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International Sensitivity Index, see there.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Abbreviation for international sensitivity index.
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Maj Gen Faiz Hamid said ISI has rendered unprecedented sacrifices for the country.
Despite the turf wars and violence between ISIS and JN, not all those who have pledged their allegiance to JN or ISIS are necessarily hostile to members of the other faction.
Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo Ano said that as early as June 2016, there were already several groups that have pledged allegiance to ISIS.
One more important factor that has helped ISIS gain ground, according to the writer, is the Salafi Mullahs.
Even though the estimates seem curiously anomalous, they do follow a more general trend of hyping up the terror threat of ISIS, which is often done to justify continued or even expanded military interventions in conflict zones.
Washington is also urging reluctant partners such as Britain and France to take custody of their citizens who joined the ISIS group and were captured in Iraq or Syria and bring them up for prosecution.
The Afghan Taliban also succeeded in dislodging ISIS from Farah Province over the same period.
ISIS traces its roots to one of the radical groups that emerged in Iraq during the violent years that followed the 2003 American invasion.
Both sides are attempting to push ISIS out of the country.
Ramsay said: "I asked one of the defectors if Islamic State (ISIS) was co-ordinating movement of its fighters and leaving areas they previously controlled, in direct co-operation with the Syrian army and even the Russian air force.
The surprising success of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in seizing control of large parts of northern and western Iraq in 2014 has generated many questions for policy makers and the public.
DETERMINED President PRESIDENT Barack Obama has said the US is targeting the leaders of ISIS and taking them out "one by one"."