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  • 631195 wolf.large

    @batteryglass Unfortunately I am not familiar with this character and due to how busy I am, I just don't have the time to make someone I don't know. So feel free to ask someone else, and please don't spam this same comment under my ped mods. Thank you!

    1 hour ago
  • 631195 wolf.large

    @Kervin619 Thank you Kervin619! I was glad that he turned out so well from what I had to work with! I was worried he may not look good simply due to the fact that some of his original outfit sizing from his 3d model were too small for GTA V. I figured using mp clothes from GTA V would look better anyways as a substitute and it seemed to work out haha! I will be able to make an unlisted video on our YouTube channel using him in cutscenes as that would be cool to do! I have had ideas of doing this for him and some other models I released recently, but I never got around to it. Just know that the video may not be made and uploaded until after tomorrow as I am busy with work till late tomorrow night into early morning and I am in the same boat for today actually as well. As for the Diane model, there are some good ones online for her that I saw, only I am unfortunately too busy right now to add any other characters like this to GTA V. Although I wouldn't be opposed to maybe trying sometime in the future when I have more time. I've got a big police overhaul mod coming using GTA IV assets and a few other side projects I plan to release in a few weeks. I'm having to make some videos in preparation for those releases as well for showcases, so I'm trying to get a lot done with that. So, I'm pretty busy sadly, and just a side note, I am actually not too good when it comes to editing female characters as I rarely do it. I just prefer to make male characters if that makes sense lol. But I may give it a try in the future as I said before. Hope this message helps! Subscribe to my brother and I's YouTube channel via the link in the description of this mod or on our profile here, so you can be alert for future video releases of upcoming mods! I'll add the unlisted video of Mr. Wolf to this mod page when I finish it of course! You'll find that above next to the screenshots! Have a good day!

    1 hour ago
  • 631195 wolf.large

    Wow, I love it! Great quality!!!

    2 hours ago
  • 631195 wolf.large

    High quality ped models bro! Great work as always!!

    in urma cu 1 zi
  • 631195 wolf.large

    Fantastic job on this character model bro!!! He looks 100 times better quality than the last version of him on this site by grabrielaugusto! Keep doing what you're doing bro, as your uploads are truly amazing!

    in urma cu 1 zi
  • 631195 wolf.large

    @guest6954 Thats the gunshot wound script right? I'll add that one to the list on this mod's description for incompatibilities. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    in urma cu 3 zile
  • 631195 wolf.large

    @ChunkyYaBoi Dude thank you soooo much!! These are gonna make these peds so much better looking now! I'll send some pics to you on discord when I get around to finishing some of the rigging for the models, so you can see what I'm doing with them!

    in urma cu 3 zile
  • 631195 wolf.large

    I could always link people to your mods here that I use the hair models from, as to give credit where its do and all that!

    in urma cu 4 zile
  • 631195 wolf.large

    @ChunkyYaBoi Hey Chunky, I know this is a bit of a random question to ask. And feel free to say no, but could I by any chance use your dread packs for applying new hairstyles to the GTA IV Jamaican gang models I'm working on? The ones you made for Franklin would look so cool on the GTA IV Jamaican gang head models I'm porting to V! I'm making a showcase video for my police mod and plan to use the Jamaican gang models in a rap style video using the new mod!

    in urma cu 4 zile
  • 631195 wolf.large

    Now this is a true classic!! Thank you so much for adding this vehicle to GTA V!

    in urma cu 4 zile