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Related to establisher: Establishing shot

establish (oneself, someone, or something) as (something)

To confirm oneself, someone, or something's role or reputation as being a certain thing or having a certain status. That merger established the company as the biggest on the East Coast. I think you need to establish yourself as a tough teacher early on so that the kids actually listen to you. If she can plan this major event successfully, she'll definitely establish herself as a bright star in the company.
See also: establish

establish (someone or something) in (something)

To install someone or something in a particular place or role. I'm pretty sure his parents' wealth is what established him in a managerial role right out of college. Saturday's ceremony will establish the prince in his new station as "king." A memorable ad will establish your product in the collective consciousness and drive up sales.
See also: establish
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

establish someone or something as someone or something

to validate or confirm someone or something as someone or something. As soon as we establish her as a viable candidate, we will launch the publicity campaign. She established herself as an authority on rare books.
See also: establish

establish someone or something in something

to set someone or something up in something or some place; to install someone or something in something or some place. We established a restaurant in the middle of downtown. My uncle established me in the candy business.
See also: establish
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
at 509 ("que sicome le Roy per son prerogative poet faire moneys de quel matter & forme luy plerra, & establisher le standard de ceo, issint poet il changer son money en substance & impression, & enhaunser ou abaser le value de ceo, ou tout ousterment decrier & adnuller ceo").
This is to fly in the face of the belief, almost universally held by Athenians of the historical period, that their city had been given its definitive political shape very early, perhaps by one of their kings of the heroic period to whom they gave the name "Theseus," or "Establisher."
As he crosses the boundary and "penetrates" the other space, the mythical subject is constructed as human being and as male; he is the active principle of culture, the establisher of distinction, the creator of differences.
Written by Lea Goldberg (1911-1970), establisher of the Hebrew University's Department of Comparative Literature and recipient of the Israel Prize, Selected Poetry and Drama presents Rachel Tzvia Back's fresh translation of a broad cross-section of Goldberg's poetry, as well as T.
Since you need a local representative director anyway (if you have a JSKK with one director, then that person is automatically regarded as the representative director), you can simply elect to have this person be the "promoter," the establisher of the company, with one single share.
The psalmist presents YHWH not as deliverer of Israel, establisher of Zion, or the God who covenants with David but as God for all peoples who gaze up upon the heavens and see awesome wonders.
The evocative words of Bharatiya Pooja blend Oriental and Occidental spirituality: "O Lord of all, Source and Establisher and Preserved of eternal dharma, we pray that peace and tranquility may descend on the whole world and on us who offer your eternal sacrifice.
Make yourself known as an establisher of trends rather than trying to catch up after your competition has set the trend.
As Spivak states, "Imperialism's image as the establisher of the good society is marked by the espousal of the woman as object of protection from her own kind" (299).
Here Elizabeth came to be seen--both in poetry and film--as the establisher of the New World, and the great collectors such as Henry Clay Folger, Harry Elkins Widener (at Harvard), and Alexander Smith Cochran (at Yale) attempted to bring the culture of Elizabethan England to the new continent.
His efforts serve as a way of praising God "who is the source of wisdom, the creator, establisher, and ruler of nature."(30)
From Uzbekistan came Ahmed bin Tulun, the establisher of the Tulunid dynasty.
Aside from SEO, the company offers brand marketing services like Brand Establisher and Brand Booster to build brands for its clients that target markets can identify with.