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Related to omissive: emissive


Pharmacy Drug error in which the requisite dose is erroneously missed.
See also: improper dose quantity
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Pharmacy drug error in which requisite dose is wrongly missed.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
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PCA InEnPCA Constant deviation error [T.sup.2] SPE [T.sup.2] SPE Misdiagnosis 8 7 7 8 Rate of misdiagnosis 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.010 Omissive judgement 54 0 66 0 Rate of omissive judgment 0.270 0 0.330 0 GAPPCA Constant deviation error [T.sup.2] SPE Misdiagnosis 16 8 Rate of misdiagnosis 0.020 0.010 Omissive judgement 8 0 Rate of omissive judgment 0.040 0 TABLE 2: Detection result.
The actus reus of the offense, as defined in [section] 262 of the Penal Law, is composed of a circumstance--"a person designs to commit a felony"--and omissive conduct--"fails to use all reasonable means to prevent the commission." The fact that a person plans to commit a felony is a circumstance external to the omitter, which gives rise, on the objective level, to the duty to act, that is, to the duty to use all reasonable means to prevent the crime.
As we have said, in zero derivation (or omissive morphology) it is the stem of the lexeme's stem that is preserved, that is, no change has taken place at the phonological level.
There might be many cases, then, in which the omissive failures to care cause death.
Some of her recollections and facts may be distorted or even false-biographers disagree about how truthful she is-and, whether by chance or design, she grows vague or omissive from time to time.