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This word occurs frequently in the Constitution of the United States, and it is used there in different meanings: (1) to settle firmly, to fix unalterably; as in to establish justice, which is the avowed object of the Constitution; (2) to make or form; as in to establish uniform laws governing naturalization or Bankruptcy; (3) to found, to create, to regulate; as in "Congress shall have power to establish post offices"; (4) to found, recognize, confirm, or admit; as in "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"; and (5) to create, to ratify, or confirm, as in "We, the people … do ordain and establish this Constitution."

To settle, make, or fix firmly; place on a permanent footing; found; create; put beyond doubt or dispute; prove; convince. To enact permanently. To bring about or into existence.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

ESTABLISH. This word occurs frequently in the Constitution of the United States, and it is there used in different meanings. 1. To settle firmly, to fix unalterably; as, to establish justice, which is the avowed object of the constitution. 2. To make or form as, to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, which evidently does not mean that these laws shall be unalterably established as justice. 3. To found, to create, to regulate; as, congress shall have power to establish post roads and post offices. 4. To found, recognize, confirm or admit; as, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. 5. To create, to ratify, or confirm; as, we, the people, &c., do ordain and establish this constitution, 1 Story, Const. Sec. 454.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
(11) IV.7.1 ayam iha prathamo dhayi dhatrbhir / hota yajistho adhvaresv idyah // yam apnavano bhrgavo virurucur / vanesu citram vibhvam vise-vise "This one has been set here as the first one by the establishers (of the worship), the most worshipful Hotar, the one to be called in the ceremonies; whom Apnavana (and) the Bhrgu's lit up, gleaming in the forests, marvelous/a marvel to/for every clan." (Cf.
Benny Liow is a successful businessman and one of the establishers of BGF who has been follower of Ven.
Looking in the other direction, and certainly more spectacularly, Ehret (1998:275) has just suggested that the Himyarites (Nabateans?) were the governors and establishers of the fabled entrepot of Rhapta which appears in the Periplus -- a profoundly wider trade scope than usually attributed to the Nabateans and/or their allies and partners.
It's clear we can do no better than to suppose that this sequence will look like a sequence fitting a probabilistic law, i.e., we can do no better than to let PP guide our credences.(10) This justification of the use of PP clearly breaks down if we look at sequences of K-events large enough to be establishers or underminers of the chance laws; in that context, all we can know is that the sequence has to be one compatible with the law, period.
He said he was part of the Manama Declaration in 2011 and one of the establishers of the non-violence declaration, claiming that he cannot incite violence.
Mohammad Abdullatif Talat, chief of the Arab Publishers Association, said that publishing is not an industry like other industries but rather is one of the establishers of social and cultural infrastructure.
Her singles In For The Kill and Bulletproof are great establishers, nailing that '80s synth pop sound with more hooks than an army cloakroom.
"One of the establishers funded the illicit group, while a member of the group purchased gas cylinders which were used in the attack.