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PRSPaul Reed Smith (Guitar Brand)
PRSPerforming Rights Society (UK)
PRSPartnership (IRB)
PRSPrinter (File Name Extension)
PRSPairs (shoe industry)
PRSPoverty Reduction Strategy
PRSPhilosophical Research Society (Los Angeles, CA)
PRSPartido da Renovação Social (Portuguese: Social Renovation Party; Angola)
PRSPortable Reader System (various companies)
PRSParanormal Research Society (Pennsylvania State University; State College, PA)
PRSPersonal Response System (education)
PRSPolski Rejestr Statkow (Polish Register of Shipping)
PRSPedal Release System (safety device)
PRSPour la République Sociale
PRSProgrammed Restraint System
PRSPre Release Software
PRSPersonal Response System
PRSPrinter Resource
PRSPattern Recognition System
PRSPresentation File
PRSPerformance Results System
PRSProcess Rating Scale
PRSPacket Radio Service
PRSPrint Style
PRSPremium Rate Services
PRSProactive Remote Services
PRSPerformance Rating Scale
PRSPedal Release System
PRSPassive Rear Steering
PRSPrivate Rented Sector (UK, property)
PRSParent Rating Scale
PRSPerception Research Services (online survey company; Teaneck, NJ)
PRSPremium Rate Services (Telecoms)
PRSPeer Review System (various organizations)
PRSProgress Rail Services (Caterpillar, Inc.)
PRSPolice Retirement System (various locations)
PRSPhilosophical and Religious Studies
PRSPrimary Reference Source (Telcom Solutions)
PRSPersonal Radio Service
PRSPierre Robin Sequence (birth defect)
PRSPosition Rotation Scale (animation)
PRSPublic Regulated Service (Galileo)
PRSPeer Recovery Specialist (various locations)
PRSProtective and Regulatory Services (Texas)
PRSPresident of the Royal Society
PRSParcel Return Service (USPS)
PRSPseudo-Random Sequence
PRSPassenger Reservation System (Indian Railways)
PRSPublic Radio System (various locations)
PRSPersonal Retail Sales
PRSPostgraduate Research Student (various schools)
PRSPattern-Recognition System
PRSProduction Rule System (algorithm)
PRSPlumas Rural Services (Quincy, CA)
PRSParry-Romberg Syndrome
PRSProblem Reports and Solutions (Microsoft)
PRSPakistani Rupee (national currency)
PRSParti Radical Socialiste (French: Radical Socialist Party)
PRSPre-Retirement Seminar (various organizations)
PRSPacific Rim Symposium
PRSPrint Release Station
PRSPlant Root Simulator
PRSProblem Reaction Solution
PRSPartido para a Renovaçao Social (Portuguese: Social Renovation Party, Guinea-Bissau)
PRSPerformance-Related Specification
PRSProduct Recovery System
PRSPanoz Racing School
PRSPressure Reduction Station
PRSPower Rangers Samurai (TV show)
PRSPotential Release Site
PRSPerspectives in Religious Studies (journal; National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion)
PRSPhase-Resolved Spectroscopy
PRSPremier Reference Series (Pioneer/Premier technology)
PRSPaul Revere Society
PRSProvider Referral Services (various organizations)
PRSPiedmont Research Station (North Carolina)
PRSProduct Requirement Specification
PRSPrudential Referral Services (insurance)
PRSPartido de La Revolución Salvadoreña (El Salvador)
PRSPartial-Response Signaling
PRSPower Radio Service
PRSPacket Routing Switch (IBM)
PRSProblem Resolution System
PRSProduct Repair Service
PRSPrimary Receiving Site (US FEMA)
PRSProximate Rebound Synthesis
PRSPrieto X-Linked Mental Retardation Syndrome
PRSPacket Ring Switch (Alcatel)
PRSPallet Repair Systems, Inc
PRSPartially Reflecting Surface
PRSPhase Reference Symbol
PRSPenske Racing South
PRSProteomic Research Services, Inc (Ann Arbor, MI)
PRSProsthetics Research Specialists
PRSProvide Repair Service
PRSPortable Radar Simulator
PRSPennsylvania Radiological Society
PRSPortora Royal School (Northern Ireland, UK)
PRSPrimary Replication Server
PRSProfessional Rehabilitative Services
PRSPorts Refurbishment System
PRSPropulsion Requirements System
PRSPricing Reference Server
PRSPull Rope Switch
PRSPiracy Risk Surcharge (shipping industry)
PRSProvider Reporting System (Australia)
