
(redirected from anulus of nuclear pore)


 [an´u-lus] (pl. a´nuli) (L.)
a small ring or encircling structure; also spelled annulus.
anulus fibro´sus
1. fibrous ring of heart; any of four dense fibrous rings, one of which surrounds each of the major cardiac orifices.
2. fibrous ring of intervertebral disk; the circumferential ringlike portion of an intervertebral disk.
anulus of spermatozoon a dark ringlike structure at the posterior end of the middle piece of a spermatozoon. Called also ring centriole.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(ring), [TA]
1. A circular band surrounding a wide central opening; an anular or circular structure surrounding an opening or level area. Synonym(s): anulus [TA]
2. The closed (that is, endless) chain of atoms in a cyclic compound; commonly used for "cyclic" or "cycle."
3. A marginal growth on the upper surface of a broth culture of bacteria, adhering to the sides of the test tube in the form of a circle.
Synonym(s): anulus
[A.S. hring]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(ring) [TA]
1. Anular or circular structure surrounding an opening or level area.
Synonym(s): anulus [TA] .
2. anatomy Anulus.
3. The closed chain of atoms in a cyclic compound; commonly used for "cyclic" or "cycle."
4. A marginal growth on the upper surface of a broth culture of bacteria, adhering to the sides of the test tube in the form of a circle.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012