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Questions tagged [ios]

iOS is the mobile operating system running on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Use this tag [ios] for questions related to programming on the iOS platform. Use the related tags [objective-c] and [swift] for issues specific to those programming languages.

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Passing argument of non-sendable type 'PhotosPickerItem' outside of main actor-isolated context may introduce data races

My code looks like this and there's a concurrency warning when accessing the loadTransferable for the selectedPhoto from PhotosPicker struct SampleCode: View { @State var showOptionSheet = false ...
smekers's user avatar
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Using MapKit to select places and extract info

I'm a bit lost on implementing a way to select a local business/place after a search and extract the phone number and name of the place. I want to do this using a sheet pop up but I'm not able to ...
Defaced.Face's user avatar
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Is there an image cropping interface in PhotosUI/SwiftUI

I am unable to find a way to show the cropping interface like in WhatsApp when using PhotosUI in SwiftUI. Eg: I’m assuming this is the standard UI provided by Apple and not custom made by WhatsApp. ...
rayaantaneja's user avatar
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React native permission warning upload loading: No permission handler detected

I have a react native project. Within this react native project, I want to get a users location if they give permission so that I can get their longitude and latitude. I was not getting an issue when ...
ojandali's user avatar
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Download PDF is not working in Safari browser only

Download PDF JavaScript function is not working only in Safari browser. However it is working fine for other browsers like Chrome, Edge etc. We tried the below code from the aura component. It doesn't ...
Srimathy Rajan's user avatar
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fail to implement SwiftUI object tracker

I want to use SwiftUI to implement a camera which can track object, and then I find source code using UIView, I want to migrate it to SwiftUI my key code is here and I delete non-relative part(camera ...
zzhzzh's user avatar
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State Management for Apple autofill passwords

so i have a password formfield (just some component with textinput and some styles). When I focus on it, apple prompts me to ask if I want to choose a strong password. I then say no and the form ...
Will Mears's user avatar
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Fatal error during migration to add an enum field

I'm migrating my two SwiftData models to a V2 VersionedSchema. In this migration, I do the following changes: Change two field types Change a Relationship deleteRule Add a field with a Codable enum ...
Tim's user avatar
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Issue with Offer Code Redemption: SKPaymentQueue Observer Not Notified in StoreKit

I'm developing an iOS app that supports in-app purchases and I'm using StoreKit2 for handling transactions. While purchase, promotion, and restore purchase functionalities are working fine, I'm facing ...
Pushpendra Singh's user avatar
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Enhancing In-App Call Persistence: Allowing Users to Navigate Freely Without Interrupting Calls

My Request I have an App that is live on the App Store and Play Store, in my App it allows users to make a phone call to one another. I'm using for the calling functionality. It is working ...
Zionnite's user avatar
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SwiftUI @AppStorage causes views to refresh/reinitialize with DragGesture

I have a weird issue on SwiftUI iOS 18, when using DragGesture and dragging a view from the left side of the screen (In that cases), causes any View and Sub-View with @AppStorage in it to reinitialize ...
ia244's user avatar
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Why does running an iOS app through macOS cause "Failed to look up symbolic reference" crash?

I'm trying to run an iOS app natively using macOS, now that Apple-Silicon-based Macs support running iOS apps natively. But for some reason when I ran the app, right after it finishes launching it ...
cleanrun's user avatar
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Flutter IOS error after url change: Failed host lookup (OS Error: nodename nor servname provided, or not known, errno = 8)

Updated a flutter app that was going to change servers, so I needed to update the api url. I did it on android and it worked just fine. I did the same thing on IOS, and when I try to login I get the ...
Alejandro Soto's user avatar
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How to remove button highlighted style?

I have a button with background image. I have a grey color when I click on my button. I want to remove this grey fill image color. How to do it? example: code: barButton = SLButtonWithImage(type: ....
user's user avatar
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Best format and way to share audio or video using ActivityView Controller in Swift

I am new to audio and video assets in Swift and am trying to enable users to share audio or video using ActivityViewController. To share text and images I can do: var bestContent0 = "Check out ...
user6631314's user avatar
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