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The direction of some of the channels of sensory input to a restricted area of the environment. Since the number of possible sources of information in the environment is so great, attention, which selectively directs and concentrates awareness and controls input, is of the first importance. Attention is seldom continuous for long and is determined mainly by the degree of interest in the source of the information. Attention is closely related to effectiveness in memory storage. It is no accident that people with a wide range of strong interests tend to have well-stocked minds. Motivation, as towards learning or achieving qualification, is a less powerful stimulus to attention than interest. Fortunately, interest grows with knowledge. Attention can be objectively demonstrated by such methods as electro-encephalography or PET scanning, which show special activity in the parts of the brain most employed at the time.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005

Patient discussion about attention

Q. what shall I do, he pays no attention if I try to get his attention to medicine by any other way? hi everyone….My 8 year old son with ADHD is improving well with his treatment, but it becomes very difficult for me to give him the medicine as he does not takes them and runs away with its bad taste…what shall I do, he pays no attention if I try to get his attention to medicine by any other way?

A. Hey Jennifer, there are some ways.…you can talk to your doctor for change of medicine with good flavor. You can try to give medicine with honey or sugar. Engage him in a television program of his choice and then try to feed him the medicine. You can lure him in exchange for something he loves. The best way is to explain him why he must have them & what benefit he will have and compare them with some lozenges and its bad effects like tooth decay by showing photos of decaying teeth. If it is a tablet, try to give him in liquid from by mixing the tablet in water. Good Luck!

Q. My 5 year old son is diagnosed with ADHD and he is more hyperactive than attention seeking. My 5 year old son is diagnosed with ADHD and he is more hyperactive than attention seeking. We are planning for alternative treatment now and then we would try for medicine. I've heard about increasing on Omega-3 -fish oil, but is there anything else out there that is safe enough to try?

A. Many are there, which I have tried for my son from 4 years. First and the foremost is the diet which I think you know. Behavioral and Cognitive therapies can be tried as it’s very effective. You can try a chiropractor and as well calming techniques. Try them……they are helpful.

Q. I wish to know the alarming signs in pregnancy that require immediate attention. I am pregnant and in my 2 week. As a precautionary measure, I wish to know the alarming signs in pregnancy that require immediate attention.

A. here are some major ones- Vaginal Bleeding, Cramping (in the second and third trimester, in the first it's normal to have slight cramps), Severe Headaches (long lasting headaches are one of the early signs of preeclampsia), Blurred Vision (another sign of preeclampsia),cannot feel the baby move after about week 16 to 20 pregnancy.

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References in classic literature ?
Madame de Villefort instantly stepped back close to the wall, and there, shaded by the bed-curtains, she silently and attentively watched the slightest movement of Valentine.
She took it, and looked attentively on the count; there was an expression on the face of her intrepid protector which commanded her veneration.
The Major started, and looked at me very attentively. His manner became grave, his tone changed completely, when he spoke next.
The Major stopped and listened attentively. In a few moments the door was opened, and the rustling of a woman's dress was plainly audible in the hall.
Attentively regarding me, in a tone of soothing softness, she observed, - 'You think yourself insulted, Mr Markham - I wish I could make you understand that - that I - '
When he found her listening attentively to him, he implored the Princess to allow him to resume his natural shape.
The worthy carrier, whose unholy thoughts kept him awake, was aware of his doxy the moment she entered the door, and was listening attentively to all Don Quixote said; and jealous that the Asturian should have broken her word with him for another, drew nearer to Don Quixote's bed and stood still to see what would come of this talk which he could not understand; but when he perceived the wench struggling to get free and Don Quixote striving to hold her, not relishing the joke he raised his arm and delivered such a terrible cuff on the lank jaws of the amorous knight that be bathed all his mouth in blood, and not content with this he mounted on his ribs and with his feet tramped all over them at a pace rather smarter than a trot.
Vronsky listened attentively to Levin, as he always did listen, obviously interested in his words.
Clerval at first attributed my unusual spirits to joy on his arrival, but when he observed me more attentively, he saw a wildness in my eyes for which he could not account, and my loud, unrestrained, heartless laughter frightened and astonished him.
Taking a few turns on the quarter-deck, he paused to gaze over the side, then slowly getting into the main-chains he took Stubb's long spade --still remaining there after the whale's decapitation --and striking it into the lower part of the half-suspended mass, placed its other end crutch-wise under one arm, and so stood leaning over with eyes attentively fixed on this head.
Listening attentively, I recognized the words of the Resolution of the Council, enjoining the arrest, imprisonment, or execution of any one who should pervert the minds of the people by delusions, and by professing to have received revelations from another World.
Boris looked attentively and kindly at her eager face, but did not reply.