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Furious Rajang is a Fanged Beast and a Variant of Rajang first introduced in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.


Furious Rajang is a standard Rajang that has grown extremely powerful, and has lost its tail either by it falling off naturally or by tearing it off itself, allowing it to fully harness its abilities.[1]

Furious Rajang's appearance resembles that of an enraged Rajang by default. Its Rage mode shows that its fur stands up and it is visibly electrified by an electric aura.

Behavior and Abilities

Furious Rajang is an extremely aggressive monster whose rage far surpasses even that of its notoriously ill-tempered normal variant, with its normal state being similar to a regular Rajang's Rage Mode. Fittingly, its strength, speed, and aggression are greater than normal, and it can use multiple new thunder attacks such as a barrage of electric balls that it shoots in the air and a ground slam that sends out electric shockwaves in front of it. Because of their lack of tails, Furious Rajang cannot be taken out of its rampage mode through hitting the tail, and must be struck in the head instead.


Game Appearances

Game Data

MHWI Damage Effectiveness

Element Effectiveness Status Effectiveness
Fire Poison
Water Sleep
Thunder Paralysis
Ice ★★★ Blast ★★
Dragon Stun

Item Effectiveness

Item Effect
Item Name Able Effectiveness Duration Notes
1st time 2nd time
Pitfall Trap ★★★ Only works if Furious Rajang is enraged. (Most titles)

Only works if Furious Rajang is not enraged. (Freedom Unite & Sunbreak)
Shock Trap ★★★ Works normally. (Most titles)

Only works if Furious Rajang is not enraged. (Iceborne onwards)
Flash Bomb ★★★ Only works if Furious Rajang is facing the flash bomb when it goes off. Also works to free a pinned hunter.
Sonic Bomb x ☆☆☆
Dung Bomb ★★★
Meat ★☆☆ Only works when the monster has not noticed the hunter.


For carves and materials from other games, see Furious Rajang Carves

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate


For more information, see Rajang and Furious Rajang Equipment

In-Game Description

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Rajang Icon Ultra-aggressive creature that is rarely sighted and seldom survived. Survivors report it exhibits a strange attack. The Rajang is said to be a loner, and this isolated life has made it difficult to pin down its territorial leanings.
Monster Hunter 4 / Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon N/A
Monster Hunter Generations
MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon N/A
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
MHWI-Furious Rajang Icon A Rajang variant covered in golden fur. Utilizes severe ranged and wall-based attacks. It enters a glowing golden state when enraged.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
MHRS-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang are Rajang variants that are covered in golden fur. Normally Rajang return to their black-furred state after being agitated for a time to conserve energy, but these beasts have lost their ability to curb their anger. Outclassing the standard Rajang's attack power, they assault with seething rage. At the apex of their fury they become enraged and turn into destructive demons with electrified manes.
Threat Level (危険度): ★★★★★★★★★
Monster Hunter Online
MHO-Furious Rajang Icon



Threat Level (危険度): !!!!!!!

Other Non-Subspecies Forms


MHWI-Rajang Render 001

Main Article: Rajang


For more images, see Furious Rajang Photo Gallery

Music Themes

Monster_Hunter_OST_-_Rajang_Theme MHF2: Rajang Music Theme


General Notes

  • Its tail and both arms can be broken, and its head can be broken twice. Its tail cannot be broken, since its already broken, unlike the normal Rajang.
  • Furious Rajang's roar requires Earplugs to block.
  • Furious Rajang was voted 24th place in the Hunters' Choice for Top Monster during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary.[2]

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

  • In order to get Rajang's horn in the reward box after battle, players must break off both of its horns during battle.
  • There is a special downloadable quest in which hunters must fight two of these Furious Rajangs at the same time in the Great Arena.
  • It is also featured in the last G-Lvl Training School quest in MHFU.
  • When Furious Rajang is in rage mode it cannot be put in a Pitfall Trap, but when it is in its normal state it can can be Pitfalled. This is the opposite to the normal Rajang.

  • Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

  • Furious Rajang has its own Quest Icon, yet it does not have a separate name from an ordinary Rajang in-game.
  • Furious Rajang can activate Rajang's new armor mode at will, while Rajang has to be in rage to activate this mode.
  • High Rank Furious Rajang is unlocked at HR 30.
  • G-Rank Furious Rajang is unlocked in 10* Caravan by following the Funky Felyne questline, and in the Elder Hall by hunting a total of 80 or more Fanged Beasts (not including Conga).
  • Even though its roar can be blocked by normal Earplugs, while mounting it, one is still affected by the roar, so you have to hang onto the monster until the roar is over.
  • Pitfall traps now only work when it is enraged like the normal Rajang.

  • Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

  • Furious Rajang was added in the third Iceborne title update on March 23, 2020 (UTC) for console and April 9, 2020 (UTC) for PC.
  • Unlike normal Rajang, Furious Rajang has to be in Rampage Mode in order for hunters to knock it out of rage mode.
  • Furious Rajang's Rampage Mode is cancelled by hitting its head.
  • Furious Rajang has two pins. In the first, the hunter is caught, slammed on the ground repeatedly, and carried into the air and is then body slammed. The second is similar, but with Furious Rajang using its thunder beam while the hunter is brought near his face. This pin can only happen while Furious Rajang is in Rampage Mode.
  • Furious Rajang has a different flinch counter compared to Rajang. Instead of launching off the wall and slamming the ground, it instead uses a sweeping thunder beam attack.
  • Furious Rajang shoots multiple thunder balls as opposed to one. These explode shortly after hitting the ground.
  • Furious Rajang gains a new ranged attack in Rampage Mode where it will slam the ground and create electrical fault lines that explode.
  • The strange cracking sound of Furious Rajang's knuckles can serve as tells as to which attack it will be using.

  • Monster Hunter Rise

  • Furious Rajang is available to fight in Master Rank upon reaching MR 50.
    • After this Urgent Quest is completed, a new Furious Rajang quest is unlocked and automatically completed which randomizes the location where the monster is fought.
      • However, the monster can be fought and slain in Event Quests even before MR 50 is reached.
  • Unlike previous titles, Furious Rajang's horn material (Ghoulish Gold Gorer) can be rewarded for breaking one horn as well as for breaking both horns.
  • Furious Rajang will automatically remove any Wirebug restraints placed on it unless it's either knocked over or sleeping.
  • Furious Rajang has a new attack where it uses its electricity to blast itself towards hunters at tremendous speeds.
  • When Furious Rajang does its advancing punches when in rampage mode, it will follow-up its fourth strike with a smash attack that sends an electric fault line afterwards.
  • Furious Rajang's pin attack when in rampage mode receives a few changes from Iceborne:
    • After blasting the hunter in close range, instead of launching into the air and slamming the hunter into the ground, Furious Rajang sends the hunter away with an electric attack and fires another beam at them.
    • If Furious Rajang misses when trying to grab the hunter, it will instead lift up a giant boulder from the ground and toss it to the hunter.
      • The boulder can deal terrain damage (Fire, Water, Ice), and can inflict respective blights.
  • Furious Rajang is excellent at anti-air defense, as both its laser attack and its jumping projectile attack are adept at striking airborne targets.
  • Two Hazard Furious Rajangs found in their Event Quest are always very large sized, but don't have their movesets altered.

  • Monster Hunter Explore

  • It has a new attack that creates a tornado and inflicts bleeding.

