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Wikipedia:Templat/Projek saudara

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Laman ini menyenaraikan templat yang memaut antara Wikipedia dan projek saudara Wikimedianya.

Untuk mencalonkan pemindahan laman ke projek saudara yang lebih sesuai, templat {{Pindah}} boleh digunakan.


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak MediaWiki:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
links talk edit

{{MediaWiki|insert word here}}

  • Placed at bottom of article (typically in External links)
  • Parameter is optional, defaults to PAGENAME
{{ mlmw | target page| optional anchor name| optional label }}
links talk view
mw:Target page#optional anchor name or optional label

This template produces an interwiki link to, and also a "hidden external link", to allow it to be found by Linksearch//, e.g. [1].

Anywhere on page
{{Media}} Places the page in the appropriate category.

{{Media|insert media type here}}

  • Placed at bottom of article


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di di tapak Meta:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
links talk edit

{{Meta|Masukkan nama halaman di sini}}

  • Diletakkan di bawah rencana (biasanya dalam Pautan luar)
  • Parameter adalah tidak wajib, lalai: PAGENAME
Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
{{ Copy to Wikimedia Commons }}
links talk view
Top of article.
{{ NowCommons }}
links talk view
Templat ini patut diletakkan pada laman-laman fail sahaja!


  • Placed at bottom of image description
  • Allows identification of moved files
  • Uses {{PAGENAME}} for automatic categorizing ([[Category:NowCommons|Pagename]]).
{{ Commons }}
links talk view

{{Commons|insert media page title here}}

  • Placed next to the appropriate section, if there is one.
  • Uses parameter {{{1}}} for linking to a specific Commons page and {{PAGENAME}}for displayed link.
{{ Commonscat }}
links talk view

{{Commonscat|Insert category name here}}

  • Bottom of article (typically in External links).
{{ Commonscat-inline }}
links talk view

Kategori berkenaan Templat/Projek saudara di Wikimedia Commons

{{Commonscat-inline|Insert category name here}}

  • Bottom of article (typically in list at External links).


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak Wikibooks:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
links talk edit

Placed next to an appropriate section, if there is one (e.g. links to annotated works next to the "Plot" or "Synopsis" section). Otherwise in "See also" section.

links talk edit

Placed next to an appropriate section, if there is one. Otherwise in "See also" section.

{{ Wikibookspar }}
links talk view
This template uses an outdated naming convention but does support the subject namespace. The Cookbook has its own template and Wikiversity has been moved to its own project site. Please use {{Wikibooks}} or {{Cookbook}} instead.

Placed next to an appropriate section, if there is one. Links to recipes next to a section discussing the creation of a dish, for example.


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak Wiktionary:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
{{ Wiktionary }}
links talk view

{{wiktionary}} - provides link that invokes a search of Wiktionary, using the current page's name ({{PAGENAME}}); uses a search rather than linking directly to a page — because Wiktionary article titles are fully case sensitive, this may not yield the desired result

  • At the top of the page for disambiguation pages.
  • In the External Links section for articles.
  • Next to any cross-reference to Wiktionary, if there is one.

{{wiktionary|sophisticated}} - provides a link to a specific Wiktionary page for the given word (1st parameter). Uses that parameter as the display name.

{{wiktionary|sophisticated|Sophistic}} - provides a link to a specific Wiktionary page (1st parameter) and an optional display name (2nd parameter)

{{ Wiktionarypar|word }}
links talk view
Carilah word dalam Wiktionary, kamus bebas.
As above. Uses parameters for manual links direct to specific articles.
{{Wiktionary-inline}} {{Wiktionary-inline}}

Takrifan kamus templat/projek saudara di Wikikamus

{{Wiktionary-inline|Wiktionary Page}}

Takrifan kamus Wiktionary Page di Wikikamus

{{Wiktionary-inline|Wiktionary Page|Link Text}}

Takrifan kamus Link Text di Wikikamus

  • Inline with disambiguation pages
  • External links section
{{ Wi }}
links talk view

Top of the article.


[sunting sumber]

Memindahkan laman ke Wikinews tidak dibenarkan atas sebab undang-undang. (Lesen GFDL tidak membenarkan kandungan Wikipedia dilesenkan semula di bawah CC-BY.)

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
{{ Wikinews }}
links talk view

{{wikinews|insert article name here}}

  • Placed next to the discussion of the event.
  • Uses parameter (i.e. insert article name here) for a manual link.
  • For multiple news articles, use {{Wikinewshas}} to save repetition.
{{ Wikinewscat }}
links talk view

{{#if:Insert category name here|

{{Wikinewscat|Insert category name here}}

  • Placed next to the discussion of the event.
{{ Wikinewsportal }}
links talk view
Wikinews mempunyai bahagian yang berkaitan:

{{Wikinewsportal|Insert portal name here}}

  • Placed on relevant article about place or topic near external links.
{{ Wikinewspar2 }}
links talk view

{{Wikinewspar2|Insert page name 1 here|Insert page name 2 here}}

  • Placed next to the discussion of the event.
{{ Wikinewshas }}
links talk view
Wikinews mempunyai insert description here:
  • Insert interwiki link to article 1 here
  • Insert interwiki link to article 2 here
  • Insert interwiki link to article 3 here
  • Insert interwiki link to article 4 here

{{wikinewshas|insert description here|
*Insert interwiki link to article 1 here
*Insert interwiki link to article 2 here
*Insert interwiki link to article 3 here
*Insert interwiki link to article 4 here

  • Placed next to the discussion of the event.
  • Allows multiple articles to be condensed into a list.


