Increase your pitch engagement

Create 1:1 personalized messages, schedule automated follow-ups, and make informed decisions thanks to actionable data.

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Join thousands of PR pros that pitch the media using Prowly


Craft 1:1 personalized pitches that resonate

Leverage personalized messaging to build relationships with journalists. Create tailored pitches that grab journalists’ attention and demonstrate your understanding of their beat.


  • 1:1 personalization
  • Personalization tokens

Take advantage of data-driven pitching strategies

Analyze your send-outs, make more informed decisions, optimize your pitches and never hesitate when to follow up again.


  • Email viewing time
  • Journalist engagement history
  • Delivery & engagement analytics

Overcome writer's block and write an email from start to finish in minutes

Never hesitate on how to start an email ever again. With Prowly AI, you can create email drafts in a matter of seconds that you can personalize, edit and make sure that they reflect your story.


Your carefully crafted messages deserve to land in the right inboxes—always

Every email sent is a potential game-changer. With Prowly, you can pitch your story with the confidence of knowing that your message will land in the right contact inboxes.

Features that make your deliverability perfect:

  • Domain authentication
  • Smart suggestions
  • Email deliverability metrics

Your entire PR workflow in one, easy-to-use tool

Create press releases

Design and create your own customized press releases, complete with photos, graphics, and multimedia elements.

Pitch the media

Be confident that your pitch will land in journalists' inboxes thanks to Prowly's high deliverability and smart suggestions.

Manage contacts

Add or update contact information, organize them into dedicated segments or lists, and easily select a tailored audience for your next campaign.

Find journalists

Search the Media Database for the journalists who are most likely to be interested in your story and add them to your media lists.

Create a newsroom

Your own dedicated online source for all news and info connected with your brand. Make it easy for journalists to find the definitive source of news about you.

Track mentions

Track press hits across the web with advanced filters and AI that makes sure you're focusing on just the PR mentions that matter.

Start your free, 7-day trial