  • References

    1. Dive to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (edit)
    Herbivore FrontierGen-Anteka Icon Anteka FrontierGen-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth FrontierGen-Apceros Icon Apceros FUIOS-Kelbi Icon Kelbi FrontierGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine FrontierGen-Popo Icon Popo
    Fanged Beast FrontierGen-Blango Icon Blango FrontierGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango FrontierGen-Conga Icon Conga
    FUIOS-Blangonga Icon Blangonga FUIOS-Copper Blangonga Icon Copper Blangonga FrontierGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome FUIOS-Congalala Icon Congalala FUIOS-Emerald Congalala Icon Emerald Congalala FUIOS-Rajang Icon Rajang FUIOS-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Lynian FrontierGen-Felyne Icon Felyne FrontierGen-Melynx Icon Melynx FUIOS-Shakalaka Icon Shakalaka
    FUIOS-King Shakalaka Icon King Shakalaka
    Neopteron FUIOS-Great Thunderbug Icon Great Thunderbug FrontierGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur FUIOS-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    FUIOS-Vespoid Queen Icon Vespoid Queen
    Carapaceon FrontierGen-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur FrontierGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur
    FUIOS-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur FUIOS-Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Plum Daimyo Hermitaur MH10th-Shen Gaoren Icon Shen Gaoren FUIOS-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur FUIOS-Terra Shogun Ceanataur Icon Terra Shogun Ceanataur
    Bird Wyvern FUIOS-Genprey Icon Genprey FUIOS-Giaprey Icon Giaprey FUIOS-Ioprey Icon Ioprey FUIOS-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    FUIOS-Gendrome Icon Gendrome FUIOS-Giadrome Icon Giadrome FUIOS-Gypceros Icon Gypceros FUIOS-Purple Gypceros Icon Purple Gypceros FUIOS-Hypnocatrice Icon Hypnocatrice FUIOS-Iodrome Icon Iodrome FrontierGen-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga FUIOS-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku FUIOS-Blue Yian Kut-Ku Icon Blue Yian Kut-Ku FUIOS-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome
    Piscine Wyvern FUIOS-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    FUIOS-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome FUIOS-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth FUIOS-Plesioth Icon Plesioth FUIOS-Green Plesioth Icon Green Plesioth
    Snake Wyvern FrontierGen-Remobra Icon Remobra
    Flying Wyvern FUIOS-Akantor Icon Akantor FUIOS-Basarios Icon Basarios FUIOS-Diablos Icon Diablos FUIOS-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos FUIOS-Gravios Icon Gravios FUIOS-Black Gravios Icon Black Gravios FUIOS-Khezu Icon Khezu FUIOS-Red Khezu Icon Red Khezu FUIOS-Monoblos Icon Monoblos FUIOS-White Monoblos Icon White Monoblos FUIOS-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga FUIOS-Rathalos Icon Rathalos FUIOS-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos FUIOS-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos FUIOS-Rathian Icon Rathian FUIOS-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian FUIOS-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian FUIOS-Tigrex Icon Tigrex FUIOS-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon FrontierGen-Chameleos Icon Chameleos FrontierGen-Question Mark Icon Fatalis FrontierGen-Question Mark Icon Crimson Fatalis FrontierGen-Question Mark Icon White Fatalis FrontierGen-Kirin Icon Kirin FrontierGen-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora FrontierGen-Rusted Kushala Daora Icon Rusted Kushala Daora FrontierGen-Lao-Shan Lung Icon Lao-Shan Lung FrontierGen-Ashen Lao-Shan Lung Icon Ashen Lao-Shan Lung FrontierGen-Lunastra Icon Lunastra FrontierGen-Teostra Icon Teostra FrontierGen-Yama Tsukami Icon Yama Tsukami
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 (edit)
    Herbivore MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MH4U-Emerald Congalala Icon Emerald Congalala MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MH4U-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Purple Gypceros Icon Purple Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku MH4U-Blue Yian Kut-Ku Icon Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MH4U-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Delex Icon Delex
