Terra Invicta

Terra Invicta

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Is it worth to buy?
Is the game still being updated? What types of genres do I need to like to enjoy this? Is it confusing?


Thank's for all the replies, I'm gonna buy it & if its really that bad within the first 2 hours I'll refund it, I'm pretty sure I'll like it though.
Last edited by Reef; Jul 7 @ 8:02pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
debott Jul 6 @ 11:45am 
- Worth it? Depends who you ask. I'd say, yes.
- Updates? Yes, fairly often. Mostly smaller updates, but the developers have big plans.
- Recommended genres: global strategy, geo politics, sci-fi, space physics
- Confusing? More like terribly complex. Everything makes sense, but it takes a while to learn how it all fits together. The game has a tutorial for the basics. But in order to play properly, a walk-through is recommended.
It's from the creators of (the 'modern') x-com's long war mod.
What types of genres do I need to like to enjoy this?
Map painters, games where you have to worry about not only individual battles but also long term economies and where campaigns take triple digit hour counts.
Reef Jul 6 @ 12:20pm 
Yeah, I was just wondering since most of the reviews said it doesn't have lots of depth somehow (I don't even know how this game wouldn't) & the UI was the biggest pain they've ever experienced. Probably over exaggerated though

Originally posted by debott:
- Worth it? Depends who you ask. I'd say, yes.
- Updates? Yes, fairly often. Mostly smaller updates, but the developers have big plans.
- Recommended genres: global strategy, geo politics, sci-fi, space physics
- Confusing? More like terribly complex. Everything makes sense, but it takes a while to learn how it all fits together. The game has a tutorial for the basics. But in order to play properly, a walk-through is recommended.
Reef Jul 6 @ 12:45pm 
Originally posted by POWER WITHIN USER:
It's from the creators of (the 'modern') x-com's long war mod.
What types of genres do I need to like to enjoy this?
Map painters, games where you have to worry about not only individual battles but also long term economies and where campaigns take triple digit hour counts.
I'm unfamiliar with the map painting genre, what is that about? Everything else is something I always wanted in a game!
Premu Jul 6 @ 1:54pm 
Originally posted by Reef:
Originally posted by POWER WITHIN USER:
It's from the creators of (the 'modern') x-com's long war mod.

Map painters, games where you have to worry about not only individual battles but also long term economies and where campaigns take triple digit hour counts.
I'm unfamiliar with the map painting genre, what is that about? Everything else is something I always wanted in a game!

The classical map painters I can think off are Paradox games like Europa Universalis and Hearts of Iron, although something like Civilization can also be seen as one.

The map painting part is not the real dominant one, though. Later in the game you will create mega nations, but at the point it's more for consilidation of your ressources.

Also - I like the game, but it is an early access game. And the criticism regarding the UI I can understand, not everything is always as clear cut. So to get into it there's a barrier to climb over. But if you manage that, it's a real enganging game.
Originally posted by Reef:
Originally posted by POWER WITHIN USER:
It's from the creators of (the 'modern') x-com's long war mod.

Map painters, games where you have to worry about not only individual battles but also long term economies and where campaigns take triple digit hour counts.
I'm unfamiliar with the map painting genre, what is that about? Everything else is something I always wanted in a game!
A "map painter" is a game where you "paint" the map one color, by conquering it and thus making it your nation's color. It's usually a term used derisively for people who just take everything in the game instead of interacting with other systems in it in interesting ways.
Last edited by gimmethegepgun; Jul 6 @ 3:10pm
msor Jul 6 @ 10:37pm 
I would recommend to wait few years before buy.
Early Earth gameplay is complex but enjoyable. Indirect nations control is definitely unusual and interesting. But space part is a complete disappointment. Ships/Stations building and management are over-complicated and space combat mechanic are one of the worst in a gaming history.
Premu Jul 7 @ 1:42am 
Originally posted by msor:
But space part is a complete disappointment. Ships/Stations building and management are over-complicated and space combat mechanic are one of the worst in a gaming history.

I have to disagree with that. The station building is pretty straight forward - you get a clear description what each module does, and you get a warning if you do things like building more modules than you can power. Ship building is also not that bad anymore. The only thing which might be a hassle is to know which of the 50 available drives you should aim for.

Space combat is probably different to most games because it's actually close to real world physics. Space ships don't act like ships on water. They actually use three dimensions, and you can't just stop in space. The UI is tricky in some parts, so there is a steep learning curve. But once you manage that, space combat is quite engaging.
LorDC Jul 7 @ 3:51am 
Originally posted by Reef:
Is the game still being updated?
Yes, quite often. Although updates slowed a bit during summer due to vacations.
Originally posted by Reef:
What types of genres do I need to like to enjoy this?
Terra Invicta is mostly a GSG. (Grand Strategy Game in style of what Paradox makes.)
Originally posted by Reef:
Is it confusing?
I wouldn't call it confusing per se. It is just that it is really hard for a new player to wrap his head around what's important and what isn't and what their goals should be.
Reef Jul 7 @ 8:02pm 
Thank's for all the replies, I'm gonna buy it & if its really that bad within the first 2 hours I'll refund it, I'm pretty sure I'll like it though.
quail Jul 8 @ 2:35am 
space combat balance is horrible, once you get there there is basically no way to lose the game if you understand the "meta" which is extremely extremely simple. its remarkable actually, there is hardly any depth to space combat in this game
Originally posted by quail:
space combat balance is horrible, once you get there there is basically no way to lose the game if you understand the "meta" which is extremely extremely simple. its remarkable actually, there is hardly any depth to space combat in this game

well what's the trick
Wilhelm Jul 9 @ 1:23pm 
Originally posted by Reef:
Thank's for all the replies, I'm gonna buy it & if its really that bad within the first 2 hours I'll refund it, I'm pretty sure I'll like it though.

you won´t get to the best parts in 2hours since this game has different 'stages'
the first hours are only on one planet, after that the space game begins.
if you are a certain type of person then this game is a must-have.
Last edited by Wilhelm; Jul 9 @ 1:23pm
Ericus1 Jul 9 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by CaptainSpacetime:
well what's the trick

Escorts with artemis missiles spam backed by monitors or some other light ship providing PD using 40mm cannons and ions covers early combat and small alien fleets.

Very late game is 960cm UV phasers and Coil3s on floating brick dreadnaughts (mixed fleets of two separate designs) using the ICF7 powerplant and one of the end game fusion drives like Protium Converter or Helion Nova Torch and highly tweaked utility slot loadouts.

Mid game is a gas core fission plant with Firestar or Flare on cruiser or battlecruiser, but the particular weapon loadouts can be vary quite a bit with need/purpose and what you have.

I wouldn't call ship design trivial or a simple "meta", but combat itself tends to focus on minimizing the need to interact outside of starting formation. Although you definitely can try dodging missiles and kinetics. The 40 mms and the Ion PD are quite effective as long as your fleet isn't facing overwhelming numbers.
Last edited by Ericus1; Jul 9 @ 2:24pm
Wilhelm Jul 9 @ 2:07pm 
Originally posted by msor:
I would recommend to wait few years before buy.
Early Earth gameplay is complex but enjoyable. Indirect nations control is definitely unusual and interesting. But space part is a complete disappointment. Ships/Stations building and management are over-complicated and space combat mechanic are one of the worst in a gaming history.

space combat is my favourite part. i wish it was even more like nebulous fleet command.
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