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak Wikiquote:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
{{ Wikiquote }}
links talk view

{{wikiquote}} - provides link that invokes a search of Wikiquote, using the current page's name ({{PAGENAME}})

either the Quotes or External links section

{{wikiquote|Duke Nukem}} - provides a link to a specific Wikiquote page for the given word (1st parameter). Uses that parameter as the display name.

{{wikiquote|The Simpsons#Bart Simpson|Bart Simpson}} - provides a link to a specific Wikiquote page (1st parameter) and an optional display name (2nd parameter)


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak Wikisource:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Penggunaan
{{ Wikisource }}
links talk view

{{wikisource}} - provides link that invokes a search of Wikisource, using the current page's name ({{PAGENAME}})

adjoining a body reference to the source or in the External links section with other sister project links

{{wikisource|William Wilson}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource page for the given word (1st parameter). Uses that parameter as the display name.

{{wikisource|The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf|The Boy Who Cried Wolf}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource page (1st parameter) and an optional display name (2nd parameter)

{{ Wikisourcelang }}
links talk view



  1. language code
  2. destination page name
  3. displayed text
adjoining a body reference to the source or in the External links section with other sister project links
{{ Wikisourceold }}
links talk view

{{Wikisourceold|Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj|Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj}}

Links to languages without own domain.


  1. destination page name
  2. displayed text
adjoining a body reference to the source or in the External links section with other sister project links
{{ Wikisource author }}
links talk view

{{wikisource author}} - Links to Author: page, using the current page's name ({{PAGENAME}})

External links section of author biographies

{{wikisource author|James Joyce}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource page for the given word (1st parameter). Uses that parameter as the display name.


{{Wikisource author|George Herbert Walker Bush|George H. W. Bush}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource page (1st parameter) and an optional display name (2nd parameter)

{{ Wikisource index }}
links talk view

{{wikisource index}} - Links to Wikisource: page (i.e. where Wikisource topic index pages reside), using the current page's name ({{PAGENAME}})

External links section of topic article

{{wikisource index|Australia}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource topic index page for the given word (1st parameter). Uses that parameter as the display name.

{{Wikisource index|Banksia marginata|B. marginata}} - provides a link to a specific Wikisource topic index page (1st parameter) and an optional display name (2nd parameter)

{{ Wikisourcecat }}
links talk view


External links section
{{ Wikisource1911Enc }}
links talk view

{{Wikisource1911Enc|Insert title here}}

External links section


[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di tapak Wikispecies:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letakl
{{ Wikispecies }}
links talk view

{{Wikispecies|insert word here}}

  • Placed at bottom of article (typically in External links)
  • Uses parameter for a manual link.

Semua projek saudara sekaligus

[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman di semua projek saudara menggunakan satu kotak sahaja:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letakl
{{ Sisterlinks }}
links talk view

{{Sisterlinks|Page name here}}

  • Placed at bottom of article (typically in External links)
  • Needs manual parameter
{{ Sisterlinkswp }}
links talk view
Semua projek Wikimedia
Semua projek Wikimedia
Rencana dan media untuk topik ini di projek-projek Wikimedia lain boleh didapati di: Commons Wikipedia Templat/Projek saudara

{{Sisterlinkswp|Page name here}}

  • Placed at the top of a category, or at bottom of article (typically in External links)
  • Needs manual parameter

{{Wikimedia for portals}}

Wikibuku  Wikikamus  Wikiberita  Wikipetikan  Wikisumber  Wikiversity  Wikimedia Commons  Wikivoyage  Wikidata 
Buku Kamus Berita Petikan Teks Sumber pelajaran Imej dan media Panduan kembara Pangkalan data

Laman meta di projek saudara

[sunting sumber]

Pautan ke laman meta di projek saudara menggunakan satu kotak sahaja:

Templat Apa yang terhasil Tempat letak
{{ Wikimediameta }}
links talk view
Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wiktionary. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wikinews. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wikiquote. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wikibooks. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wikisource. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Commons. Cari Templat/Projek saudara di laman meta Wikispecies.


  • Placed at bottom of article (typically in Internal or External links).
  • Cannot use parameters for a manual link, because the links are automatic.
  • Coordinated and coherent (used in all the wikimedia sisterprojects and in the same way).