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Ruby Basarios Icon Ruby Basarios MH4U-Gravios Icon Gravios MH4U-Black Gravios Icon Black Gravios MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MH4U-Red Khezu Icon Red KhezuMH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH4U-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MH4U-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MH4U-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex MH4U-Molten Tigrex Icon Molten Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Dalamadur-Head Icon Dalamadur MH4U-Dah'ren Mohran Icon Dah'ren Mohran MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Oroshi Kirin Icon Oroshi Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MH4U-Berserk Tetsucabra Icon Berserk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios MH4U-Tigerstripe Zamtrios Icon Tigerstripe Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MH4U-Emerald Congalala Icon Emerald Congalala MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Ash Kecha Wacha Icon Ash Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MH4U-Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Desert Seltas Icon Desert Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen MH4U-Desert Seltas Queen Icon Desert Seltas Queen
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla MH4U-Shrouded Nerscylla Icon Shrouded Nerscylla
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MH4U-Great Jaggi Icon Great Jaggi MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Purple Gypceros Icon Purple Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku MH4U-Blue Yian Kut-Ku Icon Blue Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MH4U-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Delex Icon Delex MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala MH4U-Tidal Najarala Icon Tidal Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Ruby Basarios Icon Ruby Basarios MH4U-Diablos Icon Diablos MH4U-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos MH4U-Gravios Icon Gravios MH4U-Black Gravios Icon Black Gravios MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MH4U-Red Khezu Icon Red Khezu MH4U-Monoblos Icon Monoblos MH4U-White Monoblos Icon White Monoblos MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MH4U-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MH4U-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MH4U-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex MH4U-Molten Tigrex Icon Molten Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Dalamadur-Head Icon Dalamadur MH4U-Shah Dalamadur-Head Icon Shah Dalamadur MH4U-Dah'ren Mohran Icon Dah'ren Mohran MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon White Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Gogmazios MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Oroshi Kirin Icon Oroshi Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MH4U-Rusted Kushala Daora Icon Rusted Kushala Daora MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MH4U-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations (edit)
    Herbivore MHGen-Anteka Icon Anteka MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHGen-Larinoth Icon Larinoth MHGen-Moofah Icon Moofah MHGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MHGen-Drilltusk Tetsucabra Icon Drilltusk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MHGen-Blango Icon Blango MHGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHGen-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHGen-Redhelm Arzuros Icon Redhelm Arzuros MHGen-Blangonga Icon Blangonga MHGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MHGen-Gammoth Icon Gammoth MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHGen-Snowbaron Lagombi Icon Snowbaron Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHGen-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHGen-Stonefist Hermitaur Icon Stonefist Hermitaur MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu MHGen-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MHGen-Giaprey Icon Giaprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHGen-Maccao Icon Maccao MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MHGen-Great Maccao Icon Great Maccao MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MHGen-Malfestio Icon Malfestio MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHGen-Deadeye Yian Garuga Icon Deadeye Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHGen-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHGen-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHGen-Hellblade Glavenus Icon Hellblade Glavenus MHGen-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHGen-Crystalbeard Uragaan Icon Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHGen-Thunderlord Zinogre Icon Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome MHGen-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth MHGen-Plesioth Icon Plesioth
