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Occurrence of linearly arranged, largely identical, repeated sequences of DNA.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Medtalk The duplication of time-sensitive or failure-prone equipment–eg, computer server, surgical supplies, etc–allowing the system or surgeon to switch to a backup device with minimal compromise in Pt management or critical systematic functions or activities. See Laparoscopic surgery.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Recently, one of Five Nines' healthcare clients switched over to Replay, right before the physical hardware crashed.
BEA will integrate its Tuxedo transaction processing monitor into the five nines infrastructure through HP's Event Monitor, and is jointly developing a Tuxedo Smart plug-in for HP's OpenView.
Five nines today define the highest level of computer availability and are attainable on a z/OS mainframe system.
Fujitsu will also add value, by offering its latest "five nines" high-availability products, such as PRIMECLUSTER, to ensure the highest levels of service for broadband and mission-critical computing.
Motorola cited Sun's 'five nines' high-availability services as a key reason for choosing to use its products.