[Firefox only] Vector 2022: focus outline misaligned for linked images
Open, HighPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:

  • Using Firefox...
  • Open an article on Wikipedia using the Vector 2022 skin that has a linked image, like this article
  • Click on the image, but don't lift your finger from the mouse button OR navigate to the image using a keyboard

What happens?:
The blue border of the "image as a link" doesn't fit the image

What should have happened instead?:
The blue border should match the border of the image, or not be shown at all

Software version:
Firefox version 126.0 (64 bit), Windows 10 Home, screen resolution 2560x1440

Other information:

Dendrobium polyanthum - Wikipedia – Mozilla Firefox 21_06_2024 11_44_36.png (989×1 px, 332 KB)

More examples:

Wikipedia:Community portal
Firefox English Wikipedia VPT image click glitch 20240622.png (204×175 px, 9 KB)
Chromium English Wikipedia VPT image click glitch 20240622.png (264×188 px, 11 KB)
Firefox Commons Example.jpg image click glitch 20240622.png (444×495 px, 52 KB)
Chromium Commons Example.jpg image click glitch 20240622.png (387×348 px, 46 KB)
Lynx image at Template:In the news
Firefox lynx in the news image click glitch 20240622.png (283×302 px, 56 KB)
Chromium lynx in the news image click glitch 20240622.png (223×259 px, 50 KB)
For Chromium, only the bottom border is highlighted

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Vector 2022: the blue border doesn't match the image when clicked to [Firefox only] Vector 2022: the blue border doesn't match the image when clicked.Jun 21 2024, 6:21 PM
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson subscribed.

I cannot replicate this issue in Chrome but can in Firefox:

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 10.19.15 AM.png (932×2 px, 808 KB)

Looks like links inside figures need to be display block.

This is a Firefox issue that goes back years. The blue box showing the focus is typically as wide as the image, but its height corresponds to one line of text. Setting the style declaration display:block; on the <img /> element works to make the blue box the same height as the image, and might be better than putting it on the a element, since some of the a elements might enclose text - for example, inside the thumb caption.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from [Firefox only] Vector 2022: the blue border doesn't match the image when clicked to [Firefox only] Vector 2022: blue border appears around links and images clicks.Tue, Jun 25, 5:03 PM

Also happens on links:

image.png (867×1 px, 389 KB)

What does this have to do with the issue in question? And what even is supposed to be wrong with it?

ETA: It looks like only on Vector 2022, the outline appears even when clicked by mouse, not just when focused by Tab. But that still seems a totally different issue from this task.

Also happens on links:

image.png (867×1 px, 389 KB)

What does this have to do with the issue in question? And what even is supposed to be wrong with it?

Agreed, I think the task should clarify if the issue is the presence of a blue border at all or the size of the border on Firefox. I'm assuming it's mostly the latter, because that would be broken on focus and on click.

Also happens on links:

image.png (867×1 px, 389 KB)

What does this have to do with the issue in question? And what even is supposed to be wrong with it?

Agreed, I think the task should clarify if the issue is the presence of a blue border at all or the size of the border on Firefox. I'm assuming it's mostly the latter, because that would be broken on focus and on click.

The border is new, so, yes this is what we (the web team) are trying to understand.

The border is being applied by the Codex mixin .cdx-mixin-link-base so will likely need an update in Codex once we've reached that decision (either to remove it altogether or to better apply it in the case of img tags inside links).

@Jdlrobson do you know which task/patch introduced this change?

@CCiufo-WMF according to git blame it was cd44419c95c5f515865b89ce31b454c6c3e912f7 where Vector 2022 switched to cdx-mixin-link-base

Okay, and that was done to support dark mode as part of T366515. DST will take a look.

CCiufo-WMF added a subscriber: JScherer-WMF.

The issue with the images stems from them being wrapped in links, but the blue border around links on click was introduced as part of a broader change for Vector 2022 to use Codex's Link mixin. The Design System Team will revisit whether or not links should have a focus state on click at all. Depending on the outcome of that decision, this bug may get automatically addressed or require a separate fix.

Per sync untagging web team. DST will take it from here.

CCiufo-WMF renamed this task from [Firefox only] Vector 2022: blue border appears around links and images clicks to [Firefox only] Vector 2022: focus outline misaligned for linked images.Wed, Jul 3, 9:17 PM
CCiufo-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
CCiufo-WMF added a subscriber: Volker_E.

I've filed T369223 to explore updating the behavior of Codex links applying a focus state on click, so I've updated this task to just be about the Firefox issue, which would continue to be present on keyboard navigation even if T369223 is implemented.

I'm assigning @Volker_E to investigate just this issue with Firefox, but there may not be anything we can do within Codex to address it.

As, @Redrose64 already wrote in T368137#9919265, the solution might be just to update the <img /> element to use display:block; where this is an issue.