buffalo hump

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buffalo hump

a painless accumulation of fat on the upper back, seen in cushing's syndrome.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

buf·fa·lo type

term used to describe the distribution of a fat deposit seen posteriorly over the upper thoracic spine; seen in hyperadrenocorticalism (Cushing syndrome).
Synonym(s): buffalo hump
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
A popular term for a mass of fat at the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, characteristically seen in Cushing’s disease/syndrome
A similar mass may also accumulate in the thoracolumbar regions of black South Africans with achondroplasia—possibly related to their practice of carrying infants on their backs—or in mucopolysaccharidoses and chronic osteomyelitis induced by coccidioidomycosis and M tuberculosis
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

buffalo hump

Gibbus A popular term for a mass of adipose tissue present at the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, characteristically seen in Cushing's disease/syndrome; a gibbus may also accumulate in the thoracolumbar regions of black South Africans with achondroplasia–possibly related to their practice of carrying infants on their backs, mucopolysaccharidoses, chronic osteomyelitis induced by coccidioidomycosis and.M tuberculosis
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

buf·fa·lo neck

(bŭf'ă-lō nek)
Combination of moderate kyphosis with a thick heavy fat pad on the neck, seen especially in people with Cushing disease or syndrome.
Synonym(s): buffalo hump.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Here encamping for the night, in the midst of abundance of sage, or wormwood, which afforded fodder for their horses, they kindled a huge fire for the benefit of their damp comrade, and then proceeded to prepare a sumptuous supper of buffalo humps and ribs, and other choice bits, which they had brought with them.
Symptoms of Cushing's syndrome include progressive weight gain and fatty tissue deposits, particularly around the midsection and upper back, in the face (moon face), and between the shoulders (buffalo hump); pink or purple stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms; thinning, fragile skin that bruises easily; slow healing of cuts, insect bites, and infections; and acne.
Symptoms include excessive weight gain around the abdomen and face, added fat on the back of the neck - known as a 'buffalo hump' - an irregular menstruation cycle, muscle weakness, easily bruised skin, thin arms and legs, and excessive hair growth on the face, neck, chest, abdomen and thighs.
Physical examination showed moon face, buffalo hump, central obesity, striae over the abdomen, and hirsutism over the upper limbs.
On physical examination, he had a moon face appearance with truncal obesity, buffalo hump, hirsutism, and purple striae in the axilla, periumbilical, and inguinal region (Figure 1).
Scott's had Sculptra in his face to remove signs of wasting after a 10% loss of body weight, and he's had surgery to remove fat from his back (the dreaded "buffalo hump" some anti-HIV medications cause).
Physical findings revealed central obesity, thinning of the skin, buffalo hump and high blood pressure.
Typical cushinoid features such as moon face, centripetal obesity, buffalo hump, and violaceous striae were strikingly absent.
More widely recognized yet actually less discriminatory clinical features include facial fullness and the "buffalo hump," supraclavicular fullness, central obesity, hirsutism, reduced libido, edema, and thin or poorly healing skin.
They were led by Buffalo Hump, who worked hard to accommodate the white Texans.
We know that HIV-related lipodystrophy (first described in '97 and '98) is expressed by peripheral atrophy of the face, limbs and buttocks, simultaneous with central fat accumulation (visceral), as well as in the breasts, neck and dorsocervical area (the so-called "buffalo hump").

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