    Leviathan MHGen-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHGen-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHGen-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHGen-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MHGen-Astalos Icon Astalos MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MHGen-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHGen-Silverwind Nargacuga Icon Silverwind Nargacuga MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHGen-Dreadking Rathalos Icon Dreadking Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MHGen-Dreadqueen Rathian Icon Dreadqueen Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHGen-Grimclaw Tigrex Icon Grimclaw Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Unknown Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHGen-Nakarkos Icon Nakarkos MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (edit)
    Herbivore MHGen-Anteka Icon Anteka MH4U-Apceros Icon Apceros MH4U-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MH4U-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHGen-Larinoth Icon Larinoth MHGen-Moofah Icon Moofah MHGen-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MH4U-Popo Icon Popo MH4U-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MH4U-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MH4U-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MH4U-Tetsucabra Icon Tetsucabra MHGen-Drilltusk Tetsucabra Icon Drilltusk Tetsucabra MH4U-Zamtrios Icon Zamtrios
    Fanged Beast MHGen-Blango Icon Blango MHGen-Bullfango Icon Bullfango MH4U-Conga Icon Conga
    MHGen-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHGen-Redhelm Arzuros Icon Redhelm Arzuros MHGen-Blangonga Icon Blangonga MHGen-Bulldrome Icon Bulldrome MH4U-Congalala Icon Congalala MHGen-Gammoth Icon Gammoth MHGU-Elderfrost Gammoth Icon Elderfrost Gammoth MH4U-Kecha Wacha Icon Kecha Wacha MH4U-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHGen-Snowbaron Lagombi Icon Snowbaron Lagombi MH4U-Rajang Icon Rajang MH4U-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHGen-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MH4U-Felyne Icon Felyne MH4U-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHGen-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MH4U-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MH4U-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHGen-Stonefist Hermitaur Icon Stonefist Hermitaur MHGen-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur MHGU-Rustrazor Ceanataur Icon Rustrazor Ceanataur
    Temnoceran MH4U-Nerscylla Icon Nerscylla
    Neopteron MH4U-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MH4U-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHGU-Great Thunderbug Icon Great Thunderbug MHGen-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MH4U-Konchu Icon Konchu MHGen-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    MHGU-Ahtal-Ka Icon Ahtal-Ka MH4U-Seltas Icon Seltas MH4U-Seltas Queen Icon Seltas Queen
    Bird Wyvern MH4U-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MH4U-Genprey Icon Genprey MHGen-Giaprey Icon Giaprey MH4U-Ioprey Icon Ioprey MH4U-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MH4U-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHGen-Maccao Icon Maccao MH4U-Velociprey Icon Velociprey
    MH4U-Gendrome Icon Gendrome MHGen-Great Maccao Icon Great Maccao MH4U-Gypceros Icon Gypceros MH4U-Iodrome Icon Iodrome MHGen-Malfestio Icon Malfestio MHGU-Nightcloak Malfestio Icon Nightcloak Malfestio MH4U-Velocidrome Icon Velocidrome MH4U-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHGen-Deadeye Yian Garuga Icon Deadeye Yian Garuga MH4U-Yian Kut-Ku Icon Yian Kut-Ku
    Brute Wyvern MHGU-Barroth Icon Barroth MH4U-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MH4U-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MH4U-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MH4U-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHGen-Duramboros Icon Duramboros MHGen-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHGen-Hellblade Glavenus Icon Hellblade Glavenus MHGen-Uragaan Icon Uragaan MHGen-Crystalbeard Uragaan Icon Crystalbeard Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MH4U-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHGen-Thunderlord Zinogre Icon Thunderlord Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MH4U-Cephalos Icon Cephalos
    MH4U-Cephadrome Icon Cephadrome MHGen-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth MHGen-Plesioth Icon Plesioth
    Leviathan MHGen-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHGen-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHGen-Agnaktor Icon Agnaktor MHGen-Lagiacrus Icon Lagiacrus MHGen-Nibelsnarf Icon Nibelsnarf MHGen-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHGU-Soulseer Mizutsune Icon Soulseer Mizutsune MHGen-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth
