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Questions tagged [azure-devops]

Azure DevOps is a suite of 5 services you use together or independently. For example, Azure Pipelines provides build services (CI) as well as release management for continuous delivery (CD) to any cloud and on-premises servers. Azure Repos provides unlimited private Git hosting, Azure Boards provides agile planning (issues, Kanban, Scrum, and dashboards). Please note that there's a separate tag for Azure DevOps Server (formerly TFS) - the on-prem version.

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Azure Dev Ops | Unit Test | Not able to connect to SQL Database

I'm trying to add my unit test project back into our pipeline run in Azure Dev Ops. This worked in the past, but we had to remove it for X reason. I have everything working and the first 2 test run ...
ttaylor27272727's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Add Multiple Conditions in WHEN Element in Azure DevOps Process XML?

I'm working on customizing a work item type in Azure DevOps and need to add multiple conditions within a WHEN element in the process XML. Specifically, I want to apply certain rules only when all ...
Subrahmanya Bhat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Azure Workitems Azure REST API POST Request - 503 Service unavailable 0x80070057, Invalid request

I'm trying to programmatically create a issue card in Azure boards using python script. I'm using a PAT (personal access token). headers = base64encodedPAT headers[Content-Type']='application/json-...
ProgrammerHGP's user avatar
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git rebasing for linear history

I have an issue with being unable to create a "linear" history for my branch using rebase. I may have a wrong concept as to what can/should be done, but this is what am working with: ---A---...
Dellirium's user avatar
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Environment Azure Devops - error on adding a new VM

I am trying to add a new resource to an existing environment. I already have multiple vm resources in it. But I am getting an error in adding a new on premise VM to it. I run the powershell in the vm ...
TrialByFire's user avatar
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Issues Installing Package from Private Azure DevOps Registry with Yarn

I'm trying to install a package from a private Azure DevOps registry using Yarn. I have configured my .yarnrc.yml file as follows: npmScopes: mycompany: npmRegistryServer:
Ian's user avatar
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3 votes
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Trigger Azure Pipelines based on Azure Boards events

I'm looking into creating some automation based on events occurring on azure DevOps boards. I have the base integration between GitHub and ADO that gives me commit/PR links based on commit message and ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Using Azure Devops API (Python) to write comments on PR

Haven't been able to find a direct method for this anywhere. How can I add comments to a pull request via Azure Devops API in Python?
probonocoda's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Solve on Dependabot: Requirements to unlock update_not_possible

I am trying to implement dependabot on my Organization AZureDevOps Pipeline. We have multi repos. I am Using a script ps1 to distribute for all the repos the Github/dependabot.yaml file and the ...
Malasartes's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 Azure Function publish profile creation failed

I have created a simple Azure Function triggered by service bus queue messages. It works on my local and I can see the break point hit. However, when I try to publish it to Azure I get this error - ...
Sunny Mittal's user avatar
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How to automatically run pull requests from an Azure DevOps pipeline

I'm trying to write a pipeline in Azure DevOps that can look at some code I write in VSCode and automatically add., commit, and push it without me every having to do anything in the console. Here is ...
jrmj4495's user avatar
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Azure Pipeline timeout with testcontainers

I have a similar issue as this: Testcontainers: Azure pipeline test stage reach timeout of 1hour I would have commented there but I can't comment because I don't have 50 reputation. It's the same case,...
davor300's user avatar
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Azure Devops Linux Agent Powershell

I'm trying to import a custom Powershell module which contains several functions. I would like to use the functions in all the next steps in the pipeline without having to import them every time. ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle multiple data sources with credentials when you're deploying AAS model through Azure DevOPS release pipeline

I have a tabular model with two data source connections. Both data sources connect to different servers (and databases) to retrieve data for the tables in the model. Within Azure DevOps, I have ...
Abdio68's user avatar
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Power-Automate: Azure DevOps connector - when a build completes trigger output "Parameters" is always empty

I am working on a teams notifications automation for my pipeline. I would like to output details of this pipeline to my teams channel when build completes successfully. Every needed output from ...
Kopolomo03's user avatar

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