[SPIKE] Investigate the empty `up_value` in the `user_properties` results
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


NOTE: This task has been recreated to distinguish it from T338178.

Success Criteria
Find the cause of empty up_value in the user_properties results per analyst request.


  • 7540 users have disabled limit width at preference, counting for 0.0167% of total registered users (45030368) on English Wikipedia, as of 2023-02-16.
  • Some of the users recorded with empty up_value in the user_properties table. Need engineer's inputs on how to interpret them.
vector-limited-width296Unknown property value
vector-limited-width07408Number of users who disabled limited-width
vector-limited-width-local-exception29Unknown property value
vector-limited-width-local-exception0132Number of users who disabled limited-width by global preference
vector-limited-width-local-exception18Number of users who enabled limited-width by global preference

Event Timeline

I looked into users who have an empty up_value for up_property vector-limited-width and vector-limited-width-local-exception in mariadb on enwiki. Their user_touched timestamp in user table are within [20230202204750, 20230627212137 ]. It means they all had either logged in (not just mere visiting using an existing session), or modified user settings, or got promoted into new user groups between 2023-02-02 and 2023-06-27. [1] They likely have recently modified limited-width preference, resulting in an updated user_touched timestamp.

[1] ref: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:User_table#user_touched


mysql:research@dbstore1003.eqiad.wmnet [enwiki]> SELECT min(user_touched), max(user_touched) from (select user_id, user_name, user_touched from user INNER JOIN user_properties on user_id=up_user  WHERE up_property IN ('vector-limited-width',    'vector-limited-width-local-exception' )  AND up_value='' ) AS t1;

Since we don't store vector-limited-width=1 it's safe to assume this is what is causing the empty values. The up_value of` 1 in the last row shouldn't be there and is probably due to data manipulation that might have converted an empty or null value into 1. Since the number is still insignificant at this point, I think it's fine to ignore it and focus on the Number of users who disabled limited-width stats for this analysis.

Is it possible these are coming from people who've set a global preference?
When I visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:GlobalPreferences#mw-prefsection-rendering and enable the limited width preference globally, I'm noticing that clicking the button saves something to preferences but doesn't persist across page views.

Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 0.Jul 5 2023, 5:17 PM
Jdlrobson lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jul 6 2023, 6:40 PM

I agree with the assessment that these values can be ignored per @KSarabia-WMF suggestion. We think there is a possibility these might relate to global preferences usage - as we noted that the limited width toggle doesn't work with global preferences enabled: T341278