    Snake Wyvern MH4U-Remobra Icon Remobra
    MH4U-Najarala Icon Najarala
    Flying Wyvern MH4U-Akantor Icon Akantor MHGen-Astalos Icon Astalos MHGU-Boltreaver Astalos Icon Boltreaver Astalos MHGU-Barioth Icon Barioth MH4U-Basarios Icon Basarios MH4U-Diablos Icon Diablos MHGU-Bloodbath Diablos Icon Bloodbath Diablos MH4U-Khezu Icon Khezu MHGen-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHGen-Silverwind Nargacuga Icon Silverwind Nargacuga MH4U-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHGen-Dreadking Rathalos Icon Dreadking Rathalos MH4U-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MH4U-Rathian Icon Rathian MHGen-Dreadqueen Rathian Icon Dreadqueen Rathian MH4U-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MH4U-Seregios Icon Seregios MH4U-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHGen-Grimclaw Tigrex Icon Grimclaw Tigrex MH4U-Ukanlos Icon Ukanlos
    Elder Dragon MH4U-Unknown Icon Alatreon MHGen-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MH4U-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MH4U-Unknown Icon Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon Crimson Fatalis MH4U-Unknown Icon White Fatalis MH4U-Kirin Icon Kirin MH4U-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHGU-Lao-Shan Lung Icon Lao-Shan Lung MHGen-Nakarkos Icon Nakarkos MH4U-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MH4U-Teostra Icon Teostra MHGU-Valstrax Icon Valstrax
    ??? MH4U-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MH4U-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (edit)
    Herbivore MHWI-Anteka Icon Anteka MHW-Apceros Icon Apceros MHW-Aptonoth Icon Aptonoth MHW-Gastodon Icon Gastodon MHW-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHW-Kestodon Icon Kestodon MHW-Mosswine Icon Mosswine MHWI-Popo Icon Popo
    Fish MHW-Gajau Icon Gajau
    Lynian MHWI-Boaboa Icon Boaboa MHW-Felyne Icon Felyne MHW-Gajalaka Icon Gajalaka MHW-Grimalkyne Icon Grimalkyne
    Fanged Beast MHWI-Rajang Icon Rajang MHWI-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang
    Neopteron MHW-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MHW-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    Bird Wyvern MHW-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHW-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei MHWI-Coral Pukei-Pukei Icon Coral Pukei-Pukei MHW-Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Icon Tzitzi-Ya-Ku MHWI-Yian Garuga Icon Yian Garuga MHWI-Scarred Yian Garuga Icon Scarred Yian Garuga
    Brute Wyvern MHW-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHWI-Fulgur Anjanath Icon Fulgur Anjanath MHWI-Banbaro Icon Banbaro MHW-Barroth Icon Barroth MHWI-Brachydios Icon Brachydios MHWI-Raging Brachydios Icon Raging Brachydios MHW-Deviljho Icon Deviljho MHWI-Savage Deviljho Icon Savage Deviljho MHWI-Glavenus Icon Glavenus MHWI-Acidic Glavenus Icon Acidic Glavenus MHW-Radobaan Icon Radobaan MHW-Uragaan Icon Uragaan
    Fanged Wyvern MHW-Girros Icon Girros MHW-Jagras Icon Jagras MHW-Shamos Icon Shamos MHWI-Wulg Icon Wulg
    MHW-Dodogama Icon Dodogama MHW-Great Girros Icon Great Girros MHW-Great Jagras Icon Great Jagras MHW-Odogaron Icon Odogaron MHWI-Ebony Odogaron Icon Ebony Odogaron MHW-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHWI-Viper Tobi-Kadachi Icon Viper Tobi-Kadachi MHWI-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHWI-Stygian Zinogre Icon Stygian Zinogre
    Piscine Wyvern MHWI-Beotodus Icon Beotodus MHW-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus MHW-Lavasioth Icon Lavasioth
    Wingdrake MHW-Barnos Icon Barnos MHWI-Cortos Icon Cortos MHW-Mernos Icon Mernos MHW-Noios Icon Noios MHW-Raphinos Icon Raphinos
    Flying Wyvern MHWI-Barioth Icon Barioth MHWI-Frostfang Barioth Icon Frostfang Barioth MHW-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHWI-Seething Bazelgeuse Icon Seething Bazelgeuse MHW-Diablos Icon Diablos MHW-Black Diablos Icon Black Diablos MHW-Legiana Icon Legiana MHWI-Shrieking Legiana Icon Shrieking Legiana MHWI-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHW-Paolumu Icon Paolumu MHWI-Nightshade Paolumu Icon Nightshade Paolumu MHW-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHW-Azure Rathalos Icon Azure Rathalos MHWI-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MHW-Rathian Icon Rathian MHW-Pink Rathian Icon Pink Rathian MHWI-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MHWI-Tigrex Icon Tigrex MHWI-Brute Tigrex Icon Brute Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MHWI-Alatreon Icon Alatreon MHW-Behemoth Icon Behemoth MHWI-Fatalis Icon Fatalis MHW-Kirin Icon Kirin MHW-Kulve Taroth Icon Kulve Taroth MHW-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHW-Lunastra Icon Lunastra MHWI-Namielle Icon Namielle MHW-Nergigante Icon Nergigante MHWI-Ruiner Nergigante Icon Ruiner Nergigante MHWI-Safi'jiiva Icon Safi'jiiva MHWI-Shara Ishvalda Icon Shara Ishvalda MHW-Teostra Icon Teostra MHW-Vaal Hazak Icon Vaal Hazak MHWI-Blackveil Vaal Hazak Icon Blackveil Vaal Hazak MHWI-Velkhana Icon Velkhana MHW-Xeno'jiiva Icon Xeno'jiiva MHW-Zorah Magdaros Icon Zorah Magdaros
