Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision

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Young-Helm·holtz the·o·ry of col·or vis·ion

(yŭng helm'hōlts),
a theory that there are three color-perceiving elements in the retina: red, green, and blue. Perception of other colors arises from the combined stimulation of these elements; deficiency or absence of any one of these elements results in inability to perceive that color and a misperception of any other color of which it forms a part.
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Young-Helm·holtz the·o·ry of col·or vi·sion

(yŭng helm'hōlts thē'ŏr-ē kŏl'ŏr vizh'ŭn )
A theory that there are three color-perceiving elements in the retina: red, green, and blue. Perception of other colors arises from the combined stimulation of these elements; deficiency or absence of any one of these elements results in inability to perceive that color and a misperception of any other color of which it forms a part.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Hermann L.F. von, German physician, physicist, and physiologist, 1821-1894.
Gibbs-Helmholtz equation - see under Gibbs
Helmholtz axis ligament - a ligament forming the axis about which the malleus rotates. Synonym(s): axis ligament of malleus
Helmholtz coil
Helmholtz energy - energy equivalent to the internal energy minus the entropy contribution.
Helmholtz keratometer
Helmholtz ophthalmoscope
Helmholtz theory of accommodation - the ciliary muscle relaxes for near vision and allows the anterior aspect of the lens to become more convex.
Helmholtz theory of color vision - Synonym(s): Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision
Helmholtz theory of hearing - that the basilar membrane of the cochlea acts as a resonating structure, recording low tones from its apical turns and high tones from its basal turns. Synonym(s): resonance theory of hearing
Helmholtz-Gibbs theory - Synonym(s): Gibbs-Helmholtz equation
Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision - see under Young, Thomas


Thomas, English physician and physicist, 1773-1829.
Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision - a theory that there are three color-perceiving elements in the retina: red, green, and blue. Synonym(s): Helmholtz theory of color vision
Young modulus - a type of modulus of elasticity.
Young rule - an obsolete rule to determine a child's medication dose.
Medical Eponyms © Farlex 2012