Far Cry

Far Cry

The best way to play the game on modern computers
I just thought I'd share my thoughts and info on my experience playing the game with various fixes and tweaks, so that perhaps new players or old ones who haven't played in a long time get an idea of what they might want to use. Of course, most if all the patches, fixes and solutions are on PCGamingWiki, but I just want to share how things work in practice.

First, the 64bits patch: truth be told, I have no idea if this does anything really worth it for the issues it brings. I noticed some textures looking more detailed, with some bump mapping. I haven't noticed any other graphical improvement regarding draw distance, texture quality or models, nor did I notice performance improvements, though I do have a pretty beefy computer. As for the "extra content and changes" they bring to the levels, I haven't seen anything other than doors opening on their own when you're close to them, which, in my opinion, is not a good change. These patches bring some graphical issues because of bump mapping, some textures can flicker or look weird, and cliff textures look horrible because of a bug. Overall, I wouldn't really recommend these patches.

For a vanilla and comfortable experience with the usual 32bits version, I always used FarOut Widescreen, which also adds SilentPatch and the Tent AI bugfix if you're playing with the 1.4 patch. This package fixes issues and brings proper widescreen support and even 1440p resolution, 4k and more. To me, this is the only thing one needs to play Far Cry in its current state on a modern computer. I personally do not like the Far Cry Fix patch that some people or PCGamingWiki recommends, mainly because it changes the cutscenes and messes with a few other things.

Lastly, you can tweak some settings in the system.cfg file, which can improve the visual aspect of the game, as well as fix potential sickness you may get from playing. Far Cry has Motion Blur by default, which I find to be very noticeable with higher resolutions. You can remove it by finding the r_MotionBlur line in the cfg file, and put it to 0. It does affect the screen effects when drowning or when a flashbang explodes, but it's not really affecting the experience. I also like to turn FSAA to 8 in this file, as well as the texture anisotropy to 16. You can tweak more advanced settings but at your own risks. I tried putting higher Vegetation draw distance but it broke trees and leaves.

And that's all, the tl;dr of all this is: In my opinion, Far Cry 32bits + FarOut Widescreen Patch + SilentPatch + Tent AI Bugfix + basic system.cfg tweaks is the best way to experience the vanilla game in a modern and comfortable enough environment.
Do not hesitate to share any tips or info you have if you want to add something !
Last edited by SkaarjElite; Apr 1 @ 3:14am
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
good info. i have various luck using vr patch. no good guides focusing on that
Hmmm think i will ask here... but did your game have "red tiles" all over the place on some single player levels? last time i played the game was a couple year back.

I had SilentPatch, 64 bit patch and the widescreen if i remember right. But the red tiles were still there :(

I grew up in my teens playing this game and want that experience back :steamhappy:
Last edited by Stormbleidd; Apr 15 @ 6:49am
I had this at one point, it's an issue with the 64bits patch. It's not worth installing for all the trouble it gives unless you somehow got a specific period accurate computer

Originally posted by Wolfbleidd:
Hmmm think i will ask here... but did your game have "red tiles" all over the place on some single player levels? last time i played the game was a couple year back.

I had SilentPatch, 64 bit patch and the widescreen if i remember right. But the red tiles were still there :(

I grew up in my teens playing this game and want that experience back :steamhappy:
Originally posted by SkaarjElite:
I had this at one point, it's an issue with the 64bits patch. It's not worth installing for all the trouble it gives unless you somehow got a specific period accurate computer

Originally posted by Wolfbleidd:
Hmmm think i will ask here... but did your game have "red tiles" all over the place on some single player levels? last time i played the game was a couple year back.

I had SilentPatch, 64 bit patch and the widescreen if i remember right. But the red tiles were still there :(

I grew up in my teens playing this game and want that experience back :steamhappy:

I will try again next time without the 64 bit path :) although if i remember right, the red tiles were there with and without. I will have a play around when i get around to playing again.

I decided to go with VR mod from fholger (flat2VR) and it works great, simple installation, no other tweaks needed, there are extra graphics options to toggle in game menu and its still looks very good in full 3D despite 20 years in service.
Masakari Apr 20 @ 11:36pm 
I just finished the game myself with the flat2VR mod and it was a great experience! I haven't played the game since I was a teenager and it was a fun playthrough!
Originally posted by SkaarjElite:
I had this at one point, it's an issue with the 64bits patch. It's not worth installing for all the trouble it gives unless you somehow got a specific period accurate computer

Originally posted by Wolfbleidd:
Hmmm think i will ask here... but did your game have "red tiles" all over the place on some single player levels? last time i played the game was a couple year back.

I had SilentPatch, 64 bit patch and the widescreen if i remember right. But the red tiles were still there :(

I grew up in my teens playing this game and want that experience back :steamhappy:

Quick update - got FarOut Widescreen installed and a few weapon/enemy skins that i got from gamebanana and its perfect. No red tiles!!

Awarded you a treasure. Thanks again!!!

Its been 20 years since this released... crazy.
Remember if you verify the steam 1.4 version, your need to uninstall and then reinstall the 64-bit version 1.32
Thanks OP for this post.
It was getting a bit confusing with all the versions, 32bit,64bit and different widescreen mods.

The one change not mentioned in the OP post that I recommend is to limit/cap the framerate (FPS) of the game (120 max) and that can be done either through the configuration files, the GPU Control Panel or with Vsync ON, otherwise your GPU is not going to be happy.

The guide posted by Slayni does everything the op mentions, which is all one really needs to play this game I think.
Last edited by One Man Army; Jul 6 @ 10:10am
Right, I totally forgot to mention that a FPS cap is always a nice thing to have. When I had a 60/75hz screen, I liked to cap my framerate using RivaTuner or Nvidia's control panel, to 100fps. With a 144hz monitor now, I cap it at 143fps, and it works perfectly fine.
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