    Relict MHW-Leshen Icon Leshen MHW-Ancient Leshen Icon Ancient Leshen
    Monsters appearing in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (edit)
    Herbivore MHRise-Anteka Icon Anteka MHRS-Gowngoat Icon Gowngoat MHRise-Kelbi Icon Kelbi MHRise-Kestodon Male Icon Kestodon MHRise-Popo Icon Popo MHRise-Rhenoplos Icon Rhenoplos MHRise-Slagtoth Icon Slagtoth
    Amphibian MHRise-Zamite Icon Zamite
    MHRise-Tetranadon Icon Tetranadon
    Fish MHRise-Gajau Icon Gajau
    Fanged Beast MHRise-Bombadgy Icon Bombadgy MHRise-Bullfango Icon Bullfango
    MHRise-Arzuros Icon Arzuros MHRise-Apex Arzuros Icon Apex Arzuros MHRise-Bishaten Icon Bishaten MHRS-Blood Orange Bishaten Icon Blood Orange Bishaten MHRS-Garangolm Icon Garangolm MHRise-Goss Harag Icon Goss Harag MHRise-Lagombi Icon Lagombi MHRise-Rajang Icon Rajang MHRS-Furious Rajang Icon Furious Rajang MHRise-Volvidon Icon Volvidon
    Lynian MHRise-Felyne Icon Felyne MHRise-Melynx Icon Melynx
    Carapaceon MHRS-Ceanataur Icon Ceanataur MHRS-Hermitaur Icon Hermitaur
    MHRS-Daimyo Hermitaur Icon Daimyo Hermitaur MHRS-Shogun Ceanataur Icon Shogun Ceanataur
    Neopteron MHRise-Altaroth Icon Altaroth MHRise-Bnahabra Icon Bnahabra MHRS-Hornetaur Icon Hornetaur MHRS-Vespoid Icon Vespoid
    Temnoceran MHRS-Pyrantula Icon Pyrantula MHRise-Rachnoid Icon Rachnoid
    MHRise-Rakna-Kadaki Icon Rakna-Kadaki MHRS-Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Icon Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
    Bird Wyvern MHRise-Baggi Icon Baggi MHRS-Boggi Icon Boggi MHRise-Gargwa Icon Gargwa MHRise-Izuchi Icon Izuchi MHRise-Jaggi Icon Jaggi MHRise-Jaggia Icon Jaggia MHRS-Velociprey Icon Velociprey MHRise-Wroggi Icon Wroggi
    MHRise-Aknosom Icon Aknosom MHRise-Great Baggi Icon Great Baggi MHRise-Great Izuchi Icon Great Izuchi MHRise-Great Wroggi Icon Great Wroggi MHRise-Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon Kulu-Ya-Ku MHRise-Pukei-Pukei Icon Pukei-Pukei
    Brute Wyvern MHRise-Anjanath Icon Anjanath MHRise-Barroth Icon Barroth
    Fanged Wyvern MHRise-Jagras Icon Jagras
    MHRS-Lunagaron Icon Lunagaron MHRise-Magnamalo Icon Magnamalo MHRS-Scorned Magnamalo Icon Scorned Magnamalo MHRise-Tobi-Kadachi Icon Tobi-Kadachi MHRise-Zinogre Icon Zinogre MHRise-Apex Zinogre Icon Apex Zinogre
    Leviathan MHRise-Ludroth Icon Ludroth MHRise-Uroktor Icon Uroktor
    MHRise-Almudron Icon Almudron MHRS-Magma Almudron Icon Magma Almudron MHRise-Mizutsune Icon Mizutsune MHRS-Violet Mizutsune Icon Violet Mizutsune MHRise-Apex Mizutsune Icon Apex Mizutsune MHRise-Royal Ludroth Icon Royal Ludroth MHRise-Somnacanth Icon Somnacanth MHRS-Aurora Somnacanth Icon Aurora Somnacanth
    Piscine Wyvern MHRise-Delex Icon Delex
    MHRise-Jyuratodus Icon Jyuratodus
    Snake Wyvern MHRise-Remobra Icon Remobra
    Flying Wyvern MHRS-Astalos Icon Astalos MHRise-Barioth Icon Barioth MHRise-Basarios Icon Basarios MHRise-Bazelgeuse Icon Bazelgeuse MHRS-Seething Bazelgeuse Icon Seething Bazelgeuse MHRise-Diablos Icon Diablos MHRise-Apex Diablos Icon Apex Diablos MHRS-Espinas Icon Espinas MHRS-Flaming Espinas Icon Flaming Espinas MHRise-Khezu Icon Khezu MHRise-Nargacuga Icon Nargacuga MHRS-Lucent Nargacuga Icon Lucent Nargacuga MHRise-Rathalos Icon Rathalos MHRS-Silver Rathalos Icon Silver Rathalos MHRise-Apex Rathalos Icon Apex Rathalos MHRise-Rathian Icon Rathian MHRS-Gold Rathian Icon Gold Rathian MHRise-Apex Rathian Icon Apex Rathian MHRS-Seregios Icon Seregios MHRise-Tigrex Icon Tigrex
    Elder Dragon MHRS-Amatsu Icon Amatsu MHRise-Chameleos Icon Chameleos MHRS-Risen Chameleos Icon Risen Chameleos MHRise-Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax MHRS-Gaismagorm Icon Gaismagorm MHRise-Kushala Daora Icon Kushala Daora MHRS-Risen Kushala Daora Icon Risen Kushala Daora MHRS-Malzeno Icon Malzeno MHRS-Primordial Malzeno Icon Primordial Malzeno MHRS-Shagaru Magala Icon Shagaru Magala MHRS-Risen Shagaru Magala Icon Risen Shagaru Magala MHRise-Teostra Icon Teostra MHRS-Risen Teostra Icon Risen Teostra MHRise-Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon Thunder Serpent Narwa MHRise-Narwa the Allmother Icon Narwa the Allmother MHRS-Velkhana Icon Velkhana MHRise-Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon Wind Serpent Ibushi
    ??? MHRS-Gore Magala Icon Gore Magala MHRS-Chaotic Gore Magala Icon Chaotic Gore Magala