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errors and omissions excepted

Used as a legal disclaimer for situations in which the information presented at a particular moment in time may be inaccurate or unreliable at another point in time. Primarily heard in UK. This website is for informative purposes only. It should not be used in lieu of proper legal advice. Errors and omissions excepted. For more information about our product, please visit our website. Note that certain details may change without notice. Errors and omissions excepted. Our lawyer says we have to add "errors and omissions excepted" to the site just to be safe.
See also: and, error, except, omission

sin of omission

1. In Christianity, especially Catholicism, a failure to act in a righteous and virtuous manner or to follow the instructions of the Bible. He claims to live a pious life, yet he refuses to give any of his wealth to those less fortunate. He is blind to his own sin of omission.
2. Any failure to do what is required or correct. The legacy of this governor's administration will forever be a sin of omission, failing to stop this crisis when it had the opportunity and resources to do so.
See also: of, omission, sin
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