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Related to Anunnaki: Nephilim


lesser Sumerian underworld deities. [Sumerian Myth.: Benét, 41]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Because the Anunnaki had an extremely long life by Earth standards, they were thought to be immortal.
Another important part of the story was this: the Anunnakis (called the sons of God in the Bible) found the Earth women beautiful and took whoever they chose as their wives.
Critique: A seminal study and deftly constructed study that will prove to be of exceptional and enduring interest to dedicated Metaphysical Studies students in general, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in Zecharia Sitchin's work on the legacy of the Anunnaki in particular.
Thus, Icke imagines that the Anunnaki interbred with another alien race to produce earthling slave masters.
(6) This theory is an example of how Icke combines various narrative strains under one signification, theorizing that the Anunnaki come from the Draco star system, with connotations, therefore, of dragon, draconian law, and Count Dracula.
Icke's worldview, the reptilian Anunnaki are shape-shifters who have taken on human form and occupy the top positions of power in politics, business, finance and religion worldwide.
But on the day Johnny is set to graduate and finally put his training into action, the Anunnaki attack his home, New Bagram, forcing a full-scale evacuation.
Anunnaki, according to Sitchin, literally means "those who from heaven came to Earth." Christianity refers to them as Anakim and also Nefilim, which in Hebrew means the same thing: "Those who have come down, from the Heavens to Earth." That was what probably gave rise to the idea that they are "fallen" angels.
In The Beginning: The Epic Of The Anunnaki follows the journey of an Iraq war veteran named Robert Cade, as he returns to the desert alongside renowned ancient astronaut theorist, Zecharia Sitchin.
The absence of SU = qat or KI.GUB = manzaz before Anunnaki, malku, kubu, and etemmu is curious.
(24) See Enuma Elish 6.47, where the Anunnaki are said to have "raised its head (ullu resisu) toward Apsu" (S.