Terra Invicta

Terra Invicta

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The AI sent me a trading deal. WTF?!?!
Ai: I'll give you this 1 star organization that'll give you 1 command. You'll give me your 3 star organization that'll give me more than 3 of everything along with bonuses to boost, economy, and others at 4%. Not just that, but you also need to give me a 1000 research engineering project.

Dang...how could I possibly refuse that. xD Seriously though, what's up with the AI trading? It's outrageously bad. I hope the AI aren't trading around like that behind my back.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
gnt2hk Jul 15 @ 9:36pm 
lol they asked for a 200k tech for relationship improvement with me. I already had all of the countries and habs at that point.
The even funnier thing is that those expensive techs would be utterly useless to them.
Most factions have never shot down an Alien Ship, so they don´t have the exotics to build them.
For the Pion Torch, they don´t have the Antimatter either, a normal player usually doesn´t build more than one Pion Torch for their victory lap.
JeanDeaux Jul 15 @ 11:14pm 
It's a phishing scam, don't click the link.
Originally posted by JeanDeaux:
It's a phishing scam, don't click the link.
* Lol

The AI trading mechanics are very simple but influenced by power discrepancies between the parties so if you are rich or are doing well in comparison they will jack up their price. I don't trade at all some games, basically only when I don't want to make certain factions mad and they have a base with high fissile that I want or a rare type of org that grants a mission type I need.
Trading with the AI is so skewed that it really only worth it in a few edge cases. It really needs to be reworked to make it a part of an average playthrough.
Ericus1 Jul 16 @ 3:54pm 
The "fairness" of trade deals RAPIDLY scales away as you get hate with the faction. If you are on the friendliest of terms you can sometimes get decent deals but move more than a level or two down on that scale and the exchange rate between what they want versus what they will offer becomes egregiously lopsided. And given as you become the dominant faction they all start to hate you anyways it's almost impossible to stay on good terms.

I generally never bother interacting with the AI much past the very early game. I just take what I want from them by force.
Mavrah Jul 17 @ 6:38pm 
As long as every NPC is a greedy hut, none of them would ever agree to the other's terms.
I'd reccomend getting Non-Aggression Pacts with everyone you can once you've claimed and settled into your early-game superpowers. Saves a bit of hassle in the mid-game. Most anything beyond establishing an NAP is pointless.
I did find that when they run out of boost, influence and ops you can buy habs from them for a few month's income of those resources.
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