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A nonspecific term for a relationship which strives for balance, equality and mutual respect, and in which information, power and responsibility are shared by two or more actual or legal persons.

An NHS management word used in the context of a Trust’s achievement of Practice Plus on the journey to becoming a Model Employer. Partnership is essential, both internally (in relationships developed with staff-side colleagues) and externally (when working across organisations (trusts)), or when collaborating across strategic health authority boundaries.

Accountable health partnership, see there.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Promising practices for family involvement in schools: A volume in family school community partnership. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
The initial IHE/school district connection is crucial since it is the foundation of the future partnership. The partnership is created and sustained through a collaborative effort (Waiters & Pritchard, 1999).
Born in the 1970s, the partnership movement began with colleges interested in attracting minority and poor students, she says.
For each region, the principal investigator invited the local partnership coordinators and the regional coordinator to participate in focus group sessions.
It's fascinating to wonder if Ben and Morry might have avoided their crisis and dissolution had they approached their partnership differently.
First, for at least the last two decades, the most popular form of real estate ownership when multiple investors are involved has been that of an LLC or partnership for many reasons, including the ability to avoid double taxation and to limit one's exposure to personal liability.
One substantive area that is not typically an integral aspect of the partnership is research and program evaluation.
The partnership return for 1998 showed $242,000 of partnership profits; $121,000 appeared on Burke's schedule K-l.
Under the proposed regulations, if a service provider receives a partnership interest of profits or capital that is substantially vested and not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, or substantially nonvested with a Sec.
On Day One, the program covered such fundamental issues as the benefits and detriments of choosing the partnership form, formation issues, special partnership tax accounting rules, and important negotiating points for drafting partnership agreements.

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