1ght May 31 @ 4:44am 
It's really all about driving up a target rich volcano.
Turbo Jun 22 @ 10:18pm 
Your not bad at the game nor are you playing it wrong and it will never really "click" for you because the game is broken. The latest update has a bug where the AI's can see and shoot you through tents, wood huts, foliage ect. Only way to enjoy the game is to download an older version which unfortunately i don't think you can do on steam.
Sar Jun 23 @ 4:22am 
Originally posted by Turbo:
Your not bad at the game nor are you playing it wrong and it will never really "click" for you because the game is broken. The latest update has a bug where the AI's can see and shoot you through tents, wood huts, foliage ect. Only way to enjoy the game is to download an older version which unfortunately i don't think you can do on steam.
The enemy will only shoot you through tents. Also, there are many ways to fix that bug.
Stealth is is good taking your time is good... for the training section... but later a mixture of stealth and brute force is the way through... I like to sniper wherever possible...

Tip: Use the binoculars to find guards out of sight...
Last edited by dcaspinall; Jun 27 @ 9:34am
Use the binoculars frequently to identify hidden baddies.
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