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Related to circuit: parallel circuit, series circuit


A territorial or geographical division of a country or state.

A circuit is the judicial territory over which a court has the jurisdiction to hear cases.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a periodical journey made to an area by judges. The regularity of the practice led to the administrative divisions of the English court service being described as circuits. The Scottish High Court of Justiciary still sits on circuit around Scotland.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
References in periodicals archive ?
Her legal team, led by ex-Whitewater prosecutor and Religious Right stalwart Kenneth Starr, filed a brief at the high court asking the justices to take the case and overturn the 9th Circuit.
Once a circuit is working almost as he wants, instead of the engineers' refining the design again and again, Weiss permits the DNA to mutate and lets a lab-made version of natural selection do the hard work.
For example, the Fifth District Court of Appeal held that a "circuit court sitting in its appellate capacity was required to consider all decisions of the circuit court in the Ninth Circuit when searching for precedents upon which to base its decision, and, in the absence of a rule of procedure to resolve conflicts among the decisions, to make its independent decision." (8) State v.
As a practical example of the circuit thickness dependencies, if a circuit is 6.6 mils thick, and the insertion loss needs to be improved, then changing the conductor characteristics to have less conductor loss is most important.
* 17th Circuit, Seat 4, Hilary Creary of Plantation and Jon Polenberg of Ft.
"Email us a Bill of Materials and Asian Circuits will provide you the parts, time and PCBs at a price equal to the cost of our Full Turn-Key Service,” said Asian Circuits' General Manager, Qin Mei Kuan.
MARK FINSTAD is a senior application engineer at Flexible Circuit Technologies (;
Evaluation hardware - allows designers to stress the circuit and see how it performs.
Therefore, higher level circuit breaker is also a circuit breaker with a higher rated current and lower level circuit breaker is a circuit breaker with a lower rated current.
26.2601-1(b)(1)(i) was meant to follow the Second Circuit's opinion in Peterson and reject the Eighth Circuit's opinion in Simpson.