PRSPesticides Registration Section (United Kingdom)
PRSPayload Retention System
PRSProperty Repayment System
PRSParakeet Response Syndrome
PRSProduction Representative System (government contracting)
PRSPhilippines Regional Section (US Army)
PRSPassive Refrigeration System (transport of perishable agricultural products)
PRSPlatform Requirements Specification (iSMART)
PRSProtocol Review Subcommittees
PRSPoseidon Radar Simulator
PRSPerformance Review Standards
PRSPuerto Rican Syndrome (psychiatric condition)
PRSProject Requirement Sheet
PRSPerformance Requirements Summary/Survey
PRSPassive Radar Surveillance
PRSProvisioning Requirements Schedule/Statement
PRSProduction Readiness Strategy
PRSParallel-Resonance Screen
PRSPressure Refueling Systems
PRSPlanning Reference Station (ITU-T)
PRSPrimary Resistance Starting
PRSProject Requirement Specification
PRSPilot Rating Summary
PRSProgress Review and Status Report
PRSProduct Release Schedule
PRSProgram Reservation System
PRSPen to Rib Space (Designjet printers)
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References in classic literature ?
It is true that the peasants of the same company, though they had agreed to work the land on new conditions, always spoke of the land, not as held in partnership, but as rented for half the crop, and more than once the peasants and Ryezunov himself said to Levin, "If you would take a rent for the land, it would save you trouble, and we should be more free." Moreover the same peasants kept putting off, on various excuses, the building of a cattleyard and barn on the land as agreed upon, and delayed doing it till the winter.
When his apprenticeship had expired, he received a salary according to his deserts, varying from eighty to one hundred and sixty pounds sterling, and was now eligible to the great object of his ambition, a partnership in the company; though years might yet elapse before he attained to that enviable station.
With whichsoever of the many tongues of Rumour this frothy report originated, it either never reached or never influenced the ears of young Snagsby, who, having wooed and won its fair subject on his arrival at man's estate, entered into two partnerships at once.
Either I should cancel our partnership agreement and go away, leaving you to get another chaperone to chaperone your chaperone; or else I'd take the old hen out in the whale-boat and drown her.
"If we enter into partnership," he announced, "it must be thoroughly understood that you are not allowed to run the schooner.
And in the one breath he was glad that the partnership had been effected and sorry that Joan Lackland had ever come to the Solomons.
"I'm offering you a partnership," said Doctor South grumpily.
It was evidently very unusual for someone to offer a partnership to a newly qualified man; and he realised with wonder that, although nothing would induce him to say so, Doctor South had taken a fancy to him.
And the worst of it was that her merry eye was in partnership with a merry tongue.
Purchases bought by bulk in partnership had to be equitably divided, outstanding debts canceled, accounts compared, and trunks, boxes and packages labeled.
Snodgrass, he did nothing but whisper poetical sentiments into his partner's ear, which made one old gentleman facetiously sly, about partnerships at cards and partnerships for life, and caused the aforesaid old gentleman to make some remarks thereupon, accompanied with divers winks and chuckles, which made the company very merry and the old gentleman's wife especially so.
Schools that embrace families and community members as valued partners have comprehensive programs of partnerships that move beyond traditional partnership roles for parents, such as involvement in the parent-teacher association, to engage family and community members in working as a team at multiple levels in the school (Christenson & Sheridan).
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