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    Much appreciated!

    12 juni 2024
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    Great mod man, really cool! 😃 Another mod suggestion: I notice that in the vanilla GTA V game, ped headshots are not fatal if they are shot by other peds - so, for example, if the player shoots Ped A in the head, they die instantly, but if Ped B shoots Ped A in the head, they don't die instantly. They take damage, but it's not an insta-kill. It would be really cool if there was a mod that made all headshots fatal, regardless of who fired the bullet. 🙂 Just a suggestion!

    4 mei 2024
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    @DeletedUnknown No, that just makes them hold position and shoot back while taking cover a lot, so they don't advance. I mean a setting where if they're fired at they run away and don't fight back, just try to escape. I figured if they're outnumbered, rather than making them fight to the death, you could have one side run and try to escape so some have a chance of surviving.

    5 maart 2024
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    A great feature you could add to this mod is one that allows you to set some bodyguards to civilian mode, where they act like normal peds and run away if attacked rather than fighting.

    23 februari 2024
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    DUDE, I am so happy this mod is back! Would you be able to make it so that bodyguards have to reload their guns, or at least make that an option? The infinite shooting can be problematic sometimes! Also, is there a link to where I could support you?

    3 februari 2024
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    DUDE, I am so happy this mod is back! Would you be able to make it so that bodyguards have to reload their guns? The infinite shooting can be problematic sometimes! Also, is there a link to where I could support you?

    3 februari 2024
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    Amazing mod concept.

    24 oktober 2023
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    This is an amazing mod man - would you be able to make one small adjustment? Could you make it not force ped health to be all the same? I'd like to have some peds with more health and some with less, so that one guy could have (for example) 400 health and another with 200, but with the mechanics working the same for each of them. Would that be possible?

    29 juli 2023
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    @SkylineGTRFreak that would be extremely cool man, looking forward to it! Another suggestion, if I may be so bold, is to take the turret off the default GTA "Technical" vehicle and somehow detach it from the rest of the car, so it's just a standalone mounted gun? That would be amazing!

    29 juli 2023
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    Amazing as always man! Would you consider making any mounted turret vehicles, sort of like the CIWS ones you made before? So, not an actual car that drives, just a stationary heavy MG that the player/peds can operate? Could be cool!

    29 juli 2023