A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Step into the tiny metaphorical shoes of a Muri,
entrusted with the important task of exploring, cleaning,
and restoring a corrupted and decaying beach, one sparkling satisfying
patch at a time,  in this cute cozy mini-adventure - Project Shoreline!

Explore a wilted world…

Clean up the corruption...

…and restore its beauty!

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Please help us out by sharing the game with your friends, and leaving a rating or a comment!

We would also love for you to leave game feedback in our Discord's

︵‿︵‿ Feedback Channel ‿︵‿︵

⠀.・゜゜・  Thank you for playing ・゜゜・.

Even as a small creature, you can make a huge difference.

╭──── Special thanks to ────╮

Tomas Nyman

For providing some of the sounds used in Project Shoreline

Jonathan Nilsson
 Art Consulting

Kristofer Gustafsson
For being a source of ideas and inspiration

♡ Friends and Family ♡
For playtesting and the overwhelming support!

Speldosa is a team of 10 game devs with a passion for games of
many shapes and sizes, and with a talent for creating cute and cozy ones.
We've worked for as long as 6 years together now and hope to have many more!

Read more about us


Project Shoreline for Windows 163 MB
Project Shoreline for Linux 159 MB

Install instructions

✿ Locate the folder you just downloaded called ProjectShoreline.zip

✿ Time to unzip/extract the folder. If you don’t have a particular software for this purpose, you can do so by right-clicking on the folder and choosing “Extract all…” ➔ “Extract”

✿ Open the now unzipped folder and double-click the Application called “Project Shoreline” to launch the game!

✿ If you play on Windows you might get a warning when you launch the game. Press “Read More” in the warning text and then press the button that says “Run Anyway” to play Project Shoreline. 

 ∘°∘ Have fun! ∘°∘

Development log


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amazing! personally just the right size for a chore-like game & omg the designs are so cute. I just know once y'all blow up people will look back through the past work and love this gem<3


I did not find a config file with keybinds. Any plans to add changeable keybinds? Also, someone else mentioned the idea of mouse-movement when using the sprayer, that would be more intuitive.

Taking notes on this! 📝

(3 edits)

i loved it!!! it was really nice and relaxing, the graphics was amazing too. i could just wander around and look at the scenery. 100% progress within ~1,5 hour of playing <3


Thank you so much for playing it! Great work 😍

Enjoyable experience! The art direction was lovely, and the character design was cute; matched the vibe, but didn't overdo it. The color scheme was on-point, and I did like the inclusion of the one orange little critter. 

The gameplay, while simple, felt good. Aside from a couple things here and there regarding inconsistent walking vs running & jumping, the movement / camera felt smooth and never frustrating.  The water spray mechanic was intuitive and worked without issue.

I unfortunately had to look up a video for the end cutscene, as the middle section wouldn't proc for me despite scouring and spraying everything multiple times (and I didn't have time to replay the whole thing). I'm sure this is something that's already being taken into account for the full project, however, so I'll just throw in my +1 for that issue.

In all, it was a game that was nice to look at and felt good to move around in. A lot of small projects have good art, but clunky, awkward movement that gets frustrating after a while-- but this is not one of them. It was a pleasure to play. Thank you for sharing this little demo, and I look forward to any projects that your team makes in the future!

Thank you so much for this lovely feedback! More adventures featuring our little Muri character will come soon 🌸

hey so i downloaded the app but it says that my pc is at risk??-

Hi, char char.

As we are a small studio, we have not code-signed the game, which will give this warning that Windows can't verify that the game has not been tampered with, and want you to make the informed decision to trust the software yourself. 

You can still play the game by pressing "Read More" and "Run Anyway", and the warning will disappear.

oml thank you😭😭


Damn, why don’t such good games come out on Android (although I understand why, it’s all about power and demand, but still...


because android devices are usually weak if you compare them with pcs


But some developers manage to port their games that were originally for PC to Android..... but such games have not been ported yet, strange 😅


i know

another reason why most games cannot be ported to android either because of the engine limits, perfomance issues or you need to waste money for that kind of a feature


Nice, reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine!


Hello there! I instaled the game on Windows so far so good, but when I click to open the game a message pops up saying 'The program cannot start because d3d12.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstaling it to resolve this issue.'

Am not quite sure how to solve this problem :')


Hello Wallflowers, what version of Windows are you using?

Unity has dropped support for every version of Windows before 10 for Unity versions 2023.2 and later (the Unity version we're using).

We're sorry, but there isn't much we can do to resolve this other than recommend upgrading to a newer version of Windows.

Information from Unity about the issue:


Hello again, I'm using using version 8.1 Windows. Thanks for reaching out and replying to my comment. 

I do belive I should upgrad my Windows to a newer version which is totally fine.  I have Project Shoreline saved on my Game collection so i'm able to play it in a near future. Once again thank you for replaiyng, hope you have a good day! :^)

Will it be possible to play on Windows 7? I just don’t have such a powerful computer to upgrade to a demanding version, and I don’t have much knowledge about it (


Unfortunately not. As the engine itself no longer supports Windows 7, the whole game would need to be remade with its own engine or in an older engine which might not support some of the features we are using.

It's sad, but good luck to you in developing and improving the game


Wait… Windows 7 is still working??? Microsoft terminated support for Win7 ages ago tho…. and it is starting to look like they’re trying to push Windows 10 users over to Windows 11 now…

Just a thought, but you might want to upgrade to at least Win10 since there are hardly any modern software(s) out there that still support Windows 7/8 any more…

Why is this 🤨? Yes, Windows 7 is still supported and applications work great on it, I don’t see any problems with it and I’m not going to switch to newer versions), it’s a pity only for some games and applications They don’t support this version, but I’m happy with everything, for me this is the most dear and favorite version


I really enjoy the concept and art direction of the game! However, I am the not biggest fan of the gameplay. But my main complaint is the lack of GUI. There isn’t any in sight when playing the game, no tracking progress or telling you what area you are in. It’s also odd too because the game knows how much progress you’ve made too. (I made a review talking about this further).


Thank you so much for playing and for leaving us some feedback and a review. We're already working on our next project featuring the Muri character which will have the same core mechanics but be a bigger game so we will bring this feedback along to that project ✨ Do stay tuned, we'd love to get more feedback from you on future updates and projects 🥰


very cute game, had a good time just wandering around and cleaning everything!

tho i will say, at the point where you gotta clean up all those rocks and a tree after you pass through that mushroom cave, i got everything all sprayed nd whatnot but it still didn't do anything? i watched a couple youtube videos and i did everything right but it still wouldn't let me progress any further. kinda annoyed ngl but still a really cute game overall!

Oh no, sounds like you missed a spot! 

The mushroom cave itself needs all rocks cleaned to be completely restored, however, this is an extra cleaning space that will not help you progress with the lily pads. Right when you get out of the tutorial area there are 3 pillars that will light up when an area is clean, is one of those perhaps not lit? 

Thank you so much for playing!! :D

(3 edits)

If only there would be a detector... or tolerance to the whole thing clean state. Cleaned every rock one more time and still didnt found the right one. Also exiting game straight to windows is not saving any progress


i really really loved this!

Thank you for playing 😍 Please do stay tuned for more from us and the Muri character >:D


i loved this! really cute and simple.

Thanks for playing 🥰



The game is great i thought i wouldn't like it but it hooked me really quick, didn't hear any audio on my linux device tho

Oh no! We'll grab a look if this is something on our end, thank you for playing and for reporting this ✨

(1 edit) (+2)

Gorgeous game! But I wish the general wide-range washer could have been controlled via to mouse instead of being stuck based on where the character is pointing in general.

Also for the part with the corruption that would regenerate rather quickly (meaning you weren't supposed to cleanse it  but just get past it). I was able to clean the first one (must be a bug/unintentional) and since it was possible I assumed you were supposed to cleanse all of them in order to proceed. I tried for a really long time on the second one where it just became really exhausting ;-; then finally thought maybe I wasn't supposed to clean it after all.

CONGRATS ON 100% 😍😍 Great job!

Thank you so much for playing and for this feedback. We're working on making the player experience better and more understandable for future projects featuring the Muri ✨

Right finally got around to rendering that footage. Its a good time.

Thanks for playing 🥰


I love this game, hope to see more of it soon, it would be a great use of my money tought :D


Stay tuned on our social media (find links in our game description above), we have some big announcements after summer! :D

Yaaaaay <3


Great demo but I wish there was a good way to track down spots that you missed. Either a button that makes spots glow that aren't clean or maybe a map?


We are working on something like this! Thank you for the great feedback and for playing the game :D

I enjoyed playing this game and appreciated the theme of purification. I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this project (Monster Wash?) I would love to see some dialogue at some point, as this tends to make games more engaging for me. Keep up the good work!

Taking all the notes ✍️ Thank you so much for playing and for coming here with feedback ^^


This is a fantastic game! The character design is great, and the tutorial is well-made. I appreciate that information is given as I need it and doesn't feel too hand-holdy. Maybe you could add a feature to let the player pet the little hedgehog creatures?

And thank you for providing a Linux download!

Thank you! Lovely suggestion, we're taking notes 📝

great game, but i think i found a bug? the little jingle for the getting the pearl in the hole at the top of the shell isn't affected by the master volume slider

Thank you so much, we're looking into this 🔎


Mah heart, mah g/t loving heart- ACK-

I'll definitely be playing this for a while! ...Tomorrow. When it's not my bedtime on a school night-

how much content is there currently

It's about 20-70 minutes of gameplay, it really depends how much you want to clean and how fast your cleaning technique is 🧼


What a cute critter!


Очень атмосферная и успокаивающая  игра.. Спасибо


i was having a bad few days and this game helped me relax and feel alot better thanks

This comment made us very happy, thank you so much for playing our game ❤️

I love this game and its designs. Is there any way I can help with this game's development?
I have programming experience and would be happy to volunteer my time!

Right now we're at full capacity and are also looking for funding for our current team. If we'd ever need something like this in the future we'd post about it on our website, so that is where you can keep an eye 👁️ speldosa.com


Absolutely Amazing!! I played this for maybe about an hour and couldn't get enough I greatly look forward to any games from this account in the future

Happy to hear that as we've already started looking at our next project! We'll be teasing it on our socials soon ^^


This is so satisfaylingly cute


Loved the game 


i really like this game! its very satisfying and i cant get enough of the character we play as, theyre so cute!

however, i wasnt too big of a fan of just being dropped into the game. it would be nice to know more about this world- why we are here, why its so dirty, and what these little hedgehog dudes are! 

also, my progress often didnt save and i couldnt get past 99%, no matter how many times i played. overall, great game, but definitely gets some adjusting :)

Thank you for playing and for the feedback 🎉 Some of us have already started a bit on the next project which will have more focus on narrative than Shoreline has, still within the same world 📖


So cute!


Very cute game but i wish that the game allow to custom the movement button 

We're taking notes ✍️


Just out of curiosity, why are donations disabled?

We did not have a company registered when we released the game. We do now though 👀 We might add it as an option with a future update perhaps


Oh, I see :o thanks!

Show post...

i love the game


i love the game, but i find one area in particular to be nearly impossible and that is the area with the pedestals in the water that you instantly die from covered in red and yellow sludge. it grows back super fast and you cant hardly get all the way around before all the sludge grows back.

Thank you for playing and for leaving this feedback! That area is tricky, for this mini-adventure UX was not very prioritized but we're taking these learnings into our next project that we've already started working on 🌸 We'll be posting more teasers about it soon on our socials!


I really enjoy the game i love how its like powerwashing simulator but freeroam keep up the good work and i hope you enjoy the video


Love it 😍 The game is indeed a bit longer than even we expected when making it haha 😁 we're happy to see so many trying it out and having a good time!


ya was a little bigger than i thought but definitely going to complete the hole game cause it is satisfying cant wait to see your future games   


I love how the game looks and its gameplay!
The team sure made a great job, this game feels like was made with love. Unfortunately I can't play it too much because it isn't so well optmized in my laptop, but I can say that this game is well made from the very little I've already seen!

Waiting for a optmization update soon!

We're currently working on optimization, I'll make sure to leave another comment here when an update is live ✨


The game is amazing, really satisfying, the music made me cry looking at all these dried out places 😭😭
I really want more more features like changing the spray rotation and maybe adding animations to the Muri's face, I would love a coop with this too and more maps :3
Also I can't seem to be able to join the discord server, discord just says I'm unable to accept the invite like im banned??

Thanks for the amazing feedback 😍

Hmm, we only have one user banned and it was a spambot 🤔 it is a community server so you may need to have a verified email to join, try checking if your email is verified and let us know if it helps!

I've managed to join!! forgot to turn off my vpn bc itch io is banned in russia 😿


Full No Commentary Gameplay


Absolutely beautiful game! It reminded me of playing Mario